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Vol 59, No 5 (2023)

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An Analysis of Intra-Seasonal Variability and Predictability of Atmospheric Processes of Regional Scale in the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitudes

Vilfand R.M., Kulikova I.A., Khan V.M., Makarova M.E.


The issues related to the intra-seasonal variability and predictability of the atmospheric processes of a regional scale in the Northern Hemisphere are considered. To identify the latter, the circulation indices characterizing the large-scale modes of the atmospheric variability are used. An assessment of the regional intra-seasonal variability of the atmospheric processes in the summer and winter seasons of 1991–2020 is given. A study of the practical predictability of the regional atmospheric processes is carried out using the global semi-Lagrangian model developed at the INM RAS jointly with the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, as well as the reanalysis of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on a weekly and monthly time scales. It is concluded that beyond of the first forecast week, the quality of deterministic (ensemble mean) forecasts drops sharply. In winter, the exception is the Pacific-North American oscillation region, where a useful signal is traced not only for the first prognostic week, but also for the second one. The use of the probabilistic forecasts makes it possible to increase the time interval of predictability compared to the deterministic approach from one week to a month. The biggest errors are noted in the forecasts of the circulation regimes in the west of the North Atlantic and in the west of the northern part of the Pacific, in the regions of the most significant intra-seasonal variability. The obtained results are supposed to be used in the operational practice of the intra-seasonal forecasting of the North Eurasian Climate Center (NEACC).

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):525-538
pages 525-538 views

The role of Regional Atmospheric Circulation in Interannual Variability of the Ocean Heat Advection in the Nordic Seas

Iakovleva D.A., Bashmachnikov I.L.


More than 90% of oceanic heat enters the Arctic Ocean with the Norwegian Current. In this paper we examine the mechanisms of variability of the oceanic heat flux in the Norwegian Current (across the Svinoy section in the southern Norwegian Sea) in 1993–2019. GLORYS oceanic reanalysis with a spatial resolution of 1/12° is used. It is found that the variability of oceanic heat flux is associated with that of water transport, which, in turn, is associated with variability of the sea level gradient across the Norwegian Current. It is shown that an increase in water transport of the Norwegian Current is a result of a decrease of the atmospheric pressure over the central part of the Norwegian Sea. The latter intensifies the southwesterly winds along the Scandinavian Peninsula. The sea level gradients across the Norwegian Current, formed by the winds, are primarily associated with Ekman pumping towards the coast, as well as with the wind stress curl. Both have a significant impact on the variability of water transport through the section. Another factor is variability of the steric sea level gradient, which significantly affects the water transport during the period of a rapid temperature rise of in the Norwegian Current (1995–2005).

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):539-548
pages 539-548 views

Variability of Extreme Air Temperatures and Precipitation in Different Natural Zones in Late XX and Early XXI Centuries According to ERA5 Reanalysis Data

Zheleznova I.V., Gushchina D.Y.


Global temperature rise on the planet is accompanied by an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events, which can lead to significant disturbances in plant metabolic processes and the functioning of plant communities. Depending on the type of vegetation and climatic conditions, the extent and nature of this impact can vary significantly. Therefore, the aim of this work was to identify areas with different types of plant communities that have been most affected by extreme temperatures and precipitation in recent decades. To identify regions with temperature and precipitation extremes, we estimated the frequency of exceeding a given threshold (less than 5% quantile or greater than 95% quantile) for selected theoretical probability density functions for the air temperature and precipitation series. The number of cases of exceeding the extreme threshold is calculated for the whole globe, their spatial and temporal variability in different seasons of the year and in the first decades of the XXI century compared to the end of the XX century is analysed. The regions with different types of plant communities with the most pronounced amplification of extreme temperature and precipitation regimes under changing climate conditions were identified.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):549-559
pages 549-559 views

Regular and Chaotic Oscillations in a Geostrophic Flow with Vertical Shear

Kalashnik M.V., Chkhetiani O.G.


In the framework of a two-level quasi-geostrophic model, the stability of flow with a constant vertical shear is investigated. Analytical expressions for the increment of perturbation growth in linear stability theory were obtained. The Galerkin method with three basic Fourier harmonics was used to describe the nonlinear dynamics of perturbations. A nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations is formulated for amplitudes of Fourier harmonics. It is shown that in the absence of bottom friction all solutions of the system describe periodic mode of nonlinear oscillations or vascillations. The situation changes fundamentally in the model with bottom friction. In this case, for a wide range of parameter values, the system solutions exhibit complex chaotic behavior. Thus, chaos or turbulence emerges for large-scale motions.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):560-568
pages 560-568 views

Near-Surface Air Content of CH4, СО2, СО and δ13C–СH4 in Moscow According to In Situ Observations

Berezina E.V., Vasileva A.V., Moiseenko K.B., Pankratova N.V., Skorokhod A.I., Belikov I.B., Belousov V.A., Artamonov A.Y.


