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Volume 163, Nº 6 (2017)


New Approach to Calculation of Renal Cation Clearance in Rats after V1a Receptor Stimulation

Golosova D., Natochin V.


V1a receptor agonist [Phe2, Ile3, Orn8]-vasopressin produces maximum diuretic and saluretic effects in a dose of 0.1 nmol/100 g body weight: renal excretion of Na+ increases by 50 times in comparison with the initial level over 90 min, excretion of K+, Mg2+, and Са2+ increases by 3, 2, and 16 times, respectively. New formulas were proposed for calculation of the clearance considering total cation content in the extracellular fluid and the time of total effect of the injected dose. After injection of V1a receptors agonist, clearance of Na+ was 7% of its total content in the extracellular fluid, the corresponding values for K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ were 63, 35, and 6%, respectively. The proposed approach differs significantly from the standard cation excretion evaluation and characterizes selective shifts in ion balance induced by physiologically active substances and possible side effects due to unbalanced loss of certain ions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):701-704
pages 701-704 views


Discrete Stretch Eliminates Electrophysiological Dose-Dependent Effects of Nitric Oxide Donor SNAP in Rat Atrium

Shim A., Mitrokhin V., Kazanski V., Mladenov M., Kamkin A.


Depolarization of cardiomyocytes triggered by stretch and activation of mechanically gated ion channels can lead to serious arrhythmias. However, stretch-induced signaling activating these channels remain little studied. This study tested the hypothesis on implication of NO in shaping the electrical abnormalities provoked by stretch of the right atrial myocardium in rat via a mechanism engaging a signaling cascade, where NO plays a significant role. This approach showed that in isolated right atrial preparation, NO donor SNAP induces the electrical abnormalities similar to those provoked by stretch, and the latter results from activation of NO synthase.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):705-709
pages 705-709 views

Effects of Oxytocin on the Levels and Metabolism of Monoamines in the Brain of White Outbred Mice during Long-Term Social Isolation

Karpova I., Bychkov E., Marysheva V., Mikheev V., Shabanov P.


The effects of intranasal administration of oxytocin on the levels and metabolism of monoamines in symmetrical structures of the brain of white outbred mice kept under conditions of long-term social isolation were studied by HPLC. Disappearance of initial right-sided asymmetry in the content of dopamine metabolites in the striatum, increased 5-hydroxyacetic acid content in the right striatum, and disappearance of the initial left-sided asymmetry in serotonin level in the cortex were noted; we also found a decrease in norepinephrine content in the left hippocampus with appearance of asymmetry and higher content in the right olfactory tubercle. It can be hypothesized that minor changes in the serotoninergic and dopaminergic systems against the background of high reactivity of noradrenergic system represent specific response of the brain to oxytocin in aggressive animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):714-717
pages 714-717 views

Metagenomic Analysis of Gingival Sulcus Microbiota and Pathogenesis of Periodontitis Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Babaev E., Balmasova I., Mkrtumyan A., Kostryukova S., Vakhitova E., Il’ina E., Tsarev V., Gabibov A., Arutyunov S.


Biofilm of the gingival sulcus from 22 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, 30 patients with periodontitis not complicated by diabetes mellitus (reference group), and 22 healthy volunteers without signs of gingival disease (control group) was studied by quantitative PCR. Quantitative analysis for the content of P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, A. ctinomycetemcomitans, T. denticola, P. intermedia, F. nucleatum/periodonticum, and P. endodontalis in the dental plaque was performed with a Dentoscreen kit. The presence of other bacterial groups was verified by metagenomic sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to evaluate some specific features of the etiological factor for periodontitis in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Specimens of the Porphiromonadaceae and Fusobacteriaceae families were characterized by an extremely high incidence in combined pathology. The amount of Sphingobacteriaceae bacteria in the biofilm was shown to decrease significantly during periodontitis. Metagenomic analysis confirmed the pathogenic role of microbiota in combined pathology, as well as the hypothesis on a possible influence of periodontitis on the course and development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):718-721
pages 718-721 views

Selectivity in Physiological Action of Nitric Oxide: A Hypothetical Mechanism

Titov V., Dolgorukova A., Petrov V., Osipov A.


