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卷 29, 编号 2 (2021)



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Original study


Bashkatova V., Sudakov S.



材料与方法。实验对象为体重180—210 g的雄性Wistar大鼠87只。实验中采用了最大电击法。MGlu受体第1和第5亚型的选择性拮抗剂在最大电击前1小时给予。对照组大鼠注射等量生理盐水。脂质过氧化过程的强度通过次级产物与硫代巴比妥酸反应的水平采用分光光度法进行评估。



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):193-200
pages 193-200 views

Experimental study on disorders in the activity of macrophages in the acute period of different severities of cerebral stroke

Kulchikov A., Morozov S., Musin R., Grinenko E.


BACKGROUND: The development of immunosuppression in the acute phase of cerebral stroke may lead to infectious and inflammatory complications. However, data on the functional activity of macrophages are insufficient to understand the pathogenesis of stroke.

AIM: This study aimed to investigate the functional activity of macrophages in the acute period of experimental cerebral stroke (ECS) of different severities.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In an experimental study on 45 Wistar rats, the functional and spontaneous metabolic activity of macrophages in the spleen and abdominal cavity and the induced metabolic activity of peritoneal macrophages were evaluated through the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium via spectrophotometry. The spontaneous and induced adhesive activity and the inhibition of the modified adhesive activity of peritoneal macrophages were examined via crystal violet staining by using a colorimetric method. ECS was modeled by the rotational movements of mandrel-knife inserted into the region of capsula interna (c.i.) on the left by guiding a needle–cannula with the subsequent damage of vessels and the formation of mild (local incision of vessels in the region of c.i.), moderate (additional introduction of autologous blood in the area of c.i.), and severe (cutting of vessels from c.i. to pia mater with the subsequent introduction of autologous blood into the damaged area) hemorrhage. Data were evaluated in 72 h after different severities of ECS were modeled.

RESULTS: In 72 h after ECS with different severities was modeled, the functional and spontaneous metabolic activity of splenic macrophages significantly decreased compared with those in the control group. The functional, spontaneous, and induced metabolic activity of peritoneal macrophages significantly reduced compared with those in the control group. The adhesive activity of peritoneal macrophages significantly increased compared with that of the control group. These disorders exacerbated in animal models with a more severe degree of stroke.

CONCLUSION: In the acute period of ECS, the functional activity of macrophages decreased, whereas their adhesive activity increased. These phenomena enhanced in more severe models of stroke.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):201-212
pages 201-212 views


Uruzbaev R., Bychkov V., Vikhareva L., Molokova O.



材料与方法。实验对象为60只叙利亚雄性仓鼠。第Ⅰ组(n=10)为对照组,第II组(n=25)为染有Opisthorchis felineus后期囊幼虫的动物,第III组包括(n=25)动物,超侵入型蛲虫模型:被50只O. felineus幼虫感染的动物,14和25天后再被50只囊蚴感染。通过过量麻醉将仓鼠从实验中取出,并将其斩首,实验持续7、15、30天。分离肾脏并进行组织学检查,包括使用组织化学和免疫组化染色方法。然后显微镜检查,并对结果进行统计分析。


结论。具有分泌物的O. felineus启动肾小管干细胞和微循环床周细胞的活化。骨盆和输尿管起始部分有明显的移行上皮增生。此外,在寄生虫分泌组的影响下,肾小球袢中有明显的干细胞增殖。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):213-218
pages 213-218 views

Pathophysiological mechanisms of resistive breathing

Byalovsky Y., Rakitina I.


AIM: This study aimed to explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of resistive breathing by using a model of a conditioned respiratory reflex to external resistance to breathing.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Inspiratory resistive loads were used 11, 28, 54, and 78 cmAq/l/s to model a conditioned respiratory reflex. External respiration was parametrized on the basis of the analysis of motor and ventilatory outputs. Conditioned signals were pure sounds exceeding the threshold of perception by 10 db at 2000 Hz frequency. All the test persons were divided into two groups (large and small groups) according to the initial reinforcement value. (1) In the large group (37 individuals), the conditioned reflex was formed from 11 cmAq/l/s that was subsequently increased stepwise in the load to 76 cmAq/l/s. (2) In the small group (18 individuals), the initial reinforcements were different gradations of resistive loads, with a stepwise transition to the other parameters of an unconditioned stimulus. The period of the isolated application of a conditioned signal (CS) was 20 s, the interval between signals was not fixed, varying from 2 min to 4 min. Six to eight combinations of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli were used for 1 day of the experiment.

