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Vol 54, No 4 (2018)


A New Class of Edge Baroclinic Waves and the Mechanism of Their Generation

Kalashnik M.V., Chkhetiani O.G., Chagelishvili G.D.


Edge baroclinic waves are generated in a geostrophic flow with a vertical shear near a solid surface. The study investigates a new class of baroclinic waves in flows with horizontal and vertical shears and a linear distribution of potential vorticity. It is shown that taking account of the horizontal shear leads to the appearance of new features of wave dynamics. These include the nonmodal growth of energy in the initial stage of development, the time dependence of the vertical wave scale, and the possibility of generation of stationary or blocked waves. The horizontal shear makes the mechanism of generation of baroclinic waves by initial vortex perturbations more efficient. One important feature is associated with vortex paths, which are formed by the superposition of a baroclinic wave on the flow with horizontal shear.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):305-312
pages 305-312 views

Influence of Feedbacks in the Climate–Energetics System on the Intensity of an Urban Heat Island

Demchenko P.F., Ginzburg A.S.


Both horizontal and vertical heat exchanges and feedbacks between air temperature and anthropogenic heat fluxes significantly affect the characteristics of the urban heat island (UHI). The UHI intensity depends, in particular, on the ratio between the scales LA (area of anthropogenic forcing) and Lγ (distance passed by an air particle of the oncoming stably stratified flow before its temperature approaches air temperature within the UHI). Both advection and feedback effects may be estimated based on the equation for the local heat balance of the underlying surface. In this case, heat advection is taken into account by calculating temperatures individually for the atmospheric boundary layer and the surface of the urban canopy layer. The estimates show that the asymptotics of strong advection is more characteristic of a typical city. However, under weak winds, with consideration for the feedback between air temperature and anthropogenic heat flux, some deviations from this asymptotics are probable.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):313-321
pages 313-321 views

Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling of Extreme Velocities over the Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin

Kislov A.V., Rivin G.S., Platonov V.S., Varentsov M.I., Rozinkina I.A., Nikitin M.A., Chumakov M.M.


A detailed modeling of meteorological parameters over the last 30 years (1985–2014) has been performed for the Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin regions in the frame of the COSMO-CLM regional mesometeorological nonhydrostatic atmospheric model. The downscaling technology is suggested and achieved with three consequent “nesting domains” (with 13.2-, 6.6-, and 2.2-km grid scales). The COSMO-CLM model reproduces (especially successfully on the 2.2-km grid scale) the extremes of wind velocity observed by meteorological stations well. Synoptic situations accompanied by extreme wind speeds are reproduced in detail.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):322-326
pages 322-326 views

Development of a Subcloud Layer over the Sea during a Cold Air Invasion

Rutkevich P.B., Golitsyn G.S., Rutkevich B.P., Shelekhov A.P.


Evaporation and vertical moisture and heat transfer from the underlying surface are the basis of cloud formation. The situation when the coming relatively cold stably stratified air moves over a warm ocean is a typical problem in the development of a turbulent convective layer. The problem of cloud formation is also of scientific and practical interest. This paper considers the problems of the formation of a turbulent convective layer over a warmer ocean and the vertical distribution of relative humidity. The results of the theoretical model are compared with the data of observations of the development of the turbulent convective layer at low latitudes (in the Indian Ocean) and at higher latitudes (in autumn over Lake Michigan). Approximate equations describe well the dynamics of temperature and humidity of the layer as a function of the difference between the temperatures of the approaching and near-surface air layers. The theoretical results are compared with the data on measurements of the condensation heights obtained at the Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport. Some discrepancy between them is due to the unsteadiness measurement and the approximations adopted in the theoretical model.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):327-335
pages 327-335 views

Study of the Neutral Ekman Flow Using an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model

Kurbatskii A.F., Kurbatskaya L.I.