The study showed that dinitrosyl iron complex (NO)2Fe(RS)2 containing the thiolate ligands, which is the basic physiological donor of NO, can transfer NO to other molecule only at the moment of rearrangement. This rearrangement can occur during interaction of the complex with more effective iron chelators than the thiolate ligands. In the absence of NO trap, a new complex is formed with a new ligand. NO transfer to a trap can also occur under the action of the agents such as mercury salts or ROS, which interact with the thiolate ligands. Probably, the ligands in the dinitrosyl iron complexes are the structures responsible for interaction of these complexes with physiological targets and for specificity and effectiveness of this interaction.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):726-730
pages 726-730 views

Analysis of the Efficiency of Microencapsulated Sustained-Release Form of Naloxone on the Experimental Model of Fentanyl Poisoning

Vengerovich N., Yudin M., Bykov V., Nikiforov A., Aleshina O., Kuz’min A., Ustinova T., Gadzikovskii S.


We compared samples of microencapsulated naloxone prepared by using spray drying technique. 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, sodium alginate, polycaprolactone, and carboxymethyl cellulose were used as the carriers. It was found that the combination of naloxone with sodium alginate was characterized by the highest naloxone content in the matrix and the lowest release rate (100% release time was 60 min). Using the model of respiratory disturbances caused by 10 ED50 fentanyl (anesthetic effect), we studied the effects of naloxone—sodium alginate complex on the dynamics of CO2 concentration in the expired air. It was shown that treatment with the developed microencapsulated naloxone after fentanyl injection allowed reducing the therapeutic dose of the antagonist by more than 2 times and eliminated the necessity of repeated injections.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):737-741
pages 737-741 views

Design of Nanosomal Form of Aprotinin

Kulikov O., Pyataev N., Zaborovskii A., Maev I., Ageev V., Marochkina E., Dolgacheva I., Avdyushkina I., Kokorev A., Gurevich K., Tatarina L., Yunina D.


Liposomes containing aprotinin were produced by the phase inversion technique and purified by gel filtration. Aprotinin inclusion was assessed fluorescence labeling of the protein. The size of obtained liposomes was 212±35 nm and aprotinin concentration in the liposomal suspension was 3000 KIU/ml. The efficiency of aprotinin inclusion into liposomes was 31.9%.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):742-744
pages 742-744 views

Elimination of a Viscumin-Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles Conjugate from the Tumor Nodule in Mice

Maltseva D., Nikulin S., Sergeeva N., Tonevitskaya S., Sakharov D.


External magnetic field is characterized by low toxicity and existence of magnetic properties, which contributes to an interest in the development of products from ferromagnetic nanoparticles (FNP) for antitumor therapy. Previously we synthesized a conjugate of ferromagnetic magnetite nanoparticles and viscumin (mistletoe lectin I, MLI), which exhibits the antitumor activity. Studying the pharmacological properties of this conjugate (FNP-MLI) was directed to the evaluation of FNP-MLI elimination after intratumor injection in mice. The elimination rate of FNP-MLI was much lower than that of native plant MLI. The presence of FNP-MLI was not accompanied by undesired changes in the tumor tissue. The use of a FNP-MLI conjugate allowed us to prolong the time of MLI presence in tissues without increasing the dose of exogenous lectin. These features contribute to the prolongation of an immunomodulatory effect of MLI.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):745-748
pages 745-748 views

Correlation between LC50 for Adult Fish and Fish Embryos

Zolotarev K., Nakhod K., Mikhailov A., Mikhailova M.


Testing for substance toxicity for living organisms is an important step in the development and adaptation of new drugs for various purposes. Analysis of the dependences between toxicological parameters of chemical substances for various test objects and physicochemical properties of these agents is a promising trend. Partition coefficient logP (logKow) was chosen as the key physicochemical parameter determining the toxicological parameters of the same substance for hydrobionts at different developmental stages. We found a correlation between decimal logarithm of the ratio of LCe50 for fish embryos to LCa50 for adult fish and logP. This dependence was found as a liner combination of equations obtained by drawing a trend line between experimental points and calculation of Pearson’s correlation coefficient R.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):749-752
pages 749-752 views

Study of Sedative Tea Phytocomplex within the Framework of Studies Aimed at Creation of a Rectal Dosage Form with Antihistaminic Effect

Kulikovskii V., Zhilyakova E., Novikov O., Pisarev D., Prokushchenko N., Ivanova L.