Near-surface observations of air mixing ratios of CH4, CO2, CO, benzene, and δ13C–СH4 at the IAP-RAS site in Moscow for years 2018–2020 are analyzed to describe typical interannual, seasonal, and diurnal variations. The highest mixing ratios of CH4, CO2, and CO (above 2.2, 430, and 0.2 ppmv, respectively) are mostly observed in winter as a result of the seasonal maxima in the emissions of these gases from motor transport and energy sectors and the slow removal of the emissions from the near-surface air due to suppressed turbulent vertical mixing in the cold season. The highest impact of local and distant microbial emissions on the CН4 mixing ratios is observed in summer, as follows from the low δ13C–СH4 values from –50 to –60‰. The highest increase in the mixing ratios of all the measured species is associated with air transport from the industrial area located at the east – southeast from the site. The estimated emission ratios CH4/benzene = = 0.52–0.54 ppmv/ppbv, СH4/СО = 0.56–0.75 ppmv/ppmv, СО2/benzene = 77–93 ppmv/ppbv, СО2/СО = = 81–131 ppmv/ppmv, СО/benzene = 0.65–1.11 ppmv/ppbv show the prevailing contribution of emissions from motor transport and energy sectors to the content of trace gases in the near-surface air in Moscow and are consistent with other similar estimates published on the basis of observations in large cities.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):569-584
pages 569-584 views

Stratospheric Ozone Variations Over Obninsk from Data of Lidar and Satellite Measurements

Korshunov V.A.


Analysis of variations of stratospheric ozone content at 13–18, 18–23 and 23–30 km layers is presented from data of lidar and satellite measurements in 2014–2022 over Obninsk city (55.1° N, 36.6° E). Modeling of deviations from seasonal run for separate quarters of year are fulfilled by using of linear regression method. Impact factors under consideration are quasi-biennial oscillation of zonal wind in tropical stratosphere (QBO), Arctic oscillation (AO), El-Nino – Southern oscillation (ENSO), solar activity (SA), volcanic aerosol (VA) and polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). Enhancement of ozone content is observed in eastern QBO phase at 18–30 km layer (I–II quarter) and in western QBO phase at 13–23 km layer (IV quarter). At separate layers it is revealed significant impacts of AO (II–III quarters), SA (I–II quarters) and VA (III–IV). During a year influence of PSC is originally showed in II quarter at 13–18 layer and then in IV quarter at 13–18 layer. Possible physical mechanisms are discussed which are the basis of the correlation relations observed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):585-594
pages 585-594 views

Electricity of the Undisturbed Atmospheric Boundary Layer of Middle Latitudes

Anisimov S.V., Aphinogenov K.V., Galichenko S.V., Prokhorchuk A.A., Klimanova E.V., Kozmina A.S., Guriev A.V.


The atmospheric boundary layer is the lowermost part of the atmosphere, the turbulent dynamics and electrodynamics of which are determined by the complex organization of processes in a dissipative environment with energy input from many sources. Regions of the atmosphere undisturbed by thunderstorms and precipitation are characterized by low-energy electrical processes, for the study of which requires a developed instrument base and knowledge of the methods of synchronous spaced high-precision measurements of several physical quantities. The paper presents the results of recent studies of electricity of the atmospheric boundary layer of mid-latitudes carried out using the measuring complex of Borok Geophysical Observatory IPE RAS and numerical modeling. Quantitative estimates of the average values and variability of small ion concentration, the corresponding components of electrical conductivity, and atmospheric electric field intensity are performed. Two types of electric structures formed by the electric current flow through a turbulent medium with inhomogeneous conductivity are defined.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):595-611
pages 595-611 views

On the Mechanism of Sulfur Dioxide Oxidation in Cloud Droplets

Yermakov A.N., Aloyan A.E., Arutyunyan V.O., Pronchev G.B.


Data from field experiments on the dynamics of SO2 oxidation in cloud droplets are presented. The rapid oxidation of SO2 by molecular oxygen observed in experiments is attributed here to the catalytic action of a pair of manganese and iron ions in droplets. Their inhomogeneous effect by the drop-size distribution, attributed in experiments only to the leaching of ions of these metals from coarse particles of mineral dust is also due to the transition of the oxidation reaction into a branched mode. The results obtained indicate that the branched regime of catalytic oxidation of SO2 detected in cloud droplets should be considered as a new and significant source of sulfates in the atmosphere. This process must be taken into account when considering both the budget of sulfates in the global atmosphere and their impact on the climate.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):612-622
pages 612-622 views

Stability of the Vertical Distribution of Dust Aerosol in Light and Moderate Winds

Malinovskaya Е.A., Chkhetiani O.G., Golitsyn G.S., Lebedev V.A.


