Results of foreign bodies removal from the posterior eyeball segment by transvitreal approach

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Purpose. To investigate transvitreal intraocular foreign body (IOFB) removal results, and to determine indications for this splinter removal approach. Materials and methods. A chart analysis of 35 cases with splinter eye trauma was carried out. In all patients, a pars plana vitreoretinal surgical procedure was performed to remove the IOFB. Results. The intraocular penetration of foreign body was accompanied by injuries of different eyeball structures, which presented as intravitreal hemorrhage, hyphema, subretinal bleeding, retinal detachment, traumatic cataract, iridocyclitis. Splitter removal was complemented by endolaser coagulation; scleroplastic component and gaz-fluid exchange. In 54.29% patients with trauma, a lensectomy had to be added to the vitrectomy with IOFB removal. As a result of treatment, visual acuity increased in 51.43% injured patients. In the late post-operative period, retinal detachment developed in 14.29% of cases. Conclusions. IOFB removal by transvitreal approach is recommended in intravitreal, pre- or intraretinal splitter position; in retro-equatorial foreign body localization; when intraoperative splitter visualization is possible; in posterior vitreous detachment formation.

About the authors

Mariya V Kataeva

City Ophthalmologic Center of City hospital No 2


Vadim P Nikolaenko

City Ophthalmologic Center of City hospital No 2

MD, doctor of medical science, head of ophthalmology center


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Copyright (c) 2016 Kataeva M.V., Nikolaenko V.P.

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