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Volume 167, Nº 2 (2019)


Age-Dependent Effects of NO on Rhythmic Activity of Postganglionic Sympathetic Fibers

Moiseev K., Verbovetskaya A., Maslyukov A., Maslyukov P.


We studied the effects of exogenous NO donor (sodium nitroprusside) and NO synthesis blocker (100 μM L-NAME) on baseline electrical activity of postganglionic fibers in the sympathetic superior cervical in rats during postnatal ontogeny. Starting the age of 20 days, sodium nitroprusside increased the mean discharge amplitude and the spectrum power in the respiratory (0.7-1.5 Hz) and cardiac (4-7 Hz) frequency bands. In contrast, application of L-NAME for 1 h decreased the spectrum power in these bands. Both agents produced no significant effect on the rhythmic sympathetic discharges at frequencies >8 Hz.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):191-193
pages 191-193 views


Contractile Activity of Lymph Nodes in Young, Middle-Aged, and Old Rats

Demchenko G., Abdreshov S., Nurmakhanova B.


We studied age-associated changes in contractile activity of isolated cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes in rats. In young and middle-aged rats, no significant changes in contractile activity of lymph nodes were revealed. In old rats, the amplitude of spontaneous contractions of lymph nodes was lower and their rate was higher than in young and middle-aged animals; the sensitivity of lymph nodes to vasoactive agents was reduced and the threshold of the response was higher in old rats.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):194-197
pages 194-197 views

Peculiarities of Intracellular Signal Transduction in the Regulation of Functions of Mesenchymal, Neural, and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells

Zyuz’kov G., Zhdanov V., Udut E., Miroshnichenko L., Polyakova T., Stavrova L., Chaikovskii A., Simanina E., Minakova M., Udut V.


The role of NF-κB, cAMP/PKA, JAKs/STAT3, ERK1/2, p38, JNK, and p53 signaling pathways in the realization of growth potential of mesenchymal, neural, erythroid, and granulomonocytic progenitor cells were examined in vitro. Using selective blockers of signaling molecules, we revealed some principal distinctions of their involvement in determination of proliferation-differentiation status of the progenitor cells of different functional classes. The most salient peculiarities were observed in the roles of cAMP/PKA, JNK, and JAKs/STAT3 signaling pathways in the control of functions of various types of the regeneration-competent elements. The specific features of intracellular signaling revealed in histogenetically and functionally different progenitor cells attest to visibility of differentiated pharmacological stimulation of regeneration in individual tissues and prospectiveness in the development of targeted remedies for regenerative medicine based on modifiers of activity of the intracellular signaling molecules.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):201-206
pages 201-206 views

The Level of Neuregulin-1 after Traumatic Brain Injury and Formation of Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

Gazaryan L., Selyanina N., Karakulova Y., Sosnin D.


We evaluated the serum level of neuregulin-1 in humans with traumatic brain injury. The highest levels of neuregulin-1 were revealed in patients with developing post-traumatic epilepsy and the lowest concentrations of this peptide were found in healthy controls. The patients with traumatic brain injury not aggravated by the development of post-traumatic epilepsy had intermediate levels of neuregulin-1.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):207-209
pages 207-209 views

Effect of Linagliptin on the Ratio of Apoptosis Regulators in the Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in db/db Mice

Michurina S., Cherepanova M., Ishchenko I., Arkhipov S., Klimontov V., Zav’yalov E.


We studied the effects of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitor linagliptin on the expression of apoptosis regulator proteins Bcl-2 and Bad in the liver of db/db mice with genetically determined obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The mice received daily linagliptin or saline (placebo) by gavage from week 10 to week 18 of life. In the liver of non-treated mice, the area positively stained for Bad was greater than the area of Bcl-2 expression, which created the conditions for apoptosis activation in liver at this age. Administration of linagliptin decreased Bad stained area and increased Bcl-2 stained area in the liver cells. At the same time, Bad stained area remained larger in treated mice than the area of Bcl-2 expression area, which attested to partial normalization of pro- and antiapoptotic protein balance.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):210-214
pages 210-214 views

Relationship between Cooling Medium and Hepatocyte Ploidometric Parameters in Albino Rats

Bobrov I., Lepilov A., Dolgatov A., Kryuchkova N., Bakarev M., Molodykh O.