RESULTS: The increase in the added respiratory resistance was associated with the pronounced reduction of pulmonary and alveolar ventilation, that is, with the hypoventilation type of resistive load realization. Changes in ventilation during the isolated application of a conditioned signal had an alternative character. In particular, as the reinforcement factor increased, a pronounced shift to hyperventilation was noted.

CONCLUSION: The reinforcement value of the conditioned reflex changed stepwise, thereby significantly restructuring the proportion between the effectiveness of the adaptive activity in the realization of external resistance to inspiration (the time of stay under a certain load) and its physiological cost (totalities of the deviations of physiological and energy parameters).

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):219-226
pages 219-226 views

Assessment of the radiation safety of drinking water and surface water bodies used for recreational purposes in the Voronezh region

Mekhantyev I., Stepkin Y.


AIM: This study aimed to assess the radiation safety of surface water bodies used for recreational purposes and drinking water used by the population of the Voronezh Region (VR).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The fond materials of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in VR in 2015–2019 were used. The following parameters were analyzed: total α and β activities and specific activity of radioactive substances in the water of open reservoirs (137Сs, 210Po, 226Ra, and 228Ra) and in the sources of drinking water (210Po and 222Rn). The annual effective dose was calculated on the basis of the probable consumption of drinking water from the centralized drinking water supply systems. The content of radionuclides in the water of open reservoirs was analyzed in three control points and in drinking water found in 2,036 water intake artesian wells of the centralized drinking water supply systems. Then, 100% of the sources were surveyed in terms of total α and β activities. The radiation safety of bottled drinking water from nine manufacturers was assessed on the basis of the data of the Federal State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. Water in open reservoirs and drinking water, including water packaged in containers, were laboratory controlled on the basis of an accredited testing laboratory center (Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the VR) by using MKS-01A Multirad spectrometric installation (Akvilon, Russia). UMF-2000 α- and β-radiometers were utilized to measure small activities (NPP, Doza, Russia).

RESULTS: According to the regional databases of Rospotrebnadzor Administration regarding water from open water bodies for the population (three monitoring points: Tikhaya Sosna, Sukhaya Khvorostan, and Usman rivers) in 2015–2019, values did not exceed the intervention limit that was registered in terms of the content of the controlled radioactive substances (210Ро, 234U, 222Rn, and 137Сs) and the total α and β activities. Water from artesian wells used for drinking and domestic purposes fully met the requirements of radiation safety. The average annual effective radiation doses (AAERD) of the population in the VO in 74 settlements within the zones of radioactive contamination due to the Chernobyl disaster ranged from 0.05 mSv/year to 0.12 mSv/year, which was significantly lower than the threshold value (1 mSv/year). The analyzed drinking water samples, water packaged in containers, and the samples produced in the region were in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, including those for 90Sr and 137Cs radionuclide contents.

CONCLUSION: Radiation monitoring in the VR revealed that the content of technogenic radionuclides (137Cs and 90Sr) and other standardized parameters of radiation safety in water of open reservoirs and drinking water did not exceed the threshold values.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):227-232
pages 227-232 views

Completed cases of provision of medical care and lethal outcomes in insured individuals with respiratory diseases in the Ryazan region

Manukhina E., Yurina S., Gladkih S.


AIM: This study aimed to investigate the dynamics of the volume of medical care (MC) provided to the population within the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance (CMI). This study also aimed to examine the lethal outcomes of insured individuals with respiratory diseases (RD) for 5 months in 2020 and 5 months in 2019 in the Ryazan Region during the COVID-19 pandemic.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analysis was carried out on the basis of the paid registers of the accounts submitted by medical organizations to medical insurance organizations. These accounts were grouped in accordance with the order of the Federal CMI Fund No 104 «On Establishment of the Form and Procedure for Reporting on Cases of Providing MC and the Results of Expertise of the Quality of MC» dated June 04, 2018. In this study, all the completed cases of the treatment of the insured individuals with RD (ICD-10 codes: J00-J99) in the medical organizations of the Ryazan Region in 2019–2020 within the compulsory medical insurance were selected. The obtained data were statistically analyzed using the Microsoft Excel application package (Microsoft, USA) and descriptive statistics.

