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Vol 55, No 9 (2019)

Physical Foundation of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing

Differential Radiometric Methods for Measurements of the Vertical Profile of Water Vapor in the Troposphere and Stratosphere of the Earth

Sterlyadkin V.V., Sharkov E.A.


Differential methods for determining the height profile of one of the most important greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere—water vapor—based on ground and satellite radio thermal microwave measurements in the absorption band of 22 GHz, are considered. The substantiation of a fundamentally new difference-differential method is carried out using the difference of differential signals on different slopes of the absorption line of the measured gas. This method makes it possible to increase the spatial selectivity of measurements and reduce the influence of clouds, precipitation, and third-party gases, as well as carry out measurements above the water surface. The results of the calculation of the kernels of integral equations are given for measurements in the absorption band of water vapor of 22 GHz. The selectivity of the kernels makes it possible to restore the water-vapor profile both in the lower troposphere layer to heights of 8 km and in the stratospheric–mesospheric layer of 30–80 km. The advantage of the proposed methods is the differential nature of the measurements, which does not require the absolute calibration of sources and long-term stability of the equipment.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):913-925
pages 913-925 views

Spatial Anisotropy Assessment of the Forest Vegetation Heterogeneity at Different Azimuth Angles of Radar Polarimetric Sensing

Bondur V.G., Chimitdorzhiev T.N., Dmitriev A.V., Dagurov P.N.


The results of studies to assess the texture of L- and C-band radar polarimetric images from SIR-C and ALOS PALSAR-1 satellites for analyzing forest-vegetation characteristics using different signatures are summarized. A fractal polarization signature is proposed for the study; this signature makes it possible to estimate the spatial anisotropy of forest-vegetation heterogeneities at different azimuthal angles of radar sensing. In addition, the signature of lacunarity is suggested as a tool for the qualitative assessment of the angular distribution of tree branches. The heterogeneities of forest vegetation at the test site near Lake Baikal are estimated based on the results of an analysis of the fractal dimension and lacunarity at different states of the polarization ellipse.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):926-934
pages 926-934 views

Influence of Wave Polarization on the Texture Characteristics of Objects in Radar Images

Rodionova N.V.


The influence of wave polarization on texture parameters of objects in radar images (RIs) is examined by calculations of the second-order statistics (the fractal dimension and the Haralick textural features) on the basis of polarimetric data acquired with the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) system for two wavelengths of the C- and L-ranges. The variance analysis of the samples of fractal dimension values for natural forested and water objects have revealed no influence of polarization on the values before the speckle filtering; however, after speckle filtering, statistically valid differences have been found in the mean values of some pairs of samples. For sample pairs of the copolarizations VV–HH and cross polarizations HV–VH, a random nature of the differences observed in the mean fractal dimension values has been shown. This conclusion is also true for the Haralick textural features of a water object—the contrast, inverse moment, and entropy. Statistically valid differences in the mean values of the Haralick textural features for urban and water objects have been revealed both before and after speckle filtering. For a forested object, variance analysis shows that the polarization-dependent differences in the mean values of the textural feature samples are statistically unreliable.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):935-938
pages 935-938 views

Correlation of the Sentinel 1 Radar Data with Ground-Based Measurements of the Soil Temperature and Moisture

Rodionova N.V.


This study analyzes the correlation between the Sentinel 1 radar data in the C band and the soil temperature and moisture measured at seven ground-based stations in France and Germany for the period of 2014–2016. The results of ground-based measurements of the soil temperature and moisture are available on the International Soil Moisture Network website. It has been shown that there are both positive and negative correlations between the backscattering coefficient (BSC) and the soil temperature and moisture measured on the ground. According to our results, the correlation depends on the soil texture and surface roughness. For strongly correlated variables, the regression relationships of the BSC with the soil parameters have been obtained.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):939-948
pages 939-948 views

Testing the Algorithm for Determining the Near-Water Wind Direction Field Using Satellite Radiopolarimetric Measurements

Sazonov D.S., Sterlyadkin V.V., Kuzmin A.V.


The original MicRAWinD (Microwave Radiometric Algorithm for Wind Direction retrieval) algorithm planned for use in reconstructing the near-surface wind direction in the Convergence space experiment (SE) is presented. The possibility of determining the wind direction based on radiometric measurements in two swaths of the radiometer stems from the anisotropy of surface radiation, which is manifested most clearly in the third Stokes parameter. Combining the results of measurements at different frequencies with their reliability factored in, one can improve the accuracy of reconstructing the wind direction. A new algorithm for enhancing the reliability of measurements which takes the real errors in measuring brightness temperatures into account is proposed. The algorithm has been tested with real data provided by the WindSat radiometric system. The results are compared with the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) reconstruction data. A surface region with different geophysical parameters (sea surface temperature, vapor content, wind speed and direction, and cloud water content) is chosen for this comparison. The reconstruction algorithm involves solving the direct problem of calculating the radio brightness temperatures at linear ±45° polarizations with subsequent calculations of the third Stokes parameter for 37, 18.7, and 10.7 GHz. The initial meteorological parameters for the direct problem are products provided by RSS. The sensitivity of radiometric instruments is taken into account in the simulation process. The solution of the inverse problem and the comparison results demonstrate that this algorithm retrieves the wind direction with fine qualitative agreement both from the results of radiometric observations at a single frequency and from multifrequency data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):949-955
pages 949-955 views

Comparison between the Spectra of Outgoing Infrared Radiation for Different Years

Timofeev Y.M., Polyakov A.V., Kozlov D.A., Zavelevich F.S., Golovin Y.M., Döhler W., Oertel D., Spänkuch D.


Abstract—Comparisons of outgoing IR radiation spectra measured bу Fourier SI-1 spectrometer in 1977 and 1979 from the Meteor-28 and -29 satellites to numerical calculations on the basis of the modern LBLRTM code and data of atmospheric radio sounding are carried out. In most cases, mean differences between measurements and calculations do not exceed 2 mW/(m2 sr cm–1) in the 660–1600 cm–1 spectral range. Standard deviations and mean square differences are, on average, 2–4 mW/(m2 sr cm–1). These values are greater bу about 1 mW/(m2 sr cm–1) than relevant differences between calculations and measurements for modern IKFS-2 spectrometer. Comparisons of experimental spectra of 1977, 1979 and 2015–2016 have shown that, on average, the intensity of outgoing IR radiation measured bу the IKFS-2 device, is bу 0.5–3.0 mW/(m2 sr cm–1) less than SI-1 radiation measurements onboard Meteor-28 and -29 satellites obtained 40 years ago. This effect may be associated with the СО2 increase in the atmosphere and the resulting raising of radiating atmosphere layers to tropospheric layers with а smaller temperature.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):956-962
pages 956-962 views

Determining the Vertical Profile of the Greenhouse-Gas Concentration in the Atmosphere up to 80 km on the Satellite-to-Earth Radio Translucence

Sterlyadkin V.V., Kosov A.S.


This article discusses methods for determining trace gases in the Earth’s atmosphere based on radio translucence of the satellite–Earth or Earth–satellite–Earth route using monochromatic radiation at a given frequency set. The substantiation of a new method using the difference of differential signals on different slopes of the absorption line of the measured gas is carried out, which allows one to increase the spatial selectivity of the measurements and reduce the influence of clouds, precipitation, and third-party gases. The results of calculating the kernels of integral equations when measuring the profile of water vapor in the absorption band of 22.23 GHz are presented. The selectivity of the kernels makes it possible to restore the water-vapor profile both in the lower troposphere layer to heights of 8 km and in the 30–80 km layer. The advantage of the proposed methods is the differential nature of the measurements, which does not require absolute calibration of sources and long-term stability of the equipment. In addition, it becomes possible to register small-scale and rapidly varying processes occurring during the revolution of the satellite in orbit on a spatial scale of 2–10 km. It is precisely this scale of spatiotemporal changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases that can be expected during technological accidents, missile launches, and other anthropogenic influences.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):963-974
pages 963-974 views

Relationship between the Brightness Temperature Anomalies of the Lower Troposphere and the Climate Indices in the Southern Urals

Vasil’ev D.Y., Velikanov N.V., Vodopyanov V.V., Krasnogorskaya N.N., Semenov V.A., Christodulo O.I.