The profiles of dust aerosol mass concentration obtained with multilevel (0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, and 3.2 m) daytime measurements in arid conditions in 2020–2022 show a power dependence on height. We distinguish three main types of changes in concentration with height: a) in low wind (degrees are close to –0.5); b) spike changes in concentration when wind increases (degrees reach and exceed –1); c) inversions (concentration increases with height at two or three lower levels of measurements): weak – about –20 mkg/cm3, significant – more than 50 mkg/cm3. The power dependence of –0.5 is explained by the collective effect of the rise of the ensemble of closely located bubbles of air warmed around the dust particles. In weak and moderate winds, this mode is more common. Burst changes in concentration are associated with the emergence of turbulent structures.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):623-634
pages 623-634 views

Analysis of the Features of Water Circulation in the Northern Part of the Black Sea for Different Seasons on the Basis of the Results of Numerical Modeling with the Assimilation of the Data of Hydrological Surveys in 2016

Demyshev S.G., Evstigneeva N.A.


The analysis of the dynamic and energy characteristics of water circulation in the northern part of the Black Sea was performed on the basis of the assimilation in the numerical model of the data of three hydrological surveys in 2016, carried out on expeditions of 87, 89 and 91 cruises of the R/V Professor Vodyanitsky (summer, autumn and autumn-winter seasons). Numerical experiments were implemented on a horizontal grid (~1.6 km × ~1.6 km) with 27 vertical horizons and an atmospheric effect close to the real one was used. A procedure of assimilation of the observational data was based on the Kalman filter, taking into account the heterogeneity and nonisotropy of the errors of the estimates of the temperature and salinity fields. The integral energy terms in the kinetic and potential energy budget equations for three seasons were estimated. In the summer season, there was a slight weakening of the RC and the main mechanism for the formation of anticyclonic eddies near Sevastopol and near the southeastern shores of Crimea was baroclinic instability of the current (as evidenced by the increase in the slope of isopycnical surfaces and negative values of the work of the buoyancy force). An anticyclonic eddy near Yalta with a radius of about 25 km was generated due to the development of shear instability of the current. In the autumn season, the RC jet was pressed to the shore and there was a decrease in the number of eddies in comparison to the summer season. The formation of anticyclonic eddies with a radius of about 35–40 km in the western part of the region was caused by barotropic instability of the current, the formation of eddies along the Crimean coast – by baroclinic instability. In the autumn-winter season, the RC had a pronounced jet character and there was an increase in the processes of baroclinic instability with the generation of eddies of different scales between the coast and the RC, as well as in the area, located between 31.5 and 33° E, with the weakening of the wind effect. During all seasons, small-scale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies could be generated along the western and eastern coast of Crimea in the upper layer when current flowed around the coastline and inhomogeneities of the bottom topography under the action of weak winds.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):635-648
pages 635-648 views

Diapycnal Mixing and Double Diffusion over the Continental Slope in the Northern Sea of Japan in the Warm Half-Year

Stepanov D.V., Ostrovskii A.G., Lazaryuk A.Y.


This study investigates double diffusion processes responsible for diapycnal mixing in the Primorye current in the northern Sea of Japan. The results of processing and analysis of a long time series of data from regular Aqualog-profiler measurements of thermohaline characteristics and current velocity over the continental slope between the horizons of 60 and 420 m from April to October 2015. Using the Osborne-Cox parameterization (1972) and Gregg’s (1989) parameterization, we estimated heat and salt diffusivities, as well as the buoyancy flux. To reveal the processes of double diffusion, the Turner angle was estimated. We estimated contributions of diffusive convection and salt fingers into the buoyancy flux. Due to double diffusion, the intense vertical mixing covered the layer from 80 to 170 m. From mid-spring to early May, diffusive convection penetrated to a horizon of 250 m, and then a process like salt fingers played a leading role. Shear instability caused by the weakly nonlinear interaction of internal waves prevailed in the underlying layers.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):649-660
pages 649-660 views

Influence of the Weak Surface Film on Formation and Propagation of Wind Waves in a Channel

Plaksina Y.Y., Pushtaev A.V., Vinnichenko N.A., Uvarov A.V.


Processes of the wind waves formation remain poorly understood, despite the numerous studies. One of the main reasons, in our opinion, is that simplified theoretical analysis does not take into account the weak film of natural contaminants. In the present work waves generation in two channels is experimentally studied and compared for ethanol, water and water with addition of soluble surfactant SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) in various concentrations. The employed concentrations hardly affect the surface tension coefficient, but lead to significant modification of the subsurface flow structure. In ethanol the surface film is not formed, so it can be considered as reference case. In water and water with added surfactant the film gets broken and the surface becomes clean at certain critical wind speed, which grows for increasing surfactant concentration. For the surface to remain clean, the contaminant adsorption to the surface must be compensated by its removal by the tangential stress. Three experimental techniques are used to study the influence of cool skin on formation of the wind waves. The surface relief is measured with modified color schlieren technique and the liquid velocity fields are determined with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The surface temperature fields, which allow identification of the regions of the cool skin rupture, are obtained with IR thermography. IR thermography is also used to study the surface velocity field (IR PIV). The film is shown to have significant influence on both the waves amplitude and the structure of subsurface flow.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(5):661-672
pages 661-672 views

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