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Vol 55, No 2 (2019)


Bulk Models of Sheared Boundary Layer Convection

Debolskiy A.V., Stepanenko V.M., Glazunov A.V., Zilitinkevich S.S.


This paper discusses approaches to constructing bulk convective boundary layer (CBL) models based on the concept of complete mixing. Large-eddy simulation (LES) results are used to test the basic similarity hypotheses. The empirical constants of the bulk CBL model that are obtained from LES data for the case of free convection agree well with previously published data from laboratory experiments. It is also shown that the flux of kinetic energy from the upper CBL boundary transported by gravity waves is small compared with other components of the balance of turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) in the convective layer. The parametrization of TKE generation for the case of a sheared CBL in terms of the friction velocity and the average wind velocity in the CBL is derived; all dimensionless constants of the theoretical model are obtained from LES data. The results allow us to formulate an integral model of the sheared CBL suitable for practical use.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):139-151
pages 139-151 views

Organized Roll Circulation and Transport of Mineral Aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Vazaeva N.V., Chkhetiani O.G., Maksimenkov L.O.


An investigation into mesoscale roll circulation and its transport characteristics in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is carried out. The case study of July 28, 2007, in Kalmykia, monitored during an expedition from the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, is considered using the WRF-ARW model. The development of circulation with considerable asymmetry in the positive and negative components of the velocity field and helicity is recorded. The quasi-2D roll structures are characterized by an intensification of the dust capture and accumulation from the underlying terrain and, along with intensive vortices with a vertical axis, are a significant source of atmospheric impurities. Captured finely dispersed aerosols can be transported at long distances and form aerosol layers.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):152-166
pages 152-166 views

Internal Gravity and Infrasound Waves during the Hurricane of May 29, 2017, in Moscow

Kulichkov S.N., Chunchuzov I.P., Popov O.E., Perepelkin V.G., Golikova E.V., Bush G.A., Repina I.A., Tsybulskaya N.D., Gorchakov G.I.


Data on internal gravity and infrasound waves recorded during the passage of both warm and cold fronts throughout Moscow, which are associated with the atmospheric storm of May 29, 2017, are given. These waves were recorded by four microbarographs located in the city of Moscow and Moscow region (and marked IFA, MGU, MSR, and ZNS in Fig. 1) and the data obtained were compared with data on infrasound waves recorded at the IS43 station in the town of Dubna. Time variations in the characteristics of internal gravity and infrasound waves (coherence, propagation azimuths, phase velocities, characteristic periods, and frequency spectra) during the passage of both warm and cold fronts are studied. The transition from the gravity to acoustic dispersive branch of acoustic-gravity waves due to increasing frequency and the temporal modulation of the phase velocity of infrasound waves due to internal gravity waves (IGWs) are also studied. Data on both aerosol (PM10) and gas (NO2) concentrations measured at different Moscow stations during the approaching atmospheric storm are given. The possibility of detecting wave precursors of atmospheric storms in simultaneous variations in atmospheric pressure, wind velocity, and pollutant concentrations is studied.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):167-177
pages 167-177 views

Tidal and Planetary Waves in the Lower Thermosphere and Ionosphere Simulated with the EAGLE Model for the January 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Conditions

Vasiliev P.A., Bessarab F.S., Karpov I.V., Klimenko V.V., Klimenko M.V., Sukhodolov T.V., Rozanov E.V.


The results of analyzing the planetary and tidal variabilities in the mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere acquired in calculations for January 2009 using two versions of the EAGLE model are presented. It is shown that, during a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), the planetary and tidal-wave activity increases in the lower thermosphere. The features of the changes in solar-migrating and nonmigrating components of tidal variabilities in the parameters of the thermosphere, ionosphere, and electric fields are considered. The reproduction of the vertical electromagnetic drift during the SSW period over the Jicamarca station is explained by a significant increase in the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal variability.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):178-187
pages 178-187 views

The Tidal Effect on Climatic Characteristics of the Kara Sea in the Ice-Free Period

Kagan B.A., Sofina E.V., Timofeev A.A.