The average monthly temperature of the lower troposphere (TLT) retrieved from satellite sensing data for 1979–2017 in the Southern Urals is analyzed. The method of decomposition of the temperature series into empirical orthogonal components (EOCs) was used to study the spatiotemporal TLT structure. Correlation analysis of the identified EOCs for winter and summer seasons and the indices of large-scale modes of natural climatic variability in the Northern Hemisphere is carried out. The first leading EOC, which characterizes a negative temperature trend, produces the main contribution to the overall variability. In winter, the leading mode is associated with the North Atlantic oscillation. In summer, a significant contribution of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and the index of the Arctic sea ice concentration anomalies was revealed. This may be used to improve the reliability of forecasting the regional climate change in the coming decades. The results suggest that the natural climatic variability has a considerable effect on the temperature regime and that it might be difficult to isolate the anthropogenic component of climate change in the studied region.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):975-985
pages 975-985 views

Spectroscopic Multirelaxation Dielectric Model of Thawed and Frozen Arctic Soils Considering the Dependence on Temperature and Organic Matter Content

Mironov V.L., Savin I.V.


A temperature spectroscopic dielectric model of moist soils developed on the basis of measurements of six samples of thawed and frozen Arctic soils with different contents of organic matter, from 30 to 90%, is presented. This model allows predicting complex permittivity values of moist soil that are in a good agreement with dielectric measurements. It is applicable in a frequency range from 0.05 to 15 GHz, a temperature range from ‒30° to +25°C, and a moisture range from 0.009 to 1.001 g/g. It can be recommended for use in remote sensing algorithms of moisture and temperature of soil using space radiometric and radar data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):986-995
pages 986-995 views

On Evaluating the Depth of Soil Freezing Based on SMOS Satellite Data

Boyarskii D.A., Romanov A.N., Khvostov I.V., Tikhonov V.V., Sharkov E.A.


The results of a comparative analysis of the brightness temperatures obtained by the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) satellite and the soil-freezing depths corresponding to them, which were measured at weather stations located on test sites of the Kulunda plain, are presented. Based on daily satellite measurements of brightness temperatures, the influence of soil-freezing processes on the microwave radiation of the underlying surface has been studied. Using a model of microwave radiation of a plane-layered inhomogeneous nonisothermal medium, a theoretical calculation of the dependence of the brightness temperature of the soil on the depth of freezing has been performed. Real soil parameters of the Kulunda plain and climatic characteristics of the studied areas obtained at weather stations during the same period were used as input parameters of the model. According to the analysis of satellite and field data, as well as model calculations, it follows that, to estimate the depth of freezing of the soil from daily satellite microwave radiometry data, it is necessary to know the date on which the freezing of the soil cover begins, as well as the dielectric characteristics of frozen and unfrozen soil in those areas where the SMOS product is issued by brightness temperature. Based on satellite data and a model of microwave radiation of the soil with the upper frozen layer, a method for determining the depth of freezing of the soil cover is proposed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):996-1004
pages 996-1004 views

Comparison of Various Models of Supercooled Water-Loss Factor with Experimental Data in the Microwave Range

Bordonskiy G.S., Orlov A.O.


An improved formula for the supercooled water-loss factor at frequencies of 10–180 GHz in the temperature range –70 to 0°C is presented. The formula is based on the experimental data obtained by the authors on the measurements of attenuation in the pore water of silicate materials. The formula contains two terms describing the Debye dependence of the loss factor on frequency and temperature and non-Debye dependence determined by the influence of the second critical point of water. The proposed formula is compared with the model formulas of other authors. A significant discrepancy (by several times) between the calculation results of the loss factor at frequencies above 100 GHz and temperatures below –30°C is established. The model based on the measurements provides the most adequate representation of the behavior of the loss factor with an error of ~30% in the region of deeply supercooled water and in the upper part of the studied frequency range.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1005-1011
pages 1005-1011 views

Methods and Tools for Space Data Processing and Interpretation

Application of Neural Network Technologies for the Classification of Cloudiness by Texture Parameters of MODIS High-Resolution Images

Astafurov V.G., Skorokhodov A.V.


The technique of a search for images of cloudiness of various types from MODIS satellite images based on a comparison with archive data of observations on the network of meteorological stations is presented. Based on an expert estimate, 14 types of cloudiness possessing a unique structure on images recorded with a spatial resolution of 250 m are identified. Images of cloudiness of these types and results of investigations of their texture parameters found based on the statistical gray-level co-occurrences matrix (GLCM) approach are presented. For the indicated cloudiness types, characteristic texture features or their combinations are determined. To classify the cloudiness based on information on the texture parameters, it is proposed to use the neural network based on the three-layer perceptron. The modified method of adaptive tuning of the learning rate of the neural network is described. Results of cloudiness classification and their reliability are discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1012-1021
pages 1012-1021 views

Validation of Information Products of Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Processing

Kozoderov V.V., Kondranin T.V., Dmitriev E.V., Kamentsev V.P.


In regards to the problem of airborne hyperspectral imagery processing, most attention is paid to the construction of an automated classifier which implements computational procedures of recognizing forest vegetation of different species composition and age. The validation of the information products obtained as a result of processing the data of hyperspectral remote sensing is based on finding a maximum of a posteriori probability for selected classes of objects using the contemporary views of Markov random fields allowing a priori probabilities for each element of hyperspectral apparatus resolution to be calculated. The necessity of taking into account the noise component of the apparatus to enhance the accuracy of solving the applied problems under study is shown. Examples of comparing the data of hyperspectral imagery processing with the data of ground-based forest inventory for a selected territory are demonstrated.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1022-1032
pages 1022-1032 views

On the Validation of Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Data under Soil Salinity Conditions

Romanov A.N., Khvostov I.V.


The results of a comparative analysis of the underlying surface brightness temperature obtained from the SMOS satellite and calculated with the use of ground-based measurements of moisture and the laboratory measurements of dielectric characteristics of samples of saline soils and saline water from test sites of the Kulunda Steppe are presented. The values of the underlying surface brightness temperatures calculated with the use of ground investigations and the laboratory studies correlate satisfactorily with the values of brightness temperatures measured from the SMOS satellite. The deviations can be caused by the seasonal drying of highly mineralized shallow lakes, which results in a significant change in the areas occupied by lakes and the appearance (instead of a water surface) of wetlands with a high content of mineral salts, whose radio emission characteristics differ from the characteristics of the water surface and the soil cover.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1033-1040
pages 1033-1040 views

Algorithm for Construction of Global Ocean–Atmosphere Radiothermal Fields with High Spatiotemporal Sampling Based on Satellite Microwave Measurements

Ermakov D.M., Raev M.D., Chernushich A.P., Sharkov E.A.


In the paper, an algorithm is presented for constructing global ocean–atmosphere radiothermal fields with high spatiotemporal sampling by satellite microwave measurements. Attention is focused on the construction of the daily reference images of high spatial resolution. The construction of such reference maps is an important preparatory step for the further application of the earlier proposed and implemented technique of the authors of spatiotemporal interpolation. The software, which implements the described algorithm, makes it possible to obtain global animated radiothermal fields with a time step of 1.5 h and spatial resolution of 0.2°. These parameters are essential for an analysis of complex, fast, and energy-intensive processes occurring in the ocean–atmosphere system, such as the formation and evolution of tropical cyclones.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1041-1052
pages 1041-1052 views

Application of Statistical Models of Image Texture and Physical Parameters of Clouds for Their Classification on MODIS Satellite Images

Skorokhodov A.V., Astafurov V.G., Evsutkin T.V.