Relationship between the method of hypothermic exposure and ploidometric characteristics of hepatocyte nuclei of rats were studied immediately after hypothermic exposure and during the posthypothermic period. The following cooling modes were used: single submersion into 5°C water (until rectal temperature drop to 20-25°C; deep hypothermia) and single exposure at air temperature of -25°C (until rectal temperature drop to 30°C; moderate hypothermia). A manifest destructive effect of deep hypothermia on rat liver was detected: the exposure caused manifest alteration of hepatocytes (alteration index increased 81-fold immediately after the exposure and remained 16-fold higher than normally after 14 days) and an increase of DNA accumulation index with predominance of hepatocytes with 5c-8c nuclei (60% of the population) during the entire period of observation, which indicated intensification of the compensatory and adaptive processes in the liver with predominating high-ploid population of hepatocytes. Hepatocyte alteration processes in response to moderate hypothermia were less intense (hepatocyte alteration index increased 19-fold immediately after the exposure and remained 3-fold higher than normally after 14 days). The DNA accumulation index increased moderately immediately after the exposure and returned to normal after 14 days, with emergence of 2c hepatocytes and an increase in the level of 4c hepatocytes (51% of the population), which indicated realization of a different strategy of liver regeneration — recovery of the cell population intrinsic to intact animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):215-219
pages 215-219 views

Changes in Activities of Somatovisceral Systems in Newborn Rats under Conditions of Nicotinic Cholinoreceptor Blockage and Activation of Cholinoreactive Structures

Sizonov V., Dmitrieva L.


Relationship between the residual effects of disorders in the cholinergic system and the activities of the cardiac, respiratory, and somatomotor systems of 1- and 16-day-old rats were studied. Experiments were carried out on intact conscious rats before and after drug injection (nicotinic cholinoreceptor blocker benzohexonium). In order to increase the level of cholinoreactive structure activation, acetylcholinesterase inhibition by eserine was carried out. Injection of benzohexonium caused rarefaction of HR, respiration rate, and a decrease of motor activity parameters in rats of both age groups. Injection of eserine after cholinolytic premedication led to further rarefaction of the respiration rate and HR. The reaction of the somatosensory system to changed level of cholinoreactive structure activation was age-specific. Motor activity increased in 1-day-old rats and was depressed significantly in 16-day-old ones.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):220-225
pages 220-225 views

State of Colon Microbiota in Rats during Chronic Restraint Stress and Selank Treatment

Mukhina A., Medvedeva O., Svishcheva M., Shevchenko A., Efremova N., Bobyntsev I., Kalutskii P., Andreeva L., Myasoedov N.


We studied the effects of Selank on intestinal microbiota in Wistar male rats subjected to chronic restraint stress. Selank was injected intraperitoneally in doses of 80, 250 and 750 μg/kg 15 min before stress exposure. Chronic restraint stress led to a decrease in the content of obligate microflora, while the content of opportunistic microorganisms increased. Selank restored intestinal microbiota presumably via central (neurotropic) and peripheral (immunotropic) mechanisms.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):226-228
pages 226-228 views

Role of MAPK ERK1/2 and p38 in the Realization of Growth Potential of Various Types of Regeneration-Competent Cells in Mouse Neural Tissue during Ethanol-Induced Neurodegeneration In Vitro

Zyuz’kov G., Miroshnichenko L., Polyakova T., Stavrova L., Simanina E., Agafonov V., Udut E., Zhdanov V.


