
Antioxidant Properties of Plant Plastoquinone in vivo and in vitro
Vetoshkina D., Nikolaev A., Borisova-Mubarakshina M.
Effects of Thorium-232 on the Bioluminescent Enzymatic System and Radioprotective Activity of Humic Substances
Rozhko T., Kolesnik O., Sachkova A., Romanova N., Stom D., Kudryasheva N.
Epr study of the generation of short-lived reactive oxygen species in rat heart homogenate
Timoshin A., Lakomkin V., Abramov A., Ruuge E.
Use of peroxiredoxin 6 to prevent liver dysfunction in acute kidney injury
Gordeeva A., Kurganova E., Novoselov V.
Free radicals and signal transduction in cells
Martinovich G., Martinovich I., Voinarouski V., Grigorieva D., Gorudko I., Panasenko O.
Background formation of lower levels of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils after hypomagnetic field exposure is not accompanied by the impairment of chemiluminescence response of neutrophils to respiratory-burst stimuli
Novikov V., Yablokova E., Shaev I., Novikova N., Fesenko E.
Interaction of magnesium ions with semiquinone radicals of tiron used as an indicator of reactive oxygen species
Ustynuyk L., Medvedeva V., Liubimovskii S., Ruuge E., Tikhonov A.
Effect of combined use of melatonin and diethyldithiocarbamate on the N1E-115 cell line (a clone of cells from mouse neuroblastoma C-1300)
Myakisheva S., Baburina Y., Kobyakova M., Krestinin R., Sotnikova L., Krestinina O.
Mechanism of action of the low-frequency electromagnetic field on aqueous solutions of biopolymers
Tekutskaya E., Ilchenko G., Baryshev M.
Pathogenetic mechanisms of burn disease associated with oxidative membrane damage and ways of their correction
Vilyanen D., Pashkevich N., Borisova-mubarakshina M., Osochuk S.
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