Modifications of algorithms for the classification of single-layer, vertical development clouds, and multilayer clouds based on a probabilistic neural network and a neuro-fuzzy classifier are proposed. Clouds are classified into 16 types according to the meteorological standard, including the combined subtypes of stratus, altocumulus, cirrus, and cirrostratus clouds. The article uses a description of clouds based on information about the texture of their images on satellite images from MODIS and its products with data on the physical parameters of clouds. The structure of classification algorithms is described. The results of the use of statistical models of image texture and physical parameters of clouds for initializing membership functions for a neural-fuzzy classifier are presented. Systems of effective classification characteristics for different classification algorithms are formed based on the GRAD modified truncated search method. The recognition results of single-layer, vertical development clouds, and multilayer clouds based on the corresponding test samples and full-size sets of MODIS satellite data with different spatial resolution are discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1053-1064
pages 1053-1064 views

Calibration of Estimates on Direct Wildfire Emissions from Remote Sensing Data

Ponomarev E.I., Shvetsov E.G., Litvintsev K.Y.


This study is based on the processing of satellite imagery in the wave range 3.93–3.99 μm (Terra/Modis satellite) and numerical simulation results. It has been found for combustion conditions in Siberian forests that the observed fire radiative power (FRP) is 15% of the total fire power. Variations between 10 and 30% depend on both the fire development scenario (specific burnup rate of 0.01–0.1 kg/m2 s and fire front velocity of 0.01–0.1 m/s) and the conditions for remote imaging. Instrumental estimates for the ratio of fire areas by given intensity quantiles for Siberian forests are presented. The share of low-, medium-, and high-intensity fires is 41.2–58.9, 35.0–46.5, and 6.10–13.44% of the total area. Refined estimates of fire emissions have been obtained taking into account the amount of biomass burnt and variable burning intensity. The proposed method allows the mass of burned forest fuel materials (FFM) and direct fire emissions to be estimated quantitatively at a level 14–21% lower than the values calculated with the help of standard approaches. The estimates of direct carbon emissions in the given time interval of 2002–2016 were 83 ± 21 Tg/year on average, which is 17% lower than the value 112 ±25 Tg/year obtained with the standard method.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1065-1072
pages 1065-1072 views

Methods to Explore Diverse Soils in the West Caspian Region Using High-Resolution Satellite Images

Zalibekov Z.G., Biarslanov A.B.


High-resolution satellite images have made it possible to determine dynamic changes in the variety of classification soil units in the West Caspian region with differentiation of functioning soils and ranges of surface deposits. The latter have been conditionally subdivided into the following groups: (a) deposits of soil origin: puff, crustal, and sor-affected solonchaks; (b) deposits of geological origin: outcrops of loose and hard rocks, drained zones of lake bottoms, and water reservoirs, including loose sand; and (c) manmade construction, road, economic, recreational facilities and disturbed land areas. They occupy 10–15% of the total land area and are interpreted by direct transfer to the soil map and by cartographic referencing. The rest of the area (85–90%) is occupied by a soil cover and plant communities which are devoid of interpretation features. A soil salinization scale has been compiled according to the variety of colors of halophytic communities; salt accumulation nature and degree have been specified based on SIs. The increase in resolution, spectral ranges, and other enhancement elements of the Landsat satellite reflect the atmospheric correction of the results obtained in 1978–2007.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1073-1081
pages 1073-1081 views

Aerial Video-Spectral Survey in the Search for Fragments of Separated Parts of Launch Vehicles on the Ground

Ostrikov V.N., Plakhotnikov O.V., Kirienko A.V.


The possibility of finding fragments of separated parts (SPs) of launch vehicles (LVs) on the ground on the basis of processing data from a video spectral (hyperspectral) aerial survey in the range of 0.4–1.0 μm is considered. The quality of special precorrection methods is estimated by comparison during thematic processing by spectral proximity measures, including the special delta-vector metric, modified Terebizh metric, and correlation factors, as well as with the use of the subpixel method.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1082-1088
pages 1082-1088 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Seas and Oceans from Space

Use of Along-Track Altimeter Data to Verify Numerical Wave Models

Polnikov V.G., Pogarskii F.A., Zilitinkevich N.S., Kubryakov A.A.


A technology for extracting along-track altimeter data collocated with space-irregular buoy measurements and data on the numerical simulation of waves is developed using AVISO altimetry data for the period 2013–2016. Data on the numerical simulation of waves are obtained on a regular spacetime grid for two wave models: WAM and its modified version, WAM-M. Satellite data are calibrated jointly and separately for each satellite using a system of 41 buoys. Both calibrations are then used to estimate mean-square-root deviations (RMSDs) of the Indian Ocean wind-wave height simulation data from their corresponding calibrated altimetry data. It is found that the calibration type does not significantly affect the studied RMSDs, but the RMSD values themselves have significant spatial variability. It is shown that it is possible to determine the advantages of some numerical models over others in terms of RMSD values in different zones of the Indian Ocean and the ocean in general. The reasons for the intermittency of RMSD values for the considered models depending on the Indian Ocean zone are discussed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1089-1097
pages 1089-1097 views

Automatic Detection of Internal Waves on Satellite Images and Estimates of the Mixed Layer Density

Aleksanin A.I., Kim V.


This work presents an automatic algorithm for detecting internal waves (IWs) using the visible channel images of the MODIS radiometer. The algorithm is based on the local Hough transform. The sources of detection errors and the possibility of excluding false detections are considered. If a train of IWs is detected, it is possible to estimate the wavenumber. The wavelength in the images used in our experiments is within the range 1300–2200 m. The speed of IWs is estimated using two adjacent passes of the Aqua and Terra satellites. The speed and wavenumber are used for estimating the density characteristics of the mixed layer in a two-layer model with constant density. The estimated density difference between the layers based on satellite data is in a good agreement with the in situ data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1098-1105
pages 1098-1105 views

Trends of Steric Sea Level Oscillations in the North Atlantic

Belonenko T.V., Koldunov A.V.


We consider trends of sea level steric oscillations in the North Atlantic in 2003–2015 using two independent approaches. The first method is based on the multidisciplinary application of altimetry (AVISO) and gravimetry (GRACE mission) data. The second method is based on the integral assessment of steric oscillations using variations in the fluid volume caused by variations in water density: the calculations are carried out using the SODA, EN4, and ARMOR reanalysis data. It is shown that the application of the combined altimetry and GRACE data result in overestimated values of steric oscillations and their trends. This is related to the fact that the GRACE observations show the variations in the ocean mass; hence the sea level variations are presented in a relative coordinate system which is not the geocentric system. This system does not take into account the effects of the elastic deformation of the ocean bottom and the corresponding redistribution of the water volumes. It is shown that the maximum bias of these estimates and the errors in determining the steric oscillations and their trends based on the first method is characteristic of regions located near Greenland. This is caused by the contribution of the negative trend component to the GRACE data. If the estimates are made in regions remote from Greenland coasts, the trend component in the GRACE measurements is insignificantly manifested and the trends in the steric oscillations calculated using the method that jointly uses the AVISO and GRACE data are similar to the trends in the sea level variations based on the altimetry data. The trends of the steric oscillations of the sea level calculated from the reanalysis data are similar in the spatial distribution between both calculations and also similar to the trends in the sea level variations based on the altimetry data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1106-1113
pages 1106-1113 views

Interaction of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddies in the Sea of Okhotsk Based on Satellite Data

Zhabin I.A., Andreev A.G.