RESULTS: The completed treatment cases of the insured individuals with RD in 2020 were categorized according to the age of patients, nosological form, and conditions for the provision of MC. They had different dynamics of growth/decline relative to the same period in 2019. In the structure of the cases of the MC provision, RD accounted for 13.2% (third place). This tendency was observed in the group of patients aged > 60 years (7.8%). In patients aged 18–60 years, the proportions of RD (18.0%) and diseases of the digestive system (18.1%) were higher than those of the diseases of the circulatory system (14.2%). The total number of cases of the MC provision to patients with this pathology for 5 months in 2020 decreased by 12.9% compared with that for 5 months in 2019 (11.3% in the age group of 18–60 years and 16.6% in individuals aged >60 years). Despite the 38.3% decrease in the number of hospitalizations, the number of the completed cases of specialized MC for pneumonia increased by 27.7% (43.9% in the age group of 18–60 years and 11.4% in the age group of > 60 years). The comparative analysis of 5 months in 2020 and 2019 showed a 57.1% increase in deaths among patients aged > 60 years in the provision of specialized MC and a 20.0% reduction among individuals aged 18–60 years.

CONCLUSION: The number of insured individuals seeking MC for RD increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the level of hospital lethality was low. Therefore, the organizational level of MC in the region was high, and medical organizations were adequately prepared for emergency situations with the preserved provision of high-quality MC.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):233-238
pages 233-238 views


Petrov V., Nikiforov A., Smirnova E.



材料与方法:128例慢性风湿性心脏病患者(15.6%男性和84.4%女性)接受了检查。从静脉血白细胞中分离DNA后,用多态标记A392A、A392G、G392G进行基因分型,采用PCR方法,电泳检测结果为“SNP-EXPRESS”(RPC Litech,俄罗斯)。在Affinity 50装置(Philips, 荷兰)上进行超声心动图检查,在AngioScan01装置(AngioScan - Electronics,俄罗斯)上评估内皮功能,在SpiroLab II肺量计(MIR Medical,意大利)上评估呼吸功能

结果。6分钟步行测试的距离在两组中没有显著差异:A392A—327.47±6.71 m,A392G—303.63±26.19 m,G392G—338.87±20.12 m(p=0.505), 以及二尖瓣开口面积:A392A—1.74(1.67;1.81)cm2,A392G—1.68(1.45;1.92)cm2,G392G—1.65(1.67;1.81)cm2(р=0.214)。EchoCG参数显示,G392G纯合子组左心室线性尺寸最小(舒张末期大小为4.83(4.72;4.95)cm,最终收缩期大小为2.97(2.79;3.14)cm,右心室为2.45(2.32;2.58)cm,右心房为4.09(3.56;4.62)cm及左室肥厚(室间隔厚度为0.88(0.81;0.95)cm,后壁为0.88(0.81;0.95)cm。两组患者的咬合指数振幅差异无统计学意义,即CYP3A4单核苷酸取代对小阻性动脉系统没有影响,而通道间的相移值(反映大动脉状态)有显著差异。G392G的多态性以最差指标来区分:A392A组的变化很小。轮廓分析结果显示,G392G组的增强指数最高,反映了最大的血管刚度。在研究队列患者中,CYP3A4多态性对呼吸功能参数没有影响。根据肺活量指标,阻塞性和限制性指标值均未达到统计学意义,虽然肺活量76.5%(71.1;82.0)和1 s形成呼气量84.6%(79.0;90.3)在纯合子中最大,肺活量在纯合子A392A中最大85.6%(82.3;88.8)。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):239-244
pages 239-244 views


Kalinin R., Suchkov I., Maksaev D.



