
Underwater Measurements of Transmitted Light Spectra in Stratified Water Bodies on the White Sea Coast as a Key to the Understanding of Pigment Composition of Phototrophs in the Chemocline Zone
Labunskaya E., Voronov D., Lobyshev V., Krasnova E.
Interaction of magnesium ions with semiquinone radicals of tiron used as an indicator of reactive oxygen species
Ustynuyk L., Medvedeva V., Liubimovskii S., Ruuge E., Tikhonov A.
Impact of electrochemically activated water solution on plant polysaccharides: phenomenology and spectrophotometry
Pogorelov A., Ipatova L., Panait A., Pogorelova M., Gulin A., Pogorelova V.
Interrelation between Composition of Natural Water and a State of Lipid Peroxidation Processes in Biological Objects
Shishkina L., Dubovik A., Shvydkyi V., Kozlov M., Shtamm E., Georgiadi A.
Combination of Electrochemical and Ultrasonic Treatments for Purification of Water Contaminated with Pathogenic Bacteria: a Сase Study of Escherichia coli
Bibikov S., Sergeev A., Barashkova I., Motyakin M.
Hydrogen Sulfide Led to a Modification in the Structure of Mitochondrial Membrane of Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings Pisum sativum L. under Water Deficit Conditions
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Ambiol Modulates the Functional Characteristics of Pea Seedlings Mitochondria
Zhigacheva I., Krikunova N., Kuznetsov Y., Goloshchapov A.
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