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Issue Title File
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) 2015–2016 Seasonal Variations of Backscattering from Natural Coverage in the Moscow Region Based on Radar Data from the Sentinel 1A Satellite
Rodionova N.V.
Vol 52, No 3 (2016) A change in the asymmetry coefficient of Light-Scattering phase function in natural waters that contain organic particles
Mankovskii V.I.
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) A Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Active Fires in the Boreal Forests of Eurasia and North America Based on Satellite Data
Sitnov S.A., Mokhov I.I.
Vol 55, No 11 (2019) A Look at the 1988 Spitak Earthquake in the Light of Lessons Learned from the 1948 Ashgabat Catastrophe
Sidorin A.Y.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) A multisensory algorithm of satellite radiothermovision
Ermakov D.M., Sharkov E.A., Chernushich A.P.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) A New Class of Edge Baroclinic Waves and the Mechanism of Their Generation
Kalashnik M.V., Chkhetiani O.G., Chagelishvili G.D.
Vol 55, No 11 (2019) A New Climate Response Model for the Orbital Tuning of Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions
Gornostaeva A.A., Demezhko D.Y., Antipin A.N.
Vol 55, No 11 (2019) A New Model of the Ninety East Ridge Formation, Indian Ocean
Illarionov V.K., Boiko A.N., Borisova A.Y.
Vol 54, No 8 (2018) A Novel Model of Quasi-Stationary Vortices in the Earth’s Atmosphere
Onishchenko O.G., Pokhotelov O.A., Astafieva N.M.
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) A Regression Model of Microwave Emission of a Water Surface at 37.5 GHz
Sazonov D.S.
Vol 52, No 4 (2016) A review of observations of the effect of bathymetry on ocean circulation in recent decades
Bryan K.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) A study of sea-wave spectra in a wide wavelength range from satellite and in-situ data
Bondur V.G., Dulov V.A., Murynin A.B., Yurovsky Y.Y.
Vol 54, No 6 (2018) A Study of the Column Methane Short-Term Variability in the Atmosphere on a Regional Scale
Cherepova M.V., Smyshlyaev S.P., Makarova M.V., Timofeyev Y.M., Poberovskiy A.V., Shved G.M.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) A two-channel method for retrieval of the Black Sea surface temperature from Landsat-8 measurements
Aleskerova A.A., Kubryakov A.A., Stanichny S.V.
Vol 55, No 8 (2019) A Volcano in the Alps?
Ioganson L.I.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019) Accounting for Autocorrelation in the Linear Regression Problem by an Example of Analysis of the Atmospheric Column NO2 Content
Gruzdev A.N.
Vol 54, No 7 (2018) Acoustic and Electric Precursors of Strong Thunderstorm Events under Megalopolis Conditions
Spivak A.A., Rybnov Y.S., Soloviev S.P., Kharlamov V.A.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Aerial Video-Spectral Survey in the Search for Fragments of Separated Parts of Launch Vehicles on the Ground
Ostrikov V.N., Plakhotnikov O.V., Kirienko A.V.
Vol 54, No 11 (2018) Aerosol, Plasma Vortices and Atmospheric Processes
Izhovkina N.I., Artekha S.N., Erokhin N.S., Mikhailovskaya L.A.
Vol 55, No 11 (2019) Air Temperature and Black Carbon Concentration in the Surface Atmosphere at Tiksi, Yakutia
Vinogradova A.A., Titkova T.B.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Algorithm for Construction of Global Ocean–Atmosphere Radiothermal Fields with High Spatiotemporal Sampling Based on Satellite Microwave Measurements
Ermakov D.M., Raev M.D., Chernushich A.P., Sharkov E.A.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Algorithm of the k–ω Turbulence Equations Solution for the Ocean General Circulation Model
Moshonkin S.N., Zalesny V.B., Gusev A.V.
Vol 55, No 8 (2019) Amplitude Delta Factors and Phase Shifts of Tidal Waves for the Earth with the Ocean on the Territory of Russia
Spiridonov E.A., Vinogradova O.Y.
Vol 55, No 8 (2019) Amplitude–Frequency Characteristics of Geomagnetic Noise at Low Frequencies
Sokol-Kutylovskii O.L.
Vol 52, No 4 (2016) An ocean data assimilation system and reanalysis of the World Ocean hydrophysical fields
Zelenko A.A., Vil’fand R.M., Resnyanskii Y.D., Strukov B.S., Tsyrulnikov M.D., Svirenko P.I.
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