Ethanol-induced neurodegeneration was modeled in vitro to study the roles of ERK1/2 and p38 in realization of the growth potential of neural progenitor cells and secretion of neurotrophic growth factors by glial elements. Addition of the neurotoxic dose of C2H5OH (65 mM) to the culture medium abolished the effects of specific ERK1/2 and p38 inhibitors on the formation of colonies (neurospheres) and proliferative activity of neural CFU in cultured cells derived from paraventricular region of the mouse brain. The study established that these protein kinases are not implicated in ethanol-induced stimulation of the formation of neural CFU, differentiation of neural progenitors, and synthesis of humoral functional regulators of neural CFU by glial cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):229-232
pages 229-232 views

Effect of NO Synthesis Blockade on the Hydrouretic Function and Extracellular Matrix of the Kidneys in Rats with Different Blood Vasopressin Levels

Pravikova P., Lavrinenko V., Ivanova L.


We studied the effect of NO synthesis blockade on the hydrouretic function and the state of renal interstitial matrix in WAG rats with normal blood vasopressin level and Brattleboro rats lacking endogenous vasopressin. In WAG rats, impaired osmotic concentration accompanied by an increase in the content of histochemically detectable glycosaminoglycans in the inner medullary interstitium was observed under conditions of NO synthesis blockade. In Brattleboro rats, NO synthesis inhibition, on the contrary, induced an antidiuretic response without significant changes in the renal extracellular matrix. These findings attested to a significant influence of NO on the urine concentration process. Morphofunctional changes in the kidneys under conditions of NO synthesis blockade are determined by blood vasopressin level.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):233-236
pages 233-236 views

Collagen Peptides from Hyaline Cartilage for the Treatment and Prevention of Joint Diseases: Isolation and Characteristics

Nikolaeva T., Laurinavicius K., Kaptsov V., Chernyi R., Shekhovtsov P.


We studied the effects of Chymopsin and Caripazim on the proteolysis of collagen proteins from cattle tracheal hyaline cartilage. Homogenization of the cartilage under conditions of high pressure and temperature facilitated subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis: the degree of hydrolysis increased upon elevation of pressure from 40 to 80 mPa and temperature from 60 to 70°C. Proteolysis with Chymopsin yielded collagen peptides with molecular weights from 900 to 7000 Da, while Caripazim processing yielded collagen peptides with lower molecular weights from 250 to 780 Da consisting of 2-8 amino acids, which could be easily absorbed and intensely incorporated in the formation of the joint tissue structures.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):242-246
pages 242-246 views

The Structure of NO-Mediated Dilatation of Pulmonary Arteries Depends on NO Availability

Davydova M.


NO-mediated vasodilatation can be realized via two pathways: dependent and independent on soluble guanylate cyclase; the latter is implemented through NO interaction with ionic channels. We evaluated the contribution of these pathways into NO-induced relaxation of isolated pulmonary arteries in rats. In pulmonary arteries, in contrast to systemic vessels, soluble guanylate cyclase-independent mechanisms is more important, because it mediates relaxation in response to low concentrations of NO donor. The role of soluble guanylate cyclase-dependent mechanisms in the mechanisms of vasodilatation increases with increasing NO donor concentrations.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):247-249
pages 247-249 views

Characteristics of Artificial Immunogens Containing Peptide Mimotopes of HIV-1 Epitopes Recognized by Monoclonal Antibodies 2F5 and 2G12

Shcherbakova N., Chikaev A., Rudometov A., Shcherbakov D., Il’ichev A., Karpenko L.


The paper describes construction of TBI-based recombinant proteins TBI-2F5 and TBI-2G12 that contain peptide mimotopes of HIV-1 epitopes recognized by broadly neutralizing antibodies 2F5 and 2G12, respectively. The capacity of the immunogens to induce neutralizing antibodies was evaluated. The sera of BALB/c mice immunized with recombinant proteins TBI, TBI-2F5, and TBI-2G12 neutralized HIV-1 env-pseudoviruses. Moreover, pooled serum from mice immunized with TBI-2F5 and TBI-2G12 neutralized env-pseudoviruses of HIV-1 subtype B more effectively than individual sera.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):259-262
pages 259-262 views

Particularities of Bone Regeneration in Rats after Implantation of Polycaprolactone Scaffold Mineralized with Vaterite with Adsorbed Tannic Acid

Gladkova E., Blinnikova V., Babushkina I., Parakhonskiy B., Ulyanov V., Norkin I., Ivanov A., Saveleva M., Kurtukova M., Kustodov S.


