Author Details

Клячкин, Л. Н.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 31, No 1 (1935) Articles Bulletin of the I.M. Sechenov State Central Research Institute PDF
Vol 33, No 1 (1937) Articles S. Lepsky and A. Lyaker. Physiotherapy of diseases of the nervous system. Biomedgiz. 1936, 233 pp. Tyr. 5200. Ts. 4 p. 60 k PDF
Vol 26, No 10 (1930) Articles Effect of diathermy on the functional activity of the stomach PDF
Vol 20, No 4 (1924) Articles On the treatment of Basedow's disease with a mercury-quartz lamp PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles On optimal dose in mercury-quartz irradiation. Е. T. Zalkindson (Phototherapy, 1926, No. 3) PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles To the treatment of rickets. P. F. Rothstein (reported in J. for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 5) PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles Blood changes in arthritic patients under the influence of liman treatment. Е. M. Brusilovsky (Vrach. Gaz., 1926, No. 3) PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles Macesta and its importance in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. V. I. Znamensky (Kurort. Delo, 1925, No. 6) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Treatment of extrapulmonary tbc with ultraviolet rays PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Diathermy in breastfeeding. Joslyn (Arch. of physik. ther., 1926, No. 4; ref. in Physiotherapy) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Treatment of boils with iontophoresis. Rausch Zoltan (Z. f. phys. Ther., 1925, 29) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Treatment of spastic contractures with transcerebral iontophoresis. Bourguignon (on ref. in Physiotherapy) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Physiotherapy in childhood diseases. Е. T. Zalkindson (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1927, No. 1) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles On the use of "mountain sun" in skin diseases. Matusis (Russkii Vestn. Derm., 1926, No. 4) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles J. Kowarschik. Electrotherapy. Trans. from the 2nd German edition by Dr. W. Е. Dembskaya. 238 p. Price 2 r. 25 k. Ed. "Practical Medicine" PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Treatment of consumption with ultraviolet rays. Combes, Huguet, and Bormal (reported in Physiotherapy, 1926) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Limanotherapy together with protein therapy. E. M. Brusilovsky and M. S. Turkeltaub (Kurortnoe Delo, 1926, No. 2) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Calcium-ion therapy for heart disease. S. B. Vermel (Physiotherapy, 1926) PDF
Vol 25, No 3 (1929) Articles The effect of ultraviolet rays on surgical and postoperative nosopharyngeal bleeding. Matveev and Kamentseva (Physiotherapy, 1927, No. 4) PDF
Vol 25, No 5 (1929) Articles Theoretical and practical data on the use of mud in conjunction with some types of electrotherapy. S. D. Bassel (CL. Med., 6, 1929) PDF
Vol 25, No 5 (1929) Articles Mud therapy in patients with spontaneous gangrene. D. Stoyanov (Kl. Med., No. 6, 1929) PDF
Vol 25, No 5 (1929) Articles Effect of mud therapy on agglutination titer. E.V. Glotova and Z. A. Ignatovich (Kur. Delo, № 10-11, 1928) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Treatment of bronchial asthma with a mercury-quartz lamp. E. I. Kazakevich (Physiotherapy, 1927, No. 2-3) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles On the treatment of hyposecretion and achylia of the stomach by diathermy. B. Shimshelevich (V. Sovr. Med., 1927, No. 21) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Light therapy for diabetic skin lesions. Rothmann (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 24, H. 3) PDF
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Articles Treatment of tumors of the pituitary gland with x-rays. B. P. Sharapov and V. I. Zhuchenko (Physiotherapy, 1927, no. 2-3) PDF
Vol 24, No 5 (1928) Articles Physical therapy of bronchial asthma. Jelinson and Rothstein (J. for the Us. Vr., 1927, No. 9) PDF
Vol 24, No 5 (1928) Articles Treatment of soft chancre with ultraviolet rays. V. Sukharev (Physiotherapy, 1927, No. 2-3) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Treatment with CaCl2 iontophoresis for tbc lung and bronchial asthma. B. Broderson and V. Stoyanovskaya (Physiotherapy, 1928, No. 3) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Application of d'Arsonval's currents and diathermy in cardiac pains. Rogachevsky (Physiotherapy, 1928, No. 1) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Treatment of rust with a mercury-quartz lamp. Becker (M. m. W., 1927, No. 12) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Mud cure and electroion therapy in chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital sphere. D. E. Shmundak and G. L. Kanevsky (Vr. Delo, 1928, No. 17) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Treatment of chronic headaches, trigeminal neuralgia and insomnia by diathermy. Raab (Ztschr. f. d. ges. phys. Th., 1927, B. 33) PDF

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