材料与方法。根据M. Foeldi,该研究包括60例下肢II期继发性淋巴水肿患者。采用包络法随机化,将患者分为两组。第一组(n=30)采用保守治疗(MPFF,1000 mg/d)联合弹性压缩治疗(三级弹力袜);第二组(n=30)仅接受压迫治疗(三级弹力袜)。患者接受体检,包括测量不同水平的肢体周长。

结果。在第一组患者中,小腿下三分之一的周长在1个月后下降了8.15% (p=0.005),到治疗结束时下降了10.6%(p<0.001),小腿中间三分之一处分别下降了3.15%(p=0.001)和4.78%(p<0.001),小腿上部三分之一处分别下降了4.08%(p<0.001)和5.99%(p<0.001)。随访结束时(3个月),第二组下三分之一组小腿周长(29.68±4.67cm)明显长于第一组(26.65±2.92cm,p=0.035)。MPFF组未发生不良反应。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):245-250
pages 245-250 views


Kalinin R., Suchkov I., Chobanyan A., Nikiforov A., Shumskaya E.




结果。通过对LIPC基因–250G>A多态性的研究,发现ASO患者组和健康志愿者组的观察频率和预期频率差异有统计学意义(p=0.013)。第I组和第II组的评价也显示了观察频率和预期频率的差异(p=0.004)。杂合载体(GA基因型)与ASO不良病程发展风险增加有关。风险比率=2133,95%置信区间为1214—3748。在分析MMP1基因多态性-1607insG 时,第I组与第II组比较(p=0.128), ASO患者组与健康志愿者比较(p=0.38)均无统计学意义。

结论。LIPC –250G>A杂合携带与发展一种不利类型的ASO疗程的风险增加相关。对这一多态性的研究可用于新诊断的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的患者,以确定疾病的预后,特别是年轻患者的早期表现和有沉重的遗传史。MMP1基因的多态性–1607insG对ASO的发病过程没有影响。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):251-256
pages 251-256 views

Causes, diagnosis, and treatment of postoperative obstructive jaundice

Gulov M., Ruziboyzoda K.


AIM: This study aimed to analyze the causes, diagnosis, and clinical treatment of postoperative obstructive jaundice (POOJ) in routine surgical practice.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four patients with POOJ that developed in the organs of the hepatobiliary system after surgical interventions were included in this study. The patients were subjected to the following procedures to diagnose the causes of POOJ and choose the treatment methods: general clinical examination, biochemical blood tests, dynamic postoperative ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, video laparoscopy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, fistulocholangiography, endoscopic retrograde cholagiopancreatography, and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy.

RESULTS: POOJ occurred in 18 cases after they had different variants of surgical interventions on the biliary tract after traditional (n = 6) and video laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 12). POOJ also developed in 6 cases after they underwent surgery on the liver: atypical (n = 2) and anatomical (n = 2) resection of the liver. This condition manifested after the opening and draining of liver abscesses under US control (n = 2). POOJ was treated with different methods to alleviate the developed complications. After surgical interventions on the liver and biliary tract in 6 cases, relaparotomy, sequestrectomy with sanation, drainage of the abdominal cavity (n = 4), and right-sided hemihepatectomy (n = 2) were performed. In 6 other cases, on days 3–4 of the development of POOJ after laparoscopic operation (n = 2), relaparotomy was performed, clips and ligature were removed from the choledoch with the formation of Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Minimally invasive methods of POOJ correction were applied to 12 cases. Of the 12 cases, 5, 2, and 1 were subjected to endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with lithoextraction, endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with lithoextraction coupled with nasobiliary drainage, and relaparoscopy and redrainage of the common bile duct, respectively. In 4 cases, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy was performed at the first stage. At the second stage, after POOJ resolution, the following procedures were implemented: redrainage of the common bile duct (n = 2) and dilatation of the orifice of the right hepatic duct with reconstruction of hepaticojejunostomy on the hidden transhepatic drainage.

CONCLUSION: POOJ is still encountered in clinical practice in a sufficient number of cases. Treatment results largely depend on the time of diagnosis and the choice of optimal surgical strategies. The main causes of POOJ are tactical and technical diagnostic and treatment errors. POOJ is diagnosed on the basis of the data of modern radiation and laboratory and instrumental examination methods. Surgical tactics for POOJ are individually active and dependent on the severity, time, and causes of development. They also depend on the general condition of patients. Along with minimally invasive interventions for POOJ, early relaparotomy is less dangerous than passive expectation tactics.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):257-266
pages 257-266 views


Tarasenko S., Natalskiy A., Peskov O., Bogomolov A., Nikiforov A., Avilushkina E., Tarakanov P.