We studied the particularities of osteo- and angiogenesis in albino rats after implantation of polycaprolactone scaffolds mineralized with vaterite with adsorbed tannic acid in the femoral bone defect. It was found that the processes of angio- and osteogenesis in the bone tissue after scaffolds implantation depend on their biocompatibility. Implantation of non-biocompatible scaffolds was followed by activation of angio- and osteogenesis aimed at separation of these scaffold from surrounding tissues. Implantation of polycaprolactone/vaterite scaffolds containing tannic acid stimulated angio- and osteogenesis leading to vascularization and bone tissue formation in the matrix. This demonstrate prospects of clinical approbation of these scaffolds for stimulation of bone regeneration in traumatological and orthopedic patients.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):275-278
pages 275-278 views

Analysis of the Action of Quaternized Chitosans with Different Molecular Weight on Anticoagulant Activity of Heparins In Vitro

Drozd N., Logvinova Y., Shagdarova B., Il’ina A., Varlamov V.


Quaternized derivatives of chitosan with a substitution degree of 85-98% (highly substituted) synthesized from chitosans with a molecular weight of 5, 10, 20 kDa, with a degree of deacetylation of 89-98%, and the code numbers of QChit 5, QChit 10, QChit 20, respectively, completely neutralize antithrombin activity of unfractionated heparin and partially neutralize aXa activity of low-molecular-weight heparin (clexane), similar to protamine sulfate. The advantages of QChit 5 and QChit 10 over QChit 20 and protamine sulphate are the follows: the effect is achieved at lower concentrations and in greater concentration range; they do not promote platelet aggregation; in a concentration of 0.0072 mg/ml they do not destroy the erythrocyte membranes.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):279-283
pages 279-283 views

Effect of Selank on Morphological Parameters of Rat Liver in Chronic Foot-Shock Stress

Fomenko E., Bobyntsev I., Ivanov A., Belykh A., Andreeva L., Myasoedov N.


We studied the effects of Selank on morphological parameters of the liver in Wistar male rats subjected to chronic foot-shock stress. Selank was injected intraperitoneally in doses of 100, 300 and 1000 μg/kg 15 min before each stress session. Morphological and morphometrical analysis showed that chronic foot-shock stress induced hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes, an increase of the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio due to an increase in the area of nuclei and reduction of the cytoplasm area, the appearance of focal necroses, and lymphohistiocyte infiltration. Injection of Selank in all doses reduced the intensity of stress-induced degenerative changes. Administration of Selank in doses of 300 and 1000 μg/kg restored the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio in hepatocytes. The maximum stress-limiting effect was attained after administration of 300 μg/kg Selank.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):293-296
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Morphological Changes in the Thymus of Newborn Rats Exposed to Endocrine Disruptor Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) during the Prenatal Period

Yaglova N., Tsomartova E., Nazimova S., Obernikhin S., Mukhamedova S., Pashina N., Musaeva D.


The structure of the thymus in newborn rats exposed in utero to endocrine disruptor DDT was studied. We found that exposure to low doses of DDT during pregnancy does not disturb thymus formation in the offspring, but leads to changes in its structure than manifested as slower lobulation, wider epithelium-free areas in the cortex, and lower number of thymic corpuscles in the medulla. The results attest to sensitivity of the reticuloepithelial stroma of the thymus to the effects of endocrine disruptor.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):297-299
pages 297-299 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Effects of Helium Cold Plasma on Erythrocyte Metabolism

Martusevich A., Solov’eva A., Galka A., Kozlova L., Yanin D.