We designed a new complex drug with antiallergic effect containing, in addition to the main component loratadine, a phytocomplex for an extra therapeutic effect. A collection of plants with sedative activity is chosen and the optimal agent for extraction of bioactive compounds (40% ethanol) and optimal degree of plant fragmentation are determined. Chemical composition of the sedative tea is evaluated by reverse phase HPLC. The marker components of the species are detected: xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol — Humulus lupulus cone components, Mentha piperita rosmarinic acid, and scutellareine, Menyanthes trifolia element — quercetin-3-rutinoside, and caffeic acid. Standardization of the species by the absolute graduation method in conversion to quercetin-3-rutinoside is suggested.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):753-756
pages 753-756 views

Pretreatment with Antiviral Preparation Kagocel Normalizes the Content of Bone Marrow Multipotent Stromal Cells and TNFα in Blood Serum of CBA Mice Disturbed by Administration of S. typhimurium Antigen Complex In Vivo and Maintains High Concentration of IL-10 and Th1 Cytokines

Gorskaya Y., Suslov A., Semenova E., Konopleva M., Nesternko V.


Pretreatment with the active substance of antiviral preparation Kagocel, inductor of type I endogenous IFN, in a daily therapeutic dose (30 μg/mouse) 3 h prior to administration of S. typhimurium antigens to CBA mice reduced the number of bone marrow multipotent stromal cell (significantly increased by 3.2 times on the next day after antigen injection) to the initial level. Thus, activation of the stromal tissue induced by administration of the bacterial antigen was blocked. In addition, preliminary administration of Kagocel modulated the cytokine profile of the blood serum affected by S. typhimurium antigens: reduced 1.6-fold elevated concentration a proinflammatory cytokine TNFα to the control level (in 4 h after antigen injection) and maintained this level in 20 h after antigen administration. Kagocel also maintained the concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 at the level surpassing the normal by 1.6 times and high concentrations of Th1 cytokines (IL-2, IFNγ, and IL-12). These results suggest that Kagocel can reduce the immune response to bacterial antigens (similar to type I IFN [7]), which can contribute to its therapeutic and preventive effects in addition to its well documented antiviral activity and then this preparation can be used for the therapy of diseases accompanied by excessive or chronic inflammation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):761-765
pages 761-765 views

Analysis of Immunogenicity of Intracellular CTAR Fragments of Epstein—Barr Virus Latent Phase Protein LMP1

Lomakin Y., Shmidt A., Bobik T., Chernov A., Pyrkov A., Aleksandrova N., Okunola D., Vaskina M., Ponomarenko N., Telegin G., Dubina M., Belogurov A.


Intracellular fragments of latent phase protein LMP1 of Epstein—Barr virus, denoted as CTAR1/2/3, can trigger a variety of cell cascades and contribute to the transforming potential of the virus. Generation of recombinant proteins CTAR1/2/3 is expected to yield more ample data on functional and immunogenic characteristics of LMP1. We created genetic constructs for prokaryotic expression of LMP1 CTAR fragments and selected optimal conditions for their production and purification. Using a new library of LMP1 CTAR fragments, we carried out epitope mapping of a diagnostic anti-LMP1 antibody S12. Analysis of polyclonal serum antibodies from mice immunized with full-length LMP1 confirmed immunogenicity of CTAR elements comparable with that of full-length protein

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):766-771
pages 766-771 views

Role of LIF Cytokine and CD34 Angiogenesis Marker in Non-Developing Pregnancy

Popravka E., Dyatlova A., Lin’kova N., Krylova Y., Polyakova V., Kvetnoi I.


The expression of cytokine LIF (leukemia inhibiting factor) in the endometrium of women of young reproductive age with non-developing pregnancy of unknown genesis is higher than in older women and women with infection-related miscarriages by 1.26 and 1.43 times, respectively. The expression of angiogenesis marker CD34 in the endometrium of young women with non-developing pregnancy of unknown origin is 1.59 times higher and in case of endometrial inflammation 1.31 times higher than in women of the older reproductive age with the same disease. Correlation between the endometrial expression of LIF and CD34 is detected in women of the younger reproductive age with non-developing pregnancy of unknown etiology. The expression of LIF and CD34 can be used for endometrial function evaluation in women of different age with first trimester non-developing pregnancy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):772-776
pages 772-776 views

Antibacterial Activity of L-Lysine-α-Oxidase from the Trichoderma

Smirnova I., Karimova E., Shneider Y.