Using a high-resolution version of the QUODDY-4 three-dimensional finite-element hydrostatic model, we have carried out two series of numerical experiments. The first estimates tidal changes characterizing the role of tides in the formation of climatic characteristics of the Kara Sea in the ice-free period (the magnitude and directions of velocity of permanent surface currents, temperature, and salinity at the pycnocline base and level of the free sea surface). The second series checks the adequacy of the indirect description of tidal changes in terms of tide-induced baroclinic tidal-energy dissipation and diapycnal diffusion when compared to the explicit method and obtains a quantitative measure that can be used for their comparison. The modeling results indicate, first, that the tidal changes are a significant, if not key, factor; second, that the indirect description of tidal changes is adequate when compared to the explicit method; third, that it is unjustified to disregard these changes (this is common in predicting and computing the climates of marine systems); and, finally, that the correlation averaged over the sea surface area can be taken as a quantitative measure of the similarity of the fields of climatic characteristics obtained for the total (wind + thermohaline + tidal) forcing, on the one hand, and the combined (wind + thermohaline) forcing coupled with the indirect method for the description of tidal changes, on the other.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):188-195
pages 188-195 views

Estimates of Turbulence Intensity and Power Density of an Asymmetric Tidal Current under Wind Forcing Variability

Korotenko K.A., Sentchev A.V.


A high-frequency (1.2 MHz) four-beam Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler moored on the seabed has been used for direct turbulence measurements in a tidal channel. Five tidal cycles covering calm and storm periods are selected from the measurements. The effect of the tidal cycle asymmetry and the wind forcing variability on the turbulence intensity, Reynolds stresses, and the current energy characteristics is estimated. It is shown that the power density of the tidal flow is twice as low during the storm period than during the calm period. Wave filtering in calculating Reynolds stresses made it possible to estimate the contribution of small-scale turbulence to its intensity.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):196-206
pages 196-206 views

Description of the Perturbations of Oceanic Geostrophic Currents with Linear Vertical Velocity Shear Taking into Account Friction and Diffusion of Density

Kuzmina N.P., Skorokhodov S.L., Zhurbas N.V., Lyzhkov D.A.


Abstract—A spectral problem of the Orr–Sommerfeld type for describing stable and unstable perturbations of oceanic geostrophic flows with linear vertical velocity shear is considered (parabolic vertical velocity profile). Calculations of eigenvalues, increments of growth rate of unstable modes, and eigenfunctions of the fastest growing perturbations are presented. It is found that the instability of the geostrophic flow is observed over a wide range of horizontal scales: in addition to longwave perturbations with a phase velocity exceeding the maximum velocity of the geostrophic current and perturbations with the scales of the Rossby radius, shortwave modes exist with scales much smaller than the Rossby radius (submesoscale structures). The results of the model are used to describe intrusions in the Arctic basin, which are observed under conditions of absolutely stable stratification.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):207-217
pages 207-217 views

Windward Aeolian Slope Formation Model

Malinovskaya E.A.


The model of the formation of windward slope by the air-flow is based on an analysis of the state of a layer composed of noncohesive sand particles. It is assumed that the wind removal of individual particles of this layer leads to a change in its length due to rolling and the immobility of larger particles. The reasons for the alternation of layers of large particles with layers of smaller ones involved in wind-sand transport can be revealed by taking into account deposited saltating particles. The windward slope forms close to the observed ones are obtained under the assumption of a linear dependence of the dynamic velocity on the height of the location on the windward slope. An algorithm for determining the linear coefficient of variation of dynamic velocity is proposed. The calculation of the relative change of the values of the roughness parameter and the scale of the laminar layer at different levels of the windward slope made it possible to estimate the coefficient of surface resistance.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(2):218-228
pages 218-228 views

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