
Computer Simulation of Short DNA Fragments Induced by HIGH-LET Charged Particles
Eidelman Y., Salnikov I., Andreev S.
Spatial structure of soymorphin-6 molecule
Agaeva L., Abdinova A., Akhmedova S., Akhmedov N., Akhmedov N.
In silico study of solvation effects in solutions of biomolecules: possibilities of an approach based on the 3d-distribution of solvent atomic density
Kruchinin S., Fedotova M., Kislinskaya E., Chuev G.
Study of the Effect of Sodium-μ2-Dithiosulphate-Tetranitrosyl Diferrate Tetrahydrate on the Structure of Mitochondrial Membranes Isolated from Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Krikunova N., Vorobyova A., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Influence of laser radiation of a surgical laser on the structure of bovine serum albumin molecules in vitro
Serov D., Nagaev E., Kuleshova A., Reut V., Astashev M.
Hydrogen Sulfide Led to a Modification in the Structure of Mitochondrial Membrane of Epicotyls of Pea Seedlings Pisum sativum L. under Water Deficit Conditions
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
The marvelous dna macromolecule: computer modeling of dna 3d structure and diversity of watson-crick duplex conformations
Poltev V., Dominguez V., Ruiz A., Deriabina A., Gonzalez E.
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Lipid Films with ICHPHAN
Krivandin A., Goloschapov A.
Alanine: from the usual to the unexpected
Tumanyan V., Anashkina A., Filatov I., Smirnov K., Torshin I., Esipova N.
Distribution of Values of GC-Content of the Fragments in the Spatial Structure of Mitochondrial, Chloroplast and Bacterial Genomes
Senashova M., Sadovsky M.
Conformational aspects in the formation of structures of the backbone of polypeptide chains in proteins. Relationship between conformational stability/lability and β-turns
Torshin Y., Filatov I., Batyanovskii A., Smirnov K., Anashkina A., Esipova N., Tumanyan V.
The effect of the antioxidant system resveratrol - iron sulfonitrosyl complex sodium-μ2-dithiosulphate-tetrarntrosyl diferrate tetrahydrate on the mitochondria of pea germ epicotyls in vitro
Gerasimov N., Nevrova O., Zhigacheva I., Generozova I., Goloshchapov A.
Spatial Structure of the Casoxin C Molecule
Akhmedov N., Agaeva L., Abbasli R., Ismailova L.
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