We studied the effects of a concentrate of metabolites of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai F-180, an active producer of L-lysine-α-oxidase, and homogenous enzyme on a highly virulent bacteria Erwinia amylovora. The producer of antitumor and antiviral Trichoderma enzyme L-lysine-α-oxidase was cultured on a processing system of G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushchino). Activity of L-lysine-α-oxidase in the prepared concentrate of metabolic products of the producer was 5.4 U/ml, and activity of the homogenous enzyme was 50 U/ml. Antibacterial activity of the enzyme was shown in our experiments.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):777-779
pages 777-779 views

Effects of Multicide, Antibacterial Drug, on Staphylococcus Biomembranes

Tetz G., Artemenko N., Yankovskii G., Kever L., Komissarchik Y., Tetz V.


Drug penetration into bacterial biomembranes is one of the most important factors determining the efficiency of antibacterial therapy. Multicide, antibacterial drug, is a nanomolecule 1.3-2.0 nm in size, easily penetrating into staphylococcus biomembranes and causing rapid death of bacteria. The drug efficiency depends on its concentration and duration of exposure. Bacteria die as a result of cell wall perforation, which is associated with changes in its morphology and release of DNA from bacterial cell into the environment. Our results indicate the efficiency of primary damage to bacterial wall leading to elimination of biomembranes.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):780-784
pages 780-784 views

Pattern of Notch2, Numb, and Cas8 Gene Expression in Relevant Structures of the Rat Brain during Formation of Spatial Memory

Gruden’ M., Storozheva Z., Ratmirov A., Sherstnev V.


The expression of Notch2, Numb, and Cas8 genes, whose protein products are involved in regulation of neurogenesis/neuroapoptosis processes, was studied in the relevant cerebral structures of male Wistar rats trained in a spatial habit. The formation of long-term spatial memory was found to be associated with the formation of a specific pattern of transcription activity of the studied genes in different brain structures. The maximum expression of Notch2 gene was found in the hippocampus and cerebellum, the maximum expression of Numb was detected in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum, and the maximum expression of Cas8 was revealed in the prefrontal cortex of trained animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):785-788
pages 785-788 views

Modeling of Lymphogenous and Hematogenous Metastasizing from Murine В16 Melanoma in Rats

Kit O., Kaplieva I., Frantsiyants E., Trepitaki L.


We developed a model of experimental melanoma. Intralienal xenogeneic transplantation of a suspension of melanoma cells B16 in physiological saline (0.1 ml; 1:10) was conducted to outbred male rats. In 6 months, histologically confirmed melanoma B16 in the spleen and its metastases in the liver, intestine, pancreas, adrenal glands, and lungs (hematogenous metastasis), as well as in the thymus and lymph nodes (lymphogenous metastasis) were revealed in rats. The proposed rat model of melanoma B16 metastasizes by the hematogenous and lymphogenous pathways, develops over 6 months, and allows receiving sufficient volume of material for analysis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):793-795
pages 793-795 views

Ultrastructural Morphological Characterization of Right Atrial and Left Ventricular Rat Cardiomyocytes during Postreperfusion Period

Bugrova M., Abrosimov D., Ermolin I.


Immunocytochemistry and transmission electron microscopy were employed to examine the ultrastructural morphometric parameters of the left ventricular cardiomyocytes and right atrial secretory myocytes in rats during early and delayed postreperfusion periods. The revealed alterations in these cells are stereotypical, but differed by their severity, probably due to specific morphofunctional peculiarities of these heart structures.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):805-808
pages 805-808 views

Expression of Flk-1 and Cyclin D2 mRNA in the Myocardium of Rats with Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy and after Treatment with Betulonic Acid Amide

Mzhelskaya M., Klinnikova M., Koldysheva E., Lushnikova E.


