
Pollution of Russian Northern Seas with Heavy Metals: Comparison of Atmospheric Flux and River Flow
Vinogradova A., Kotova E.
Organized Roll Circulation and Transport of Mineral Aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Vazaeva N., Chkhetiani O., Maksimenkov L.
Variations of the aerosol concentration and chemical composition over the arid steppe zone of Southern Russia in summer
Artamonova M., Gubanova D., Iordanskii M., Lebedev V., Maksimenkov L., Minashkin V., Obvintsev Y., Chketiani O.
Large-Scale Smoke Haze over the European Part of Russia and Belorus in July 2016
Gorchakov G., Kozlovtseva E., Loskutova O., Kuznetsov G., Ponomareva T., Pankratova N., Gorchakova I., Karpov A., Kopeikin V., Semoutnikova E., Sitnov S., Rodina K.
Effect of photochemical self-action of carbon-containing aerosol: Wildfires
Konovalov I., Berezin E., Beekmann M.
Transport of Air Masses and Pollutants to the Russian Arctic Islands (19862016): Long-Term, Interannual, and Seasonal Variations
Vinogradova A., Ivanova Y.
Russian studies of atmospheric ozone in 2011–2014
Elansky N.
Regional Photochemical Surface-Ozone Sources in Europe and Western Siberia
Moiseenko K., Shtabkin Y., Berezina E., Skorokhod A.
Sources of and variations in tropospheric CO in Central Siberia: Numerical experiments and observations at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory
Shtabkin Y., Moiseenko K., Skorokhod A., Vasileva A., Heimann M.
On the Change in the Ocean Surface Temperature in the Benguela Upwelling Region. Part I: Season Cycle
Polonsky A., Serebrennikov A.
On the Contribution of the Eddy Transport to the Annual Mean Heat Budget of the Upper Layer in the North Atlantic
Polonsky A., Sukhonos P.
Study of the Neutral Ekman Flow Using an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model
Kurbatskii A., Kurbatskaya L.
Meridional Mass Transport of Bottom Water in the South Atlantic
Belyaev K., Morozov E., Tuchkova N.
Climatic variability of transport in the upper layer of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from hydrological and satellite data
Artamonov J., Fedirko A., Skripaleva E.
Eurasian Large-Scale Hazes in Summer 2016
Gorchakov G., Sitnov S., Karpov A., Gorchakova I., Gushchin R., Datsenko O.
Estimating the impact of natural and technogenic factors on the incidence of malignant neoplasms in Altai krai
Romanov A., Kovrigin A., Lazarev A., Lubennikov V.
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