目的:改进方法诊断复杂的临床评估形式的慢性胰腺炎的临床意义的阳离子胰蛋白酶原的基因多态性(PRSS1),胰腺分泌的胰蛋白酶抑制剂(SPINK1),囊性纤维化跨膜调节器 (CFTR),酒精脱氢酶在复杂型(ADH)和非复杂型慢性胰腺炎患者中的作用。

材料与方法:该研究于2014-2019年在以Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov的梁赞国立医科大学医院外科临床基地进行,梁赞肝脏、胰腺和胆道外科中心。我们检查了108例25至65岁的男女患者,其中38例手术治疗合并CP,20例未手术治疗合并慢性胰腺炎,50例无合并慢性胰腺炎(对照组)。与对照组患者进行临床比较研究,在第1天和第10天同时测定基因型,并监测实验室参数。使用“DNA-表达-血液”试剂从全血白细胞中分离DNA进行分析(Lytech有限责任公司,俄罗斯)。

结果:阳离子胰蛋白酶原PRSS1基因和囊性纤维化-2基因CFTR2未发现多态性,这些多态性的预测价值不显著。对于CFTR1囊性纤维化-1基因多态性,比值比为0.444,但无统计学意义。患者复杂临床形式的慢性胰腺炎,阳离子胰蛋白酶原基因的突变PRSS1(χ2=6.453,p=0.012)和抗利尿激素(χ2=14.176,p=0.001)经常被记录,而对于CFTR-1基因χ2=0.873(p=0.351),雌性生殖道- 2χ2不确定,SPINK1—体内χ2=0.873(p=0.351)。研究表明,ADH和正离子胰蛋白酶原PRSS1基因的多态性对应胰腺实质和导管系统更明显的结构变化,导致并发症的可能性更大,病程严重,保守治疗的效率较低;ADH基因多态性增加了囊性CP的发生风险(χ2=5.898,p=0.016)。


I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):267-276
pages 267-276 views


Fedoseev A., Cherdantseva T., Inyutin A., Glukhovets I., Lebedev S., Muraviev S.




材料与方法。为了预防疝出,作为预防性修复术的替代选择,其适应症较窄,我们开发了一种使用“网状线”的腹腔镜检查方法(发明专利RUS No. 2714439,于2020年2月14日的基础)。为了确定该方法的有效性和安全性,我们进行了一项实验研究,分别对缝合区创面过程进行了14天和60天的研究。



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):277-286
pages 277-286 views

Pathomorphology of gravid endometrium in patients with recurrent miscarriage in early periods with underlying chronic endometritis and the presence of low-functional alleles in folate cycle genes

Peretyatko L., Fetisova I., Fateeva N., Kuznetsov R., Fetisov N.


AIM: This study aimed to identify the peculiarities of pathomorphological alterations in the gravid endometrium and polymorphism of the folate cycle genes in female patients with recurrent early miscarriage and underlying chronic endometritis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The uterine mucosa of women who had uncomplicated pregnancies and decided to have an artifactual abortion within 5–12 weeks (control group, n = 36) and patients with recurrent miscarriage with underlying chronic endometritis (main group, n = 83) was histologically examined. The polymorphism of the folate cycle genes MTHFR С677Т (rs 1801133), MTHFR A1298C (rs 1801131), and MTRR A66G (rs 1801394) was studied in the female patients of the main group and women with the preserved reproductive function (comparison group, n = 52) through real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

RESULTS: Fibroblast-like cells (FLCs) of the stroma sequentially differentiated into predecidual cells from 5 weeks to 12 weeks of uncomplicated pregnancy. In the case of recurrent miscarriage against background chronic endometritis, defect was observed in the differentiation of FLCs of the endometrial stroma. This finding was associated with a decrease in the morphometric parameters of the cells and an increase in the frequency of the occurrence of the low-functional allele 677T in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene.

CONCLUSION: The course and outcome of pregnancy in the first trimester were negatively affected by the structural inadequacy of endometrial stromal cells in recurrent miscarriage and chronic endometritis combined with the presence of the MTHFR 677T allele in a woman’s genotype.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):287-292
pages 287-292 views

Clinical reports


Dorn A., Galkin P., Kalmykov E., Majd P.