The expression of VEGFR2 (Flk-1, according to immunohistochemistry) and of cyclin D2 mRNA (according to real-time PCR) in the myocardium of rats is studied in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy and in response to betulonic acid amide. Doxorubicin alone and in combination with betulonic acid amide causes after 3 days a manifest reduction of cyclin D2 mRNA expression (by 38 and 63%, respectively), while injection of betulonic acid amide alone causes a 23-fold increase of cyclin D2 mRNA expression. An increase of cyclin D2 mRNA expression has been detected in all experimental groups after 14 days of experiment, the most pronounced in response to betulonic acid amide (63 times). The expression of Flk-1 in cardiomyocytes increases significantly in response to both chemical agents starting from day 3 of experiment. These results indicate that doxorubicin and betulonic acid amide induce cytoprotective reactions in the myocardium, first at the intracellular, then at the cellular levels.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):809-813
pages 809-813 views

Comparative Study of Sutureless Fixation of Lightweight Surgical Meshes for Hernia Repair in a Rat Model

Anurov M., Khachatrian G., Titkova S., Velangi P., Polivoda M., Oettinger A.


The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of different methods of sutureless fixation of lightweight meshes made of different polymers for repair of experimental hernias. Two lateral hernia defects were modeled in male rats and covered with polyester and polypropylene prostheses. The meshes were fixed with Histacryl glue (group 1), or self-gripping meshes were used (group 2), or the meshes were implanted without fixation (group 3). On day 5 after surgery, mesh position and efficiency of fixation were evaluated. It was found that fixation is necessary for all light surgical meshes. Polyester meshes demonstrated better adhesive properties than polypropylene meshes. The most pronounced differences in the adhesive properties were found for self-gripping prosthesis, while in the groups with glue fixation, the differences were less pronounced.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):818-821
pages 818-821 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Role of β2-Adrenoreceptors in Adrenergic Anti-Inflammatory Mechanism in Sepsis

Zabrodskii P., Gromov M., Maslyakov V.


Experiments on random-bred albino mice showed that of β2-adrenoreceptor agonist hexaprenaline sulfate significantly reduced mortality of mice from experimental sepsis (intraperitoneal administration of E. coli) in 4 and 24 h after modeling by reducing blood levels of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6. The antagonist of β2AR ICI-118,551 eliminated this effect.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):710-713
pages 710-713 views

Biophysics and Biochemistry

Effect of Lipid Surface Composition on the Formation and Structure of Fibrin Clots

Bakirova D., Faizullin D., Valiullina Y., Salnikov V., Zuev Y.


We studied the influence of lipid surface composition on the kinetics of fibrin clot formation and its structure. It was shown that lipid surface affects all phases of fibrin polymerization and chances clot morphology. The magnitude and character of the effect depend on the charge and phase state of lipids that determine the interaction of fibrinogen with the lipid surface and its conformational changes, which modulated the process of fibrinogen conversion into fibrin and, as a result, the formation and morphology of the fibrin clot.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):722-725
pages 722-725 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Studying the Toxic Effects of Some Biologically Active Peptides on the Model of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

Kobylyanskii A., Zolotarev Y., Andreeva L., Grivennikov I., Myasoedov N.


We studied the effects of peptide drugs (HLDF-6, PGP, RPGP, and PGLP) and peptide pharmaceutical products (Semax, Selank, and thyroliberin) on proliferation and survival of mouse embryonic stem cells and their derivatives. Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into neuronal precursors was evaluated. PGP and PGLP in concentrations of 10 and 0.1 μM, respectively, had little, but significant inhibitory effect on proliferative activity of cells. These peptides in concentrations of 10 and 0.1 μM, respectively, and Semax (10 and 0.1 μM) significantly increased the survival rate of mouse embryonic stem cells (serum deprivation). Moreover, study peptides had little effect on the formation of neuronal precursors from mouse embryonic stem cells. HLDF-6, Selank, and thyroliberin produced an insignificant effect on the differentiation of these cells into mature neurons. Analysis of differentiation of embryonic stem cells into GABA+ neurons showed that Selank, thyroliberin (100 μM), and NGF (100 ng/ml) decrease the ratio of these cells by 61, 58, and 87%, respectively, in comparison with the control. Our results indicate that these peptide compounds do not produce toxic effect during the embryonic and fetal period of life.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):731-736
pages 731-736 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Comparative Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma, Platelet Lysate, and Fetal Calf Serum on Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Lykov A., Bondarenko N., Surovtseva M., Kim I., Poveshchenko O., Pokushalov E., Konenkov V.