We have investigated the interaction between the mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in the deep Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk. An analysis of the long-term series of satellite altimetry observations (2000–2011) has demonstrated that the circulation in the Kuril Basin is determined by quasi-stationary mesoscale anticyclonic eddies. Based on the QuikSCAT SeaWind scatterometer satellite data, a negative vorticity wind-stress field exists over the deep part of the Sea of Okhotsk in the warm season, which generates anticyclonic circulation composed of mesoscale eddies. An analysis of the satellite infrared images reveals that submesoscale processes determine the interaction of mesoscale eddies with the waters of the zone of intense tidal mixing on the shelf of the Kuril Islands. Submesoscale cyclonic eddies are formed at the fronts of tidal mixing and near the Bussol Strait located in the central part of the Kuril Islands. Applications of Lagrangian analysis have shown that submesoscale eddies move at the periphery of the northern mesoscale eddy within the advective streamer limited by the transport barriers. The formation and destruction of submesoscale eddies caused by horizontal mixing leads to the injection of cold water rich in nutrients from the zone of intense tidal mixing to the deep Kuril Basin. In the summer period, high concentrations of chlorophyll-a are observed in the upper layer of the northeastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk due to the interaction between submesoscale and mesoscale eddies.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1114-1124
pages 1114-1124 views

Evaluation of the Tropospheric Latent Heat Advective Fluxes over the Ocean by the Animated Analysis of Satellite Radiothermal Remote Data

Ermakov D.M., Sharkov E.A., Chernushich A.P.


The next stage of advancing the animated analysis of satellite remote data proposed by the authors is described in detail: the development of a technique for calculating the latent heat advective fluxes by radiothermal measurement data from satellites. In accordance with previously accepted principles, the calculating algorithm is closed under the input satellite data; there are no requirements for additional information, which often significantly limit the applicability of new data processing techniques. The described step of the analysis is naturally associated with the already-existing algorithms and is based on the results of calculations carried out with their help (spatiotemporal interpolation of fields of geophysical parameters of the Earth atmosphere–ocean system) to evaluate the advective fluxes of the derived quantities. When the fields of integrated atmospheric vapor content are used as the input, the results of the calculations are latent heat fluxes in standard units (MW). The approach is demonstrated using the example of processing the arrayed SSM/I data acquired in August 2000 in the context of studying the evolution of tropical cyclone (TC) Alberto.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1125-1132
pages 1125-1132 views

Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017

Lozhkin D.M., Shevchenko G.V.


Time series of monthly mean sea surface temperatures in the Sea of Okhotsk and adjacent basins have been formed from 20-year-long satellite measurements (1998–2017). Coefficients of the linear trend are determined in each spatial cell with a size of 2 × 2 km using the method of least squares. Such coefficients are calculated for each month separately, for the annual mean values, and for seasonally average values of the temperature. The relationship of these coefficients with the observed decrease in the ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk in the last 20 years has been analyzed. It is shown that the temperature of the surface layer in this basin decreases; the most significant decrease is observed in its northern and western parts. This trend is especially pronounced in the spring, which may be due to a decrease in the ice cover and stronger water cooling due to the winter convection when the area of ice cover decreases.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1133-1137
pages 1133-1137 views

Suspended-Matter Distribution Near the Western Coast of Crimea under the Impact of Strong Winds of Various Directions

Aleskerova A.A., Kubryakov A.A., Goryachkin Y.N., Stanichny S.V., Garmashov A.V.


In this paper, we study the mechanisms of the formation and distribution of suspended matter (SM) near the western coast of Crimea under the impact of strong winds of various directions using medium- and high-resolution satellite data. The SM concentration was noted to reach its maximal values ​​at southern winds, reaching values ​​of 200 mg/L. The zone of high SM concentration is located in the region of the western shelf of Crimea and is limited to an isobath of 50 m. The wave action during the south wind contributes to the resuspension of bottom sediments and the destruction of clay cliffs on the western coast of Crimea. After the storm, a northern coastal current arises that transfers the SM to the north. In northeastern winds, the highest SM concentrations are observed not on the coast, but in the sea part of the shelf between isobaths of 30 and 50 m. Such winds are likely to resuspend sediments in shallow water, which are then driven away from the coast by the action of wind driving. They are replaced by clean, cold waters from the deeper layers that are observed near the coast. The feature of northern and northwestern storms impact is the formation of a coastal jet current along the west coast. The current occurs in the frontal upwelling zone and carries the SM south to the deep sea. The SM concentration in this case is also significantly lower than during southern winds, although it can reach 3 mg/L.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1138-1149
pages 1138-1149 views

On the Change in the Ocean Surface Temperature in the Benguela Upwelling Region. Part I: Season Cycle

Polonsky A.B., Serebrennikov A.N.


Based on the daily satellite imagery data on the ocean surface temperature for 1982–2017, near-surface wind for 1988–2017 and sea-level anomalies for 1993–2017, the seasonal variability of the hydrothermodynamic characteristics of the upper water layer in the vicinity of the Benguela upwelling is investigated. It is shown that the thermal upwelling index averaged over the entire area with lower temperature values does not provide a correct idea of the seasonal course of the water lifting rate in the upwelling zone due to the significant horizontal advection of waters of upwelling origin. The seasonal variation in the vertical velocity of wind origin in the Benguela upwelling zone is characterized by the presence of two extremums from October to March, which is manifested in the dominance of the semiannual harmonic over the annual one. At the same time, the thermal upwelling index in the zone of distribution of upwelling waters is subject to seasonal variability with an annual period.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1150-1159
pages 1150-1159 views

Distribution of Desalinated Waters of the Amur Estuary in the Okhotsk Sea According to Satellite Observations

Andreev A.G.


The distribution of desalinated waters from the Amur Estuary in the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk during the summer period is analyzed using satellite data on the sea surface height (SSH), sea surface salinity (SSS), temperature, and concentrations of particulate organic carbon. There is a good agreement between the spatial distributions of SSS (data from the SMAP satellite) and SSH (AVISO data) in the study area. Identification of the Amur Estuary waters in terms of surface water temperature and concentration of particulate organic carbon is confined by Sakhalin Bay and the coastal zone of Sakhalin Island. An increase (a decrease) in the Amur River discharge during the spring–summer high-water period leads to an increase (a decrease) in the SSH in the northern part of Sakhalin Bay in July. Strengthening of the northwestern (southeastern) winds in September reduces (increases) the inflow of waters with low salinity and causes an elevated SSH in the water area to the north of Sakhalin Bay.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1160-1165
pages 1160-1165 views

Satellite Monitoring of Temperature Conditions near the Mouths of Spawning Rivers in the Southern Part of Sakhalin Island

Lozhkin D.M., Tskhay Z.R., Shevchenko G.V.


Ten-day mean sea surface temperature (SST) series have been collected using satellite measurements in 22 coastal regions adjacent to the river mouths of Sakhalin Island from spring to summer (May–July) in 1998–2017. Average long-term dates of the onset of favorable conditions for the release of salmon juveniles from hatcheries (+6–7°C) have been evaluated. Mean square and extreme deviations from these dates have been determined. Synoptic conditions from 2011, under which there were the greatest delays in the release of salmon from the hatcheries, are analyzed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1166-1171
pages 1166-1171 views

Structure and Dynamics of Waters in the Region of the Shantar Islands National Park (Sea of Okhotsk) Based on the Data of Satellite Observations

Zhabin I.A., Luk’yanova N.B., Dubina V.A.


The Shantar Islands National Park (northwestern shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk) was established to preserve the biological diversity of unique natural marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The water structure and dynamics in the basin of the Shantar Islands has been studied based on the analysis of multisensor satellite images (Terra/Aqua MODIS, Landsat-7 ETM+, Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS, Sentinel-2A MSI) and field oceanographic observations. The circulation over the shelf in the Shantar Islands region is strongly determined by strong tidal currents and freshwater discharge. The water structure is formed under the influence of intense local tidal mixing and the propagation of low-saline river plumes in the shallow parts of the main bays of the Shantar archipelago. The interaction of tidal currents with the complex topography and bathymetry (peninsulas, capes, islands, straits, and shallow-water regions of the shelf) leads to a high level of submesoscale activity and the generation of various types of submesoscale structures, including jet currents and eddies.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1172-1181
pages 1172-1181 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Atmospheric Processes and Climate Change from Space

Quantitative Estimates of the Impact of the Most Important Factors on Global Climate Change over the Past 150 Years

Pokrovsky O.M.