The effects of helium cold plasma on some parameters of metabolism of rat erythrocytes were studied after a course exposure (10 daily procedures, 1 min each). The intensity of free-radical processes in erythrocyte membranes, malondialdehyde concentration, and aldehyde dehydrogenase activity were analyzed. The exposure to helium cold plasma led to a significant increase in malondialdehyde level mostly associated with inhibition of its utilization. These changes were not related to activation of malondialdehyde synthesis in LPO reactions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):198-200
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Biophysics and Biochemistry

β-Amyloid Peptide Antagonizes the Effect of Protons on Taurine-Induced Chloride Current in Rat Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons

Solntseva E., Bukanova Y., Kondratenko R., Skrebitsky V.


Taurine is an important endogenous agonist of glycine receptors (GlyR). Using the patchclamp technique, we measured chloride current induced by a short (600 msec) application of taurine (ITau) on isolated rat pyramidal neurons. pH of taurine solution in the applicator pipette was neutral (7.4) or acidic (7.0-5.0). Application of protons to a neuron causes a dosedependent decrease in the peak amplitude and acceleration of ITau desensitization. Addition of 100 nM β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) to the perfusate caused acceleration of ITau desensitization. The effects of Aβ and H+ on the rate of ITau desensitization were not additive. In addition, Aβ attenuated the effect of H+ on the peak amplitude of ITau. We also studied the effect of protons on the chloride current caused by activation of GABA receptors. In contrast to H+ effects on GlyR, Aβ did not modulate the effects of H+ on GABA receptors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):237-241
pages 237-241 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Effects of Cocarboxylase in Amikacin-Induced Ototoxicity in Immature Animals

Ischanova Y., Rakhmanova I., D’yakonova I.


Possible otoprotective properties of cocarboxylase were studied on the model of amikacin-induced ototoxicity in immature rabbits. Auditory function was evaluated by the short-latency auditory brainstem response (ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) tests. Administration of cocarboxylase after modeling of amikacin-induced ototoxicity resulted in a decrease in the ABR peak I threshold and prevented damage to the outer hair cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):250-254
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Immunology and Microbiology

Structural Analysis of Peripheral Organs of the Immune System in the Assessment of Grippol Vaccine Safety

Klochkova S., Bakhmet A., Sheptulin D., Nikityuk D.


The safety of Grippol vaccine was assessed by macro- and microscopic methods in the experiment. The morphological features of group lymphoid nodules of the small intestine were studied on days 4, 7, 14 and 30 after vaccination. The structural morphological dynamics of lymphoid tissue under these conditions is shown. Because of the use of the vaccine, the lymphocytopoietic processes in the body are activated, which indicates the formation of an immune response.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):255-258
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Effects of Quercetin on Expression of Genes of Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism Enzymes in the Liver of Rats Receiving High-Fructose Ration

Mzhel’skaya K., Trusov N., Guseva G., Aksenov I., Kravchenko L., Tutelyan V.


We studied the expression of genes encoding enzymes of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism ketohexokinase (Khk), glucokinase (Gck), pyruvate kinase (Pklr), acetyl-Co-carboxylase (Acaca), fatty acid synthase (Fasn), stearoyl-CoA desaturase (Scd), and their transcription regulators ChREBP (Mlxipl), SREBP-1c (Srebf1), and PPARα (Ppara) in rat liver. Control group rats received a semisynthetic ration over 20 weeks. Experimental group 1 received a semisynthetic ration and 20% fructose solution instead of drinking water. Experimental group 2 rats received a semisynthetic ration with quercetin (0.1% fodder weight) and 20% fructose solution. Consumption of 20% fructose solution (experimental group 1) led to an increase in Scd expression in comparison with the control and did not affect the expression of other genes. Addition of quercetin to the ration (experimental group 2) led to a decrease in the expression of Khk, Gck, Fasn, Scd, Mlxipl, and Ppara genes in comparison with experimental group 1. The results suggest that quercetin reduced the expression of genes of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism enzymes in the liver of rats receiving high-fructose ration.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):263-266
pages 263-266 views


N-Terminal Fragment of Brain-Type Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) as a Prognostic Marker in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Complicated by Dialysis-Dependent Renal Failure

Semochkin S., Misyurina E., Zhelnova E., Yurova E., Gagloeva D., Aref’eva N., Ushakova A., Kotenko O., Tolstykh T., Sinyavkin D., Baryakh E., Yatskov K., Samsonova I., Lysenko M.


