Effects of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists on a rat model of maximum electroshock

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AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effect of metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptor antagonists on the development of seizure caused by maximum electric shock (MES) and the content of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products in the brain of rats.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats (n = 87) with a mass of 180–210 g. In this work, MES was administered. Selective antagonists of I and V subtype mGlu receptors were administered 1 h before MES was administered. Control rats were injected an equivalent amount of saline. The intensity of LPO processes was assessed in terms of the level of secondary products reacting with thiobarbituric acid via a spectrophotometric method.

RESULTS: MES led to the development of pronounced clonic–tonic seizures and increased the level of LPO products in the cerebral cortex of rats by more than threefold. A selective antagonist of subtype V mGlu receptors almost completely stopped the tonic phase of rat seizures and largely prevented the intensification of LPO processes caused by MES. Tonic convulsions were observed in 44% of the experimental animals after the administration of a selective subtype I mGlu receptor antagonist. This antagonist also partially reduced the content of LPO products caused by the effect of MES.

CONCLUSION: Thus, mGlu receptors are involved in the development of MES-induced seizures in rats. The most pronounced weakening of convulsive manifestations and the prevention of an increase in the level of LPO products caused by MES were observed in the block of subtype V mGlu receptors. The obtained data confirmed the possibility of using subtype V metabotropic receptor antagonists as anticonvulsants for the treatment of epilepsy with generalized convulsive seizures.

About the authors

Valentina G. Bashkatova

P.K. Anokhin Scientific Research Institute of Normal Physiology

Author for correspondence.
Email: v.bashkatova@nphys.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6632-5973
SPIN-code: 7383-8483

MD, Dr.Sci.(Biol.), Leading Researcher of the Reinforcements Physiology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey K. Sudakov

P.K. Anokhin Scientific Research Institute of Normal Physiology

Email: s-sudakov@nphys.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9485-3439
SPIN-code: 1127-4090
ResearcherId: D-1647-2013

MD, Dr.Sci.(Med.), Professor, Director, Head of the Reinforcements Physiology Laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Effect of metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists on the content of lipid peroxidation products in the cerebral cortex of rats in the maximum electroshock model.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Bashkatova V.G., Sudakov S.K.


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