We propose using multiple regression to create a statistical model for describing climate change under the influence of specified climate-forming factors. This model provides not only estimates of the temporal evolution of global temperature, but also a set of corresponding confidence intervals with a high level of statistical significance (probability). Eliminating the linear trend of climatic temperature series (CRUTEM) and atmospheric CO2 concentration allows an objective quantitative assessment of the impact of natural factors on climate change. The global CRUTEM temperature responds quasi-synchronously to the fluctuations in the average surface temperature of the North Atlantic (AMO index); however, to changes in solar activity (Wolf numbers), it does so with a delay of approximately 15 years. The linear trend of increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere explains almost all the interannual variability and reflects the linear trend of global temperature, but covers only part of its interannual variability.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1182-1188
pages 1182-1188 views

Cloud Changes in the Period of Global Warming: The Results of the International Satellite Project

Pokrovsky O.M.


We present the results of an analysis of climatic series of global and regional cloudiness for 1983–2009. The data were obtained as part of the ISCCP international satellite project. A technique of statistical time series analysis that includes a smoothing algorithm and wavelet analysis is described. Both methods are intended for the analysis of nonstationary series. According to the results of analysis, both global and regional cloudiness show a decrease of 2–6%. The greatest decrease is observed in the tropics and over the oceans, while the decrease is minimal over land. The correlation coefficient between the global cloud series on the one hand and the global air and ocean surface temperature series on the other hand reaches values between –0.84 and –0.86. The coefficient of determination that characterizes the regression accuracy for the prediction of global temperature variations based on the variations in the lower cloud cover in this case is 0.316.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1189-1197
pages 1189-1197 views

Dynamics of High-Altitude Jet Streams from Satellite Measurements and Their Relationship with Climatic Parameters and Large-Scale Atmospheric Phenomena

Nerushev A.F., Visheratin K.N., Ivangorodsky R.V.


This article presents the results of an investigation into the spatiotemporal variability of the main characteristics of jet streams (JSs) in the upper troposphere of the Northern and Southern hemispheres in the field of view of European geostationary meteorological satellites for the period of 2007–2017. Most attention is paid to their relationship with tropospheric temperature, the sea-ice area, and large-scale atmospheric phenomena. The general patterns and significant differences in the interannual variability of the main characteristics of JSs in the Northern and Southern hemispheres are established. Correlation and cross-wavelet analyses are used to show that the temperature of the upper troposphere (T) at 200–500 hPa and the JS area (S) in both hemispheres vary interannually in antiphase, while T and latitudes of its center (φ) vary interannually in phase. Annual variations in the sea-ice area (Sice) and S occur in both hemispheres mostly in phase, while the variations in Sice and φ in both hemispheres are close to antiphase. The feature of annual variations of the Sice and S series in the Northern Hemisphere was found. Namely, S variations are 1.5–2.5 months ahead of Sice variations. A complex, time-varying nature of the relationship between JS characteristics and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of the zonal averaged wind over the equator was revealed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1198-1209
pages 1198-1209 views

Carbon Monoxide Variations in the Antarctic Atmosphere from Ground-Based and Satellite Measurement Data

Ustinov V.P., Baranova E.L., Visheratin K.N., Grachev M.I., Kal’sin A.V.


The results of systematic (2003–2017) measurements of the total content and height-averaged relative volume concentration of CO at st. Novolazarevskaya with a spectrometer with a resolution of 0.2 cm–1 are presented. The inverse problem of determining the total content of CO as well as interfering gases (H2O and N2O) was solved using the SFIT4 software package. A data analysis indicated that during the measurements the average total CO content at st. Novolazarevskaya was (8 ± 2) 1017 molecules/cm2 and the height-averaged volume concentration was (37 ± 8) ppb. The resulting data were compared with variations in the total CO content at st. Arrival-Heights, MOPITT satellite data, and CO surface concentrations at st. Syowa. The maximum and minimum values of CO were observed in September and January–February, respectively. For all the data series considered, the trends are insignificant; in this case, an increased CO content was observed in 2010, and an increasing trend of the minimum values of CO was observed in recent years (2014–2017). Both stations (Novolazarevskaya and Arrival-Heights) are characterized by an excess of satellite data over ground-based measurement data (19% and 14%, respectively); here, a seasonal dependence of the deviation was observed with minimal deviations in December–January. Data of surface measurements of the total content at st. Novolazarevskaya and Arrival-Heights are rather well consistent, and the average deviation since 2010 was 2.4%. The average concentration of CO at st. Syowa (51 ppb) is higher than the height-averaged concentration at st. Novolazarevskaya. According to spectral, wavelet, and composite analyzes, all data series considered include oscillations in the range of 6–45 months with almost identical periods and phase relationships.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1210-1217
pages 1210-1217 views

Phenomenon of the Asian Monsoon Penetrating to Northern Asia

Pokrovsky O.M.


It has been shown that the abnormal rainfall in the catchment of the Amur river in 2013 had a monsoon nature. The origin and evolution of the Asian monsoon (AM) from the region of its formation in the western Indian Ocean to the penetration to Northern Asia have been analyzed. It has been shown that the indices of the Indian Ocean dipole, El Niño, and the North Pacific indices were in phases that contributed not only to maximization of its intensity, but also to the fastest possible movement of the AM from the region of origin through the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and China to the Russian Far East. Due to the current composition of the climate indices in the Indian and Pacific oceans, the overwetted monsoon air mass brought the minimum possible loss of precipitation on its way to the final region. Increased monsoon precipitation in the vast catchment of the Amur river was facilitated by the fact that the Arctic Oscillation was in the negative phase, which led to the transfer of cold arctic air into the region. The latter circumstance influenced an increase in precipitation through the mechanism of accelerated condensation in humid air. Negative values of the North Pacific indices contributed to the development of blocking situations in the zonal current of temperate latitudes, which localized the zone of precipitation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1218-1227
pages 1218-1227 views

Atmospheric Front over the Caspian Sea Studied with SAR and Optical Images and Meteorological Data

Ivanov A.Y.


An analysis of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image from the Radarsat-2 satellite acquired at the end of September 2013 has been carried out. A manifestation of the atmospheric front passing over the Northern Caspian Sea is found on the image. An analysis of SAR image using the data of the NOAA, Terra, and Aqua satellites; sub-satellite data; meteorological measurements; and reanalysis allows us to obtain not only qualitative but also quantitative information about the phenomenon displayed in the SAR data. The front had a characteristic set of radar signatures and was identified as a cold front; it had a narrow zone of frontal squalls and moved in the southeastern direction. Estimates of the front motion speed, wind speed in the regions before and after the front, and other characteristics have been obtained.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1228-1237
pages 1228-1237 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Catastrophic Natural Processes from Space

Satellite Monitoring of Wildfire Impacts on the Conditions of Various Types of Vegetation Cover in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

Bondur V.G., Tsidilina M.N., Cherepanova E.V.