I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):293-298
pages 293-298 views

Rare clinical case of the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension

Ignatenko G., Grekov I., Grushina M., Dubovyk A.


In this work, a rather rare (morbidity of about 1–2 cases per 1 million of adult population per year) and interesting clinical case of the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension (IPAH) was described. This case was also known as Ayerza disease or Ayerza–Arilago syndrome. At the initial stage, this pathology was characterized by an asymptomatic course that caused certain difficulties in making a correct diagnosis. In general, this disease had a poor prognosis. The main cause of death was decompensated right ventricular failure. The occurrence of complications could be significantly reduced and the life quality of such patients could be improved by the timely diagnosis and correct approach.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):299-304
pages 299-304 views


Review of dura mater substitutes in neurosurgical practice

Mai R., Popov V., Osidak E., Domogatsky S., Nalivkin A., Mishina E.


AIM: This study aimed to summarize the accumulated experience and compare available materials for the plasty of dura mater (DM) defects. The growing number of patients with craniocerebral traumas and an increasing amount of neurological surgeries for tumor processes and congenital malformations resulted in an increased amount of DM defects and associated complications. Despite the development of high-efficiency medical products, the percentage of postsurgical CSF leakage remains high and reaches 32% in case the defect is in infratentorial locations. Suitable substitute materials should be developed for the repair of dural defects because of complications such as pseudomeningocele, postsurgical inflammatory processes, CSF leakage, implant rejection, and cicatrical adhesion. In this article, basic materials, including auto- and allografts, biological substances, and synthetic materials, for the repair of dural defects were reviewed. Their positive and negative properties depending on the kind and location of lesions and on the type of material used were discussed. The main characteristics to be fulfilled by an ideal dura mater substitute were analyzed. Composite materials were considered a promising trend in modern bioengineering.

CONCLUSION: An ideal material for the repair of DM defects should have the following properties: plastic, nonimmunogenic, watertight, highly porous, high surface area of fibers, cell growth stimulating, supportive for the survival of cells until they completely integrate with host tissues, conveniently replaceable, and adhesive. No ideal transplant materials can meet all the above demands. Biological, synthetic, and host tissues only supplement one another. Relevant studies have yet to be performed to obtain a more versatile and time and cost effective material that can satisfy all the requirements of modern neurosurgery. The existing results of preclinical studies have demonstrated that composite materials are similar to synthetic materials in terms of the strength and properties of biological tissues for the migration and proliferation of cells. In the future, they may become a promising alternative to biological substitutes.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):305-314
pages 305-314 views

Natural and anthropogenic biogeochemical province of the biosphere over Cherepovets

Artemenkov A.


AIM: This study aimed to summarize information on the formation of the natural and anthropogenic biogeochemical province of the biosphere over Cherepovets, develop biogeochemical standardization, and prevent environmentally conditioned human diseases.

The migration of biogenic elements through food chains is analyzed. A significant flow of toxic elements entering the natural environment in the course of human industrial activity leads to the formation of anthropogenic biogeochemical provinces. In these geochemical zones and landscapes, the natural endemic environment interacts with chemical elements. As a result, biogeochemical cycles are altered, and vital elements are replaced with toxic metals. With these changes, intracellular biochemical reactions are disrupted. In this study, information on Cherepovets biogeochemical province formed in the 1960s was examined in the presence of intense industrialization. Data on high concentrations of heavy metals in the soil horizons of the given province were examined. Toxic elements actively accumulated in plants growing in the Cherepovets territory and vegetables growing in household plots within the city and the nearest 10 km zone. Metals accumulated in soil, different components of land ecosystems, and organs and tissues of carnivores.

CONCLUSION: A high load in the Cherepovets biogeochemical province poses certain risks to the health of the population and causes the development of endemic diseases, microelementoses, and exogenous toxicoses in humans.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):315-324
pages 315-324 views


Maiti T., Essam L., Orsolini L., Ramalho R., El Halabi S., Nguyen V., Gürcan A., Jakhar J., Pinto da Costa M., Ojeahere M., Shoib S., Fedotov I.





I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(2):325-331
pages 325-331 views