We studied the effects of human platelet-rich plasma and platelet lysate on proliferation, migration, and colony-forming properties of rat mesenchymal stem cells. Platelet-rich plasma and platelet lysate stimulated the proliferation, migration, and colony formation of mesenchymal stem cells. A real-time study showed that platelet-rich plasma produces the most potent stimulatory effect, while both platelet-rich plasma and platelet lysate stimulated migration of cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):757-760
pages 757-760 views


Effect of Phytoadaptogen Administration during Early Ontogeny on Lifespan and Somatic Status of CBA Mice with High Incidence of Tumors

Bocharov E., Karpova R., Bocharova O., Kucheryanu V., Shprakh Z.


We studied the influence of nontoxic phytoadaptogen complex on the lifespan and somatic status (body weight, coat state, and motor activity) of CBA mice predisposed to spontaneous hepatomas. Administration of the complex phytoadaptogen during the first month of postnatal ontogeny increased mean animal lifespan by 17.1% (p<0.001) and median of survival by 25.6% (p<0.001) and promoted maintenance of satisfactory physical status of CBA mice during spontaneous hepatocarcinogenesis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):789-792
pages 789-792 views

Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Involvement of Microflora Metabolites in Up-Regulation of Electrical Activity in Rat Small Intestine

Tropskaya N., Kislyakova E., Popova T.


The study examined implication of tributyrin, a metabolic precursor in small intestinal microflora, in stimulation of electrical activity of duodenum and jejunum. Enteral administration of tributyrin enhanced electrical activity of both examined structures in small intestine with elimination of the rest periods. The stimulatory effect was manifested in a prolongation of the periods of irregular activity. The up-regulating effects of tributyrin on electrical activity in upper segments of small intestine are mediated via the cholecystokinin receptors being also associated with activation of cholinergic and blockade of nitrinergic signal transduction pathways.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):796-800
pages 796-800 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Mast Cells in Renal Cancer: Clinical Morphological Correlations and Prognosis

Bobrov I., Avdalyan A., Klimachev V., Kazartsev A., Kryuchkova N., Klimachev I., Myadelets M., Lepilov A., Lushnikova E., Molodykh O., Cherdantseva T.


Morphofunctional activity of mast cells in renal cancer is studied on specimens from the center of the tumor, peritumorous zone (with an obligatory fragment of the pseudocapsule), and from renal tissues maximally distant from the tumor. The counts and areas of tumor cells were maximum in the peritumorous zone in comparison with intact kidney tissue and central zone of the tumor. Analysis of correlations revealed a direct correlation between the tumor cell count in the peritumorous zone and some clinical morphological parameters of the tumor (anaplasia degree, size, presence of invasion and metastases, and angiogenesis). The count of mast cells in the renal peritumorous zone inversely correlated with 5-year survival: 100% cumulative 5-year survival in patients with mast cell count <6.7±1.6 per field of view.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):801-804
pages 801-804 views


Method of Selection of Bacteria Antibiotic Resistance Genes Based on Clustering of Similar Nucleotide Sequences

Balashov I., Naumov V., Borovikov P., Gordeev A., Dubodelov D., Lyubasovskaya L., Rodchenko Y., Bystritskii A., Aleksandrova N., Trofimov D., Priputnevich T.


A new method for selection of bacterium antibiotic resistance genes is proposed and tested for solving the problems related to selection of primers for PCR assay. The method implies clustering of similar nucleotide sequences and selection of group primers for all genes of each cluster. Clustering of resistance genes for six groups of antibiotics (aminoglycosides, β-lactams, fluoroquinolones, glycopeptides, macrolides and lincosamides, and fusidic acid) was performed. The method was tested for 81 strains of bacteria of different genera isolated from patients (K. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp., S. agalactiae, E. faecalis, E. coli, and G. vaginalis). The results obtained by us are comparable to those in the selection of individual genes; this allows reducing the number of primers necessary for maximum coverage of the known antibiotic resistance genes during PCR analysis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;163(6):814-817
pages 814-817 views

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