The results of an analysis of the long-term series of remote sensing data from Terra/Aqua satellites (Burned Area MCD64A1 monthly product, the 6th collection) and Landsat satellites are presented to estimate the dynamics of of the vegetation cover condition caused by wildfires throughout the Russian Federation and in its individual regions. An approach to the use of remote sensing and geoinformatics methods for monitoring the impact of wildfires on the state of various types of vegetation cover without involving ground truth data is proposed. Potential for using a normalized burn ratio index to estimate the degree of vegetation damage and recovery process using low-resolution satellite data is demonstrated. It was established that the total area of burned vegatation over the country ranged from 68.40 to 234.46 thousand km2 per year for the period from 2002 till 2017. Seasonal peaks of fire activity, patterns of the spatial distribution of fire sources, and the main types of burned vegetation were identified for each of the eight federal districts of Russia. The accuracy of burned areas detection was estimated as 75–81% depending on the information product used according to the low (500 m) and average (30 m) spatial resolution data.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1238-1253
pages 1238-1253 views

Role of Tropospheric Latent Heat Advective Fluxes in the Intensification of Tropical Cyclones

Ermakov D.M., Sharkov E.A., Chernushich A.P.


An animated analysis of the data of global radiothermal satellite monitoring carried out in August 2000 has been applied to study the processes of evolution of tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere. The crucial role of tropospheric advective latent heat fluxes within the rapid intensification of the tropical cyclone has been identified and confirmed by existing examples. The main disturbing factor that introduces significant errors into the evaluations by this approach is the proximity of large landmasses; hence a deeper analysis requires a preliminary selection of tropical cyclones moving over the ocean-water space away from the shoreline as objects of study. Proposals for further improving the analysis technique aimed at a detailed investigation of individual phases of a tropical cyclone evolution using large arrays of radiothermal remote data are formulated.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1254-1265
pages 1254-1265 views

Space Methods of Studying the Precursor Cycle Dynamics of the Lineament System before the Preparation of Earthquakes

Bondur V.G., Zverev A.T., Gaponova E.V., Zima A.L.


This paper presents the results of studying the precursor cyclic stress-strain state of the lithosphere during the preparation of significant seismic events using the automated lineament analysis of multitemporal space images. The proposed method has been tested by the example of a number of strong and devastating earthquakes over the past decade in different parts of the world. The identified precursor cyclical dynamics of lineament systems has a period of 1 to 3 months and makes it possible to predict the time, place, and possible magnitude of earthquakes.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1266-1282
pages 1266-1282 views

Precursor Variability of Lineament Systems Detected Using Satellite Images during Strong Earthquakes

Bondur V.G., Zverev A.T., Gaponova E.


The possibility of using the dynamics of lineament systems as precursors of seismic events has been studied based on the example of strong earthquakes (M ≥ 5) in California (United States), Peru, Iran, Turkey, Transbaikalia, and Kamchatka, as well as in other regions. The pattern and time intervals of changes in lineament systems during earthquake preparation and occurrence are analyzed. It is shown that the features of changes in rose diagrams, ratios of total lengths of local lineaments (strokes) of different directions, orientation of elongation lines of rose diagram of strokes, and other characteristics that were revealed using satellite images can be used as mid- and short-term precursors of seismic events. A methodology for the automated lineament analysis of satellite images is suggested and prospects of its development for monitoring seismically dangerous areas are determined.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1283-1291
pages 1283-1291 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Circumpolar Regions Using Remote Sensing

Comparison of Satellite Microwave and Visual Shipborne Data on Sea Ice Concentration

Alekseeva T.A., Tikhonov V.V., Frolov S.V., Raev M.D., Repina I.A., Sokolova Y.V., Afanasieva E.V., Sharkov E.A., Serovetnikov S.S.


In this paper we compare the sea ice concentration data obtained by satellite microwave radiometry using the NASA Team, ASI, and VASIA2 algorithms and by special visual ship observations. A database of visual observations of the sea ice concentration obtained during 15 expeditions in the Arctic was used. The comparison for various concentration gradations (very open, open, close, very close, and compact ice) was carried out separately for summer and winter periods. On average, during the summer period, the NASA Team algorithm underestimates the sea ice concentration by 1 point, while the ASI and VASIA2 algorithms underestimate by 0.5 points when compared to ship observations. All three algorithms overestimate the total concentration in the zones of very open ice and underestimate it in the zones of close, very close, and compact ice. The maximal average errors are characteristic of open ice that is most often observed in ice edge zones. In winter, the average error for all algorithms is no more than 1 point when compared with ship observations. However, in very open and close, the average error in winter is significantly higher than that in summer. To assess the effect of melting processes on the concentration values obtained by satellite microwave radiometry, we used ship data on ice melt stage. The average error at the maximal area of ​​melt ponds on the ice surface reaches –2.9 points for the NASA Team algorithm, –2.8 points for the ASI algorithm, and –5.0 points for the VASIA2 algorithm. The results will be useful for determining the extent of ice-cover degradation in the Arctic Ocean observed in recent years.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1292-1301
pages 1292-1301 views

Analysis of the Seasonal Dependence of the Brightness Temperature of the Glacier Sheet of Antarctica by Microwave Satellite Data

Tikhonov V.V., Raev M.D., Khvostov I.V., Boyarskii D.A., Romanov A.N., Sharkov E.A., Komarova N.Y.


In this paper, an analysis of seasonal dependences of the brightness temperature of different regions of Antarctica according to radiometer data from MIRAS (SMOS satellite) and SSMIS (DMSP series satellites) is presented. Queen Maud Land (Norwegian: Dronning Maud Land) was chosen as the region of study, which includes the main zones of Antarctica: the dome, the zone of runoff winds, and the coastal zone. The interrelation of time dynamics of brightness temperature as a function of the change in climatic characteristics of regions is considered. The main factors influencing the change in brightness temperature in different regions of the Antarctic glacier sheet are revealed.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1302-1313
pages 1302-1313 views

Identification of Frozen/Thawed Soils in the Areas of Anadyr (Chukotka) and Belaya Gora (Sakha) from the Sentinel 1 Radar Data

Rodionova N.V.


This paper is focused on the problem of distinguishing between thawed and frozen soils in the 5-cm upper layer at meteorological stations of Belaya Gora (Sakha) (68.5° N) and Anadyr (Chukotka) (64.78° N) with the use of the Sentinel 1 C‑band radar data for the period of 2014–2016. The state of a frozen soil is determined in three ways: (i) by a significant difference (3–5 dB) in the backscattering coefficient σ0 (BSC) during the transition of a soil between frozen and thawed states observed in multitemporal radar data, (ii) by a threshold value of \(\sigma _{{{\text{threshold}}}}^{0}\) at which the temperature in the upper soil layer falls below 0°С, and (iii) by textural features for one-channel images. Diagrams of the air-freezing index (AFI) and its trend for the 2012–2018 period have been constructed from the archive data containing the air temperature for the study areas.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1314-1321
pages 1314-1321 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Soils and Vegetation Using Satellite Data

Application of NDVI in Digital Mapping of Phosphorus Content in Soils and Phosphorus Supply Assessment in Plants

Gopp N.V., Savenkov O.A., Nechaeva T.V., Smirnova N.V., Smirnov A.V.


A method for the digital mapping of phosphorus (total, organic, and labile) content in soils has been developed using spatially distributed NDVI values calculated from Landsat 8 image (30-m resolution). A comparative analysis of the phosphorus content has been performed in high- and medium-humous soils. Medium-humous soil (agrochernozems, agro–dark gray) has been found to have lower contents of the total (by a factor of 1.1) and organic (by a factor of 1.5–1.7) phosphorus compared with high-humous agrochernozems. The reverse trend has been identified for the labile phosphorus; that is, medium-humous soils twice exceeded the high-humous agrochernozems in its content. The plants have been proven to have a sufficient supply of phosphorus, since the element content in the aboveground phytomass of the oat-pea mixture was in the optimal range of 0.23–0.5% on a dry weight basis. No phosphorus deficiency symptoms have been detected in the plants by visual diagnostics. No correlation has been found between the phosphorus content in plants, aboveground phytomass stock of the oat-pea mixture and NDVI.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1322-1328
pages 1322-1328 views

Effect of Slope Mesorelief on the Spatial Variability of Soil Properties and Vegetation Index Based on Remote Sensing Data

Gopp N.V., Nechaeva T.V., Savenkov O.A., Smirnova N.V., Smirnov V.V.