A recently developed fully explicit algebraic model of Reynolds stress and turbulent heat flux in a thermally stratified planetary atmospheric boundary layer without stratification has been used for a numerical study of the Ekman turbulent boundary layer over a homogeneous rough surface for different dimensionless surface Rossby numbers. A comparative analysis has been conducted for a closure model of the transport term in the prognostic equation of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation including third-order moments. Dependences of the total wind rotation angle on the Rossby number have been obtained. The calculated vertical profiles of mean velocity, turbulent stress, turbulent kinetic energy, surface-friction velocity, and boundary-layer height agree satisfactorily with observational and earlier obtained LES data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):336-343
pages 336-343 views

Hydraulic Regimes of Flow over Mountains during Severe Downslope Windstorms: Novorossiysk Bora, Novaya Zemlya Bora, and Pevek Yuzhak

Shestakova A.A., Moiseenko K.B.


Common features of the flow behavior over mountains within the hydraulic jump model are identified based on an analysis of 36 episodes of severe winds in the regions of Novorossiysk, Pevek, and Novaya Zemlya. In all these episodes, the incoming flow is characterized by a strong inversion layer at altitudes of 0.5–1.5 km and, in the case of bora, by a critical level in the wind profile in the middle troposphere, which creates conditions for a weakened dynamic interaction between the low-level air flowing over mountains and the upper layers of the atmosphere. The wind-speed increase on the lee slope is caused by the transition of the incoming flow from the subcritical to supercritical state. In this case, the velocity amplitude increases with increasing inversion intensity. Model estimates of wind-speed increase are in good agreement with observations at lee-side weather stations for episodes with a strong elevated inversion.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):344-353
pages 344-353 views

Changes in Vertical Distribution and Column Content of NO2 under the Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings

Gruzdev A.N., Ageyeva V.Y., Elokhov A.S.


Characteristic features of changes in the vertical distribution and column content of NO2, total ozone, and stratospheric temperature have been revealed as a result of major sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs). Strong negative anomalies of column NO2, total ozone and stratospheric temperature are caused by the displacement of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex aside from the pole. Strong positive anomalies of column NO2 and total ozone are observed more frequently under SSWs accompanied by splitting of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex and are caused by the transport of stratospheric air from the low latitudes. Major SSWs can lead to significant changes in the vertical profile of NO2. The changes in different stratospheric layers can be opposite to each other when the edge of the polar vortex is over a site of ground-based observations.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):354-363
pages 354-363 views

Atmospheric Internal Gravity Waves Caused by Tsunamis over Kuril Islands

Skorokhodov A.V., Shevchenko G.V.


MODIS (Aqua and Terra) space images of the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean at instants of considerable tsunamis in 2009–2011 have been analyzed. Periodic cloud structures typical for internal gravity waves (IGWs) in the atmosphere have been revealed in the region of the Kuril Islands in five cases. It has been shown that the meteorological conditions observed during those events favored the appearance of such phenomena. The continuous oceanic upwelling in the region of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench is a favorable factor for IGW generation due to the creation of temperature contrasts observed both in warm and cold seasons between the ground layer of the atmosphere and ocean surface. The estimate of the structure of cloud manifestations of atmospheric waves by satellite images testifies also to the influence of the Kuril Ridge orography on their appearance and propagation over the water area under study. The increase in amplitudes and duration of oscillations caused by the tsunami in the shelf zone can be an auxiliary factor for the IGW generation over coastal territories.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):364-371
pages 364-371 views

Characteristics of Storm Activity and Parameters of Lightning Discharges in the South of the European Part of Russia

Adzhiev A.H., Kuliev D.D.


The results of instrumental studies of storm activity and parameters of lightning discharges in the south of the European part of the Russian Federation are presented. The features of spatial and temporal variations of thunderstorms and lightning parameters within a radius of 650000 km around the center of the lightning- detection network of the High-Mountain Geophysical Institute (Nalchik) covering the North Caucasus and the Black Sea coast are considered. The total number of thunderstorm days per year on the territory in question is approximately 239. The specific lightning susceptibility of the ground surface is approximately 6 discharges/km2 per year in the south and 2 discharges/km2 per year in the north. The share of terrestrial lightning discharges (positive and negative) on the territory is 12% of the total number of lightning; the share of cloud and intercloud discharges is 88%. According to these data, the share of positive discharges accounts for about 23% of the total number of the “cloud-to-ground” discharges. The average value of the electric currents is 13.5 kA in the negative lightning and 10.6 kA in the positive lightning. The parameters of lightning discharges over mountain terrain (altitude more than 1000 m) and over flatland terrain (altitude less than 1000 m) are considered separately. It has been found that the mean amplitude of the electric current of lightning discharges (regardless of polarity) amounts to approximately 9.29 kA over the flatland regions of the North Caucasus and 11.24 kA in the mountain part; the median value of the amplitude of the electric current reaches approximately 6.56 kA over the flatland terrain and 7.99 kA over the mountain terrain.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):372-379
pages 372-379 views

Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: II. On the Nonthermal Mechanism of UHF Noise

Klimenko V.V., Mareev E.A.


The intensity and spectrum of nonthermal radiation from a cloud of oppositely charged drops as a possible explanation for the anomalous UHF radio noise originating from frontal clouds have been considered. It has been shown that the noise intensity is determined by the dimensions of charged particles and the particle electrification rate, which must equal 0.1–0.3 C/s km3. The radiation spectrum in the UHF range strongly depends on the resistance of microdischarge channels between drops. The frequency dependence of the radiation agrees with experimental data if R ≤ 377 Ω, i.e., if oscillations of the discharge current appear.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):380-385
pages 380-385 views

Peculiarities of Polluted Water Spreading from a Submarine Source in Stratified Coastal Environment

Bondur V.G., Ivanov V.A., Fomin V.V.


We study the spreading of wastewaters from an underwater source in a stratified coastal environment using the results of satellite monitoring and mathematical modeling. The problem is considered as applied to deepwater discharge in the region of Golubaya Bay of the Black Sea near Sebastopol. The main factors preventing upwelling of pollution to the sea surface are analyzed on the basis of a numerical model. It is shown that peculiarities of wastewater spreading depend on the character of stratification and velocity of the background current. The main factor influencing the uplift of these waters to the surface is the existence of water layers with high vertical gradients of water density. We reveal the structure of the wastewater field consisting of a plume and a jet extended in the direction of the background current, which is located in the density interface. If stratification is weak, the plume may reach the sea surface and form a local region of water pollution, which is recorded in multispectral satellite images. It is found that the mass of polluted waters is characterized by negative anomalies of temperature and salinity.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):386-393
pages 386-393 views

The Role of Evolution Mechanisms in the Formation of a Wind-Wave Equilibrium Spectrum

Polnikov V.G.


The formation of a stationary (equilibrium) range in a wind-wave spectrum is investigated by numerical simulation. The equation of evolution of the wind-wave spectrum is solved using the exact calculation of the Hasselmann kinetic integral and involving various modifications of known parameterizations of the mechanisms of wave pumping by wind (In) and of wave dissipation (Dis). It is shown that it is these two mechanisms that are responsible for the shape of the stationary range of the wind-wave spectrum, whereas the nonlinear mechanism plays a stabilizing but subsidiary role. With an appropriate choice of mathematical representations for In and Dis, any known empirical shape of the stationary range of the spectrum can be obtained. During the calculations it is found that, for real wind waves, the known representations of In and Dis do not ensure the existence of the inertial interval required for Kolmogorov-type spectra formation due to the nonlinear interactions between waves.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):394-403
pages 394-403 views

Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea

Ambrosimov A.K.


The results of an investigation into water mass dynamics in the northeastern sector of the middle Caspian Sea are presented. High variations of currents are observed in this region of the sea, which are caused by the influence of the Peschanomysskoye Rise (PMR) on the cyclonic gyre. This bottom elevation is an obstacle to the currents of the gyre. The Yuzhno-Buzachinskii Deflection also influences the currents. Part of the dense and cold waters from the northern Caspian Sea flows along this deflection to the Derbent Basin. This basin is also a sink for the cold waters transported on the Peschanomysskoye Rise and those that overflow it. Observations in May 2015 over a cross-shaped survey at the western basement of the PMR showed that the currents in May in the western part of the survey in the entire water column from the surface to the bottom are organized in layers in the form of an anticyclonic spiral: the bottom current is directed to the south, the middle current is directed to the west, and the surface current is directed to the north. Lenses of warm water are observed in the bottom layer.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(4):404-413
pages 404-413 views

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