Prognostic value of N-terminal fragment of the prohormone brain-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) was analyzed in patients with multiple myeloma complicated by dialysisdependent renal failure. The prospective study included 20 patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. The concentrations of NT-proBNP were measured before antimyeloma chemotherapy. The median age of the patients was 67 (63-76) years. The median glomerular filtration rate was 4 (4, 5) ml/min/1.73 m2. For overall survival, the area under ROC curve was 0.75 and the cut-off point was 7000 pg/ml. At median follow-up of 17.3 months, the overall survival was 76.6±14.8 and 27.3±13.4% (p=0.02) for cases with NT-proBNP levels below and above the cut-off point, respectively. There were no cases of death due to cardiovascular causes. We concluded that the increase in serum concentration of NT-proBNP>7400 pg/ml is associated with the severity of kidney damage and the risk of non-cardiac mortality.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):267-271
pages 267-271 views


Contrast Agents Based on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Abakumov M., Ternovoi S., Mazhuga A., Chekhonin V., Demikhov E., Pistrak A., Konstantinov M., Dmitriev D., Myshkinis B.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most perspective methods of noninvasive visualization in medicine, and use of contrast agents significantly its potentialities extends. Iron oxide nanoparticles are promising contrast agents, but in fact all the data on their efficiency were obtained in high-field tomographs for experimental animals. We studied the possibility of using magnetic nanoparticles for MRI visualization of rat brain glioblastoma at the most common clinical field 1.5 T The data indicate the efficiency of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles as contrast agents for 1.5 T MR tomographs.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):272-274
pages 272-274 views


Water Immersion as a Model of Hypogravity

Klotz I., Gvozdik T., Oganesyan A., Karal-ogly D., Demenkova N., Mukhametzyanova E., Gvaramiya I., Danilova I., Agrba V., Lapin B.


We studied the effects of hypogravity modeled by water immersion on cognitive functions and physiological parameters of monkeys. Cognitive capacities of monkeys were evaluated using computer-controlled joystick task with food reward in case of target hit. Water immersion (3 days for 3 h) affected in cognitive functions, body temperature, and blood parameters. The intensity of changes depended on the type of monkey behavior. In animals with non-aggressive behavior, the number of target hits did not decrease after water immersion, and even slightly increased. On the contrary, aggressive monkeys showed poorer test performance. Body temperature after each cycle of water immersion was decreased slightly in non-aggressive monkeys, while in aggressive animals, the changes were significant. At the same time, changes in the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, and hematocrit were significant in non-aggressive monkeys. Our results are in line with previous data performed on BION biosatellites and correspond to changes of physiological parameters in astronauts during space flights.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):284-286
pages 284-286 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Morphological Changes in the Retina Under Conditions of Experimental In Vivo Regional Ischemia/Reperfusion

Kiseleva T., Chudin A., Khoroshilova-Maslova I., Shchipanova A., Maibogin A., Zaitsev M.


Two models of retinal ischemia/reperfusion were developed in an experiment on rats and structural changes in eye tissues in the early and late postischemic periods were studied. Ischemia/reperfusion was modeled by elevation of intraocular pressure to 110 mm Hg for 30 min with air injection into the anterior chamber of the eye with a special device or subconjunctival administration of 0.2 ml 4×10–6 M endothelin-1. Morphological studies of the retina of enucleated eyes were performed in 3, 7, and 30 days after ischemia/reperfusion. In 3 days, signs of retinal ischemia were seen (retinal edema and ganglion cell damage). In the late post-ischemic period (30 days), atrophy of the outer nuclear and outer plexiform layer of the retina was observed in animals with retinal ischemia/reperfusion caused by intraocular pressure elevation and complete destruction of neuronal cells was found after administration of endothelin-1.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;167(2):287-292
pages 287-292 views

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