This article evaluates the effect of terrain morphometric parameters calculated from the digital elevation model (ASTER GDEM, 30 m) on the spatial variability of soil properties and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of a forb–oat mix. According to regression analysis, the morphometric parameters contribute 42% to the spatial variability of soil moisture; 59 and 46% to physical clay and humus content, respectively; and 86% to the NDVI of the oat-herb mixture. Indicators of moisture and physical clay and humus content in a plow layer of agro-grey soil of the transitional part of the slope are lower when compared with the alluvial part of the slope. In our opinion, this is a result of the development of erosional processes on the sloped terrain site, less favorable hydrothermal conditions, and human economic activities. The statistical relationships between soil properties and morphometric parameters of the terrain make it possible to build a predictive map of the soil properties.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1329-1337
pages 1329-1337 views

Modeling of the Morphological Pattern Development for Thermokarst Plains with Fluvial Erosion Based on Remote Sensing Data

Victorov A.S., Kapralova V.N., Arkhipova M.V.


The purpose of this work is to present the results of mathematical modeling of the morphological pattern development for thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion based on the approaches of the mathematical morphology of landscapes and using remote sensing data. The theoretical analysis has resulted in the model of the morphological pattern development for thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion, which has been empirically tested at a few key sites. The analysis has allowed us to conclude that the theoretical results on the exponential distribution of khasyrei areas are confirmed empirically in different physicogeographical, geological, and geocryological environments and that the distribution of the areas of thermokarst lakes within thermokarst plains with fluvial erosion obey both gamma- and lognormal distributions. It is shown that the distribution of average radii and diameters of the khasyreis should be the Rayleigh distribution. This analysis indicates that the variant of the synchronous start of thermokarst processes is the most common at the sites under consideration. The model also allows us to assess dynamic parameters of the processes using the landscape metrics of a single time slice.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1338-1345
pages 1338-1345 views

Using Earth Remote Sensing to Study the Parameters of the Morphological Structure of the Ridge Landscape in the North Caspian Region

Gonikov T.V.


This paper reports investigation data on ridge landscape patterns (formed by Baer knolls) in the North Caspian region obtained by mathematical approaches to landscape morphology. The investigation procedure involves remote sensing data and mathematical methods. A mathematical analysis of six sample areas has revealed that perimeters and diameters of the ridges fit the lognormal distribution. Discrete indicators that characterize the ridge location are compliant with the Poisson’s distribution in most cases. Due to river erosion activity, which destroys the knolls, their diameters do not fit the lognormal distribution anymore. The arguments have been considered in favor of various theories of the Baer knolls origin from the standpoint of quantitative features of the morphological structure.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1346-1352
pages 1346-1352 views

Seasonal Dynamics of Vegetation on Fallow Lands in Krasnoyarsk Forest Steppe According to Terrain and Satellite Data

Shevyrnogov A.P., Pisman T.I., Kononova N.A., Botvich I.Y., Larko A.A., Vysotskaya G.S.


This article presents investigation data on the seasonal dynamics of productivity, status, and species composition of vegetation on fallow lands in the Krasnoyarsk forest steppe (Middle Siberia) obtained from terrain and satellite materials from 2017. The results of the study of grass plant communities on the basis of geobotanical descriptions and terrain spectrometry were have been used for a more accurate interpretation of cosmic photographs of moderate and low resolution. For studying vegetation on fallow lands, we analyze the seasonal dynamics of various vegetative indices (NDVI, EVI, LSWI, and LAI) and parameters (NPP, FPAR, and LST (land surface temperature)) obtained from MODIS satellite images. Our analysis of satellite data shows the absence of evidences of plowing and mowing in the studied area. A positive correlation is revealed between vegetation indices of biomass (NDVI, EVI, LAI, and NPP) and parameters of hydrothermal conditions (LSWI, FPAR, and LST).

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1353-1361
pages 1353-1361 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Geological Structures Using Remote Sensing

Applying Remote Sensing to the Detection of Tectonic Structures and Localization of Ore Deposits within Biryusa and Krepskii-Tumanshet Ore Clusters (Eastern Sayan)

Milovsky G.A., Belyakov A.A.


Decoded records of the Biryusa area made by the Resource-P space wide-swath multispectral equipment (WSME) (Russia) has allowed the tectonic structure of the anticline horst uplifts and the graben synclines separating them to be revealed, the important role of sublatitudinal faults in the structure of the area to be shown, and ore-prospective sites to be outlined. The study of the Krepskii-Tumanshet area was carried out using Resource-P (Geoton) multispectral and panchromatic high-resolution equipment, which made it possible to determine the structural position of the ore deposits. Within the Krepskii-Tumanshet area, the ore-controlling structures are short faults of sublatitudinal strike and their intersections with the faults of northwestern and northeastern orientation.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1362-1371
pages 1362-1371 views

Application of Remote Sensing to Identify Cataclasite and Metasomatite Zones of the Uvat Ore Cluster (Eastern Sayan)

Milovsky G.A., Shemyakina E.M., Belyakov A.A., Gil I.G.


Decoded materials from the Russian Resurs-P satellite (Geoton) space survey in the visible and infrared (IR) ranges have made it possible to identify crushing zones and faults of the northeastern, sublatitudinal, and submeridional strike, determining the structural position of uranium mineralization within the Uvat ore cluster in the Eastern Sayan. The use of high-resolution multizonal satellite imagery (3 m) to identify metasomatically altered ore-bearing rocks in the carbonate-terrigenous sediments of the Lower Proterozoic and Riphean-Paleozoic has been proven possible.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1372-1378
pages 1372-1378 views

Geological Position and Structural Control of Ore Mineralization in the Toupugol–Khanmeishor District (the Polar Urals) Based on the Remote Sensing Results

Ivanova J.N., Vykhristenko R.I., Vikentyev I.V.


Large ring, arc, and radial structures have been identified by complex processing of the multispectral satellite imagery of the Landsat. These structures control the gold mineralization position in the Toupugol–Khanmeishor ore district (Novogodnenskoe ore cluster, Polar Urals). This area has been compared with the Tur’insk–Auerbakh ore district (Auerbakh ore cluster, Northern Urals). Similar geological features, regularity in the structures, and the location of gold mineralization in the system of morphostructures have been revealed. The formation depth of the magmatic chambers has been determined for the Novogodnenskoe and Auerbakh paleovolcanic structures for the first time. These chambers are located at depths of ~4 and ~20 km, respectively, in the upper and middle parts of the earth’s crust. The Novogodnenskoe structure is a monogenic structure. It was formed under the influence of one leading geological process. The Auerbakh structure is a larger and more complex structure; it is characterized by a long and multistage development. According to the paleovolcanic reconstruction results, the root (focal) part of the Auerbakh structure plunged from the southeast to the northwest during the evolution of the magmatic process. Gold mineralization within the studied areas of the Northern Urals is confined to the intersections of radial faults near the centers of large concentric morphostructures.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1379-1388
pages 1379-1388 views

Use of Remote Sensing to Find a Localization Pattern of Gold Mineralization in the Central Part of the Ayan-Yuryakh Anticlinorium, Magadan Oblast

Milovsky G.A., Makarov V.P., Troitsky V.V., Lyamin S.M., Orlyankin V.N., Shemyakina E.M., Gil I.G.


Criteria for the localization of gold deposits within the Ayan–Yuryakh anticlinorium in Magadan oblast have been developed using processed satellite imagery data and the analysis of geological and geophysical materials. The structural elements are linear, arc, ring, and concentric lineaments of the first (11–35 km), second (5–10 km), and third (less than 5 km) rank. The ring structures of the second and third rank form linear chains confined to the hidden linear structures of the northwest and north-northeast strike. Gold deposits occur in the central or peripheral parts of the ring structures of the second rank at the intersections of the latter with regional sublatitudinal faults. The area of ​​the Pavlik deposit has a block structure, due to the dominant faults of the northwestern strike, complicated by faults of the northeastern and meridional strike, as well as arc structural elements. When predicting prospective ore areas, the localization patterns of gold ore, determined by the results of gravimetric and gamma surveys, should be taken into account.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1389-1394
pages 1389-1394 views

Space Decoding Data in the Study of Ore-Controlling Structures of the Lebedinsky Ore-Placer Cluster, South Yakutia

Kuprikov D.N., Vikentyev I.V.


New data on the ore-controlling structures of the Lebedinsky ore-placer cluster are received on the basis of space decoding. A stage analysis of the territory from the ore cluster to the ore body (Myatezhnaya zone) has been carried out and the position of this zone has been clarified. The major ore-hosting structures are identified, as are local structures, which have been revealed from a detailed study and certified during geological routes with sampling. A trench and several drill holes have been mined based on positive results from testing and identifying mineralization-accompanying metasomatic zones. The presence of the ore zone has been confirmed during the mining; the forecast of gold resources of P1 and P2 categories is verified.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1395-1402
pages 1395-1402 views

Use of Space Information about the Earth Studying Remote Sensing Data for Ecological Purposes

Selection of Informative Features to Highlight Areas of Waste Disposal by High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery

Murynin A.B., Richter A.A., Shakhramanyan M.A.


This paper deals with the problem of the integrated interpretation of solid municipal-waste landfill facilities according to satellite imagery with a high spatial resolution. The main interpretation features of disposal sites in optical satellite images with a high spatial resolution are analyzed. Results of the texture and fractal analysis of spacecraft images of disposals are presented. Statistical properties and color features of image fragments in disposal sites are revealed. A mathematical model of textures of littering components is presented and fractal dimensions of high-resolution images in disposal areas are calculated.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1403-1415
pages 1403-1415 views

Cyanobacteria Bloom in the Azov Sea According to Landsat Data

Aleskerova A.A., Kubryakov A.A., Stanichny S.V., Lishaev P.N., Mizyuk A.I.


In this paper we studied the spatial and temporal characteristics of cyanobacteria bloom in the Azov Sea based on data from Landsat satellites sensors for 1999–2016. The strongest blooms were observed in 1999 and 2006–2009, when cyanobacteria occupied the entire central part of the Azov Sea. The maximal blooming in these years was in August–September. In 2006, cyanobacteria penetrated from the Azov Sea into the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait. The longest and most extensive cyanobacteria blooming is recorded in the Taganrog Bay, which is associated with its shallow water and the nutrient supply from the Don River. Here, blooms are observed from February to November. Local maximums of cyanobacteria accumulation are observed along the eastern coast of the Azov Sea, near the mouth of the Kuban and Protoka rivers, in the Akhtarsky estuary and in the Temryuk Bay. They are most rarely found near the northwest coast. The data from the Landsat series satellites sensors show that cyanobacteria spread from the Taganrog Bay to the south or west in summer. From the mouth of the Kuban River, cyanobacteria move north. An analysis of numerical calculations using the Nemo model showed that this distribution is associated with northern currents that occur in the southern part of the sea in summer due to the impact of river discharge. Maps of the probability distribution of the cyanobacteria observation were obtained and estimates of the seasonal variation of the area covered by cyanobacteria blooming were given according to the data from the Landsat series satellites sensors. In the Azov Sea, maximal blooming is observed in July–August and minimal blooming is observed in winter, from November to February.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1416-1426
pages 1416-1426 views

Habitat Use by the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) along the Coastline throughout the Year According to Satellite Monitoring Data

Platonov N.G., Mizin I.A., Ivanov E.A., Mordvintsev I.N., Naydenko S.V., Rozhnov V.V.


A female polar bear (Ursus maritimus) has been captured and tagged with a satellite collar of the Argos system on Vaigach Island. The data of the location relative to the coastline in the Kara Gate from April 2016 to September 2017 have been analyzed. An analysis of the polar bear movement pattern has revealed periods of its greater (on the ice) and less (on the land) mobility and a movement direction. The largest area of the polar bear habitat on an average monthly scale was in May 2016, when moving on the finely crushed ice; the smallest area was in January 2017 on the land without ice. We have estimated the distance to the coast to analyze the use of environmental resources (27% of the time on the coast, 33% on the inland, and 40% in the offshore). As follows from the comparison with our previous studies, the bears adhere to the land even during the sea-ice season.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1427-1436
pages 1427-1436 views

Space Vehicles and Systems of Programs of the Institute of Earth Crust

Convergence Space Experiment: Scientific Objectives, Onboard Equipment, and Methods of Solving Inverse Problems

Sharkov E.A., Hong G., Khapin Y.B., Sterlyadkin V.V., Sazonov D.S., Sadovskii I.N., Prasolov V.O., Pozanenko A.S., Pashinov E.V., Park I.H., Minaev P.Y., Komarova N.Y., Kozlova T.O., Kvitka V.E., Ermakov D.M., Jeong S., Vedenkin N.N., Kuzmin A.V., Chernenko A.M.


The purpose of this research is to present a detailed description of the proposed Convergence space mission on the Russian segment of the International Space Station for the wider scientific community. The key features of the mission are (1) the necessity of creating a new type of multifrequency radio-thermal airborne complexes with a specialized set of operating frequencies and with the formation of algorithms and software for the three-dimensional recovery of the water-vapor field in the lower troposphere and for estimating the horizontal advection and convective latent heat fluxes at different altitudes and with different forms of boundaries of the investigated regions. (2) An important part of the mission is the global monitoring of optical transient activity, including lightning in cloud tropospheric systems and electric discharges in the upper atmosphere, which are accompanied by a variety of short-term optical glows, commonly called transient luminous events. A significant contribution to the elucidation of the physics and the development of models of high-altitude electric discharges is the synchronous operation of the lightning detector and gamma detector to search for and study gamma-ray bursts of terrestrial origin, including those in previously unexplored latitudes, up to ±51°. It seems that the proposed instrumental configuration and integrity of the mission, which includes the synchronous operation of devices of different ranges of electromagnetic radiation (both the microwave range and optical and gamma range) will contribute significantly to the elucidation of the physics of processes of interaction of catastrophic atmospheric phenomena of the hydrodynamic type, i.e., tropical cyclones, with the electrical activity of tropospheric cloud systems (the field of lightning discharges) and activity of high-altitude electric discharges, which, in turn, can serve as a serious experimental basis for the formation of physical ideas about the genesis of gamma-ray outbreaks of terrestrial origin.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1437-1456
pages 1437-1456 views

Operational Capability Assessment for the NA-GS Hyperspectral Sensor Using Simulation and Statistical Modeling

Zotov S.A., Dmitriev E.V., Shibanov S.U., Kozoderov V.V., Donskoy S.A.


The NA-GS hyperspectral camera (Hyperspectrometer scientific instrument) produced by NPO Lepton (Zelenograd, Moscow) will be installed on the Russian segment of the International Space Station within a program for Earth remote sensing from space for experimentally testing the ground–space system for monitoring and forecasting the development of natural and manmade disasters. The practical application of this system is associated with performing tasks of thematic processing of hyperspectral images that should satisfy certain quality criteria. In this article, we propose a technique for assessing the operational capabilities of the NA-GS based on simulation and statistical modeling data. The concept of the proposed simulation and statistical model (SSM) includes modeling a test polygon of complex shape and simulating the observation of selected parts of the test polygon with a given accuracy using a hyperspectral sensor and taking into account cloud cover and the zenith angle of the Sun. The effect of external observation conditions on the quality of hyperspectral images is considered. Numerical experiments are conducted for the selected test areas. The analysis of the calculation results confirms the reliability of the proposed technique.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(9):1457-1464
pages 1457-1464 views

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