Author Details

Тимофеев, А.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 22, No 1 (1926) Abstracts A side effect of lobeline PDF
Vol 22, No 4 (1926) Abstracts The dependence of the vaginal flora on the general condition of the body PDF
Vol 22, No 4 (1926) Abstracts Results of lumbar anesthesia PDF
Vol 22, No 4 (1926) Abstracts Plastic surgery of the pelvic floor with prolapse PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Original research XXXV years of activity of professor V.S.Gruzdev PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Original research To the question of endometrioid growths PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts Internal secretion of the ovaries PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts Experimental studies on ovarian function and hormones PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts The female sex hormone PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts The presence of the sex hormone in the blood PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts The dependence of the content in the blood of potassium and calcium on the activity of the ovary PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts Vaginal changes during pregnancy PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts On morphological changes in vaginal secretions, as a diagnostic sign of pregnancy PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts The use of pituitary drugs in obstetrics PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts For the expansion of indications for Caesar section PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts Postpartum sepsis PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts To the prevention of postpartum diseases PDF
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Abstracts Postpartum sepsis treatment PDF
Vol 82, No 3 (2001) Articles Remote Results of Radiotherapy of Esophagus Cancer PDF
Vol 20, No 2 (1924) Articles Caesar section PDF
Vol 20, No 3 (1924) Articles On the issue of combating the weakness of uterine attempts PDF
Vol 20, No 3 (1924) Articles Prof. A.F. Petrov. Doctor's advice to pregnant women and mothers. State Publishing House. 1923. PDF
Vol 20, No 4 (1924) Articles On the diagnostic value of phloridzin glycosuria during pregnancy PDF
Vol 20, No 5 (1924) Articles On the question of rare forms of ectopic pregnancy (graviditas fimbrialis and graviditas interstitialis) PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles Fetal heartbeat rate disorders during the dilatation period. Zangemeister (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 14) PDF
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Articles The therapy of metropathiae haemorrhagicae. Вaksсht (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 21) PDF
Vol 20, No 6 (1924) Articles On the question of missed abortion PDF
Vol 20, No 6 (1924) Articles Practical guidance on the use of uterine contraction and haemostatic agents Strata (Zntrb. f. G., 1924, № 1—2) PDF
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Articles The structure and function of the corpus luteum PDF
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Articles Formation of an artificial skin vagina Fraenkel (Zntrl. f. G., 1924, № 6) PDF
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Articles Homoplastic ovarian transplant Sippel (Zntrlb. f. Gyn., 1924, № 1—2) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Blood test for tbc bacilli in tbc lesions of the female genital tract. Васіаlli (Riv. ital. di gin., f. 4, 1926; Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Treatment of purulent peritonitis. Pamperl (Med. Klin., 1926, No. 37— 38) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Determining the position of the fetal head in relation to the pelvis using external and internal techniques. Оstreil (Zntr. f. G., 1926, No. 46) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Pielitis in pregnancy and gynecology. Colombino (по Ber. ü. d. g. G., Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Towards abortion therapy. Kubinyi (Веrіch. Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Increased incidence of atonic postpartum bleeding. Кüstner (Mon. f. G. u. G., Bd. LXXV, H. 6) PDF
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Articles The mutual influence of the uterus and ovaries Tакакusu (Arch, f. m. А. и. Entwicklmech., Bd. 102, Н ⅓) PDF
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Articles Results of the treatment of uterine and vaginal cancers at Prof. Witt's clinic. Philipp (Mün. m. Woch., 1926, No. 7) PDF
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Articles Constitutional factor in the pathogenesis of uterine bleeding Seitz’a (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 120) PDF
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Articles Adrenal glands with anencephaly А. Kohn (Arch. f. m.. A. und Entwklmech., Bd. 102, Н⅓) PDF
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Articles X-ray of the pituitary gland in the treatment of fibroids Hirsch (Zntrlb. f. G., 1924, № 8) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles Treatment of vomiting in pregnant women by suggestion. Audebert, Daléas (Red. franç. de gyn. et obst, No. 10, 1926) PDF
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Articles To the treatment of septic abortions. Кüstner (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 3) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles Cancer sensitivity to radiant energy depending on histological structure. Сordua (Brit. Jour. of radiol., 1926, No. 317; Berich., ü. d. g. G.. Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles Sexual tbc and female constitution. А. Мауеr (Веіtr. z. Klin. d. Tuberkul., Bd. 63, H. 6) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles Treatment of acute purulent peritonitis. Schnönbauer (Zentr. f. Chirur., 1926, no. 45) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles Menotoxin and its harmful effects on women. Aschner (Zentr. f. inn. Aled., 1927, No. 3) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles To the treatment of eclampsia. Stoeсkel (Zentr. f. G., 1927, No.3) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles Primary uterine weakness and the autonomic nervous system. Clauser Fiorenzo (Ann. di ostetr. e gin., 1926, No. 6) PDF
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Articles The dangers of the Сrеdé operation of placenta squeezing. Dyroff (Therapie d. Gegenw., H. 6, 1926) PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles On abdominal incisions PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles Causes of metabolic disorders in pregnancy PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles Study of eclampsia PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles Treatment of eclampsia PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles Etiological significance of umbilical cord entanglement around the fetal cervix in the occurrence of bifurcation PDF
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Articles Delivery after caesarian section PDF
Vol 23, No 10 (1927) Articles Statistical data on narrow pelvises in white and black women PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Etiology and therapy of indomitable vomiting in pregnant women PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles To the etiology of eclampsia PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles To the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Conservative therapy of urinary fistulas with electrocoagulation PDF
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Articles Birth trauma and the central nervous system PDF
Vol 23, No 12 (1927) Articles Artificial induction of uterine contractions PDF
Vol 23, No 12 (1927) Articles New views on the etiology of myomas PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles The clinical picture of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles Vaginal flora in childhood and adolescence. Soeken (Zeit. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 40, H. 6, Berich., Bd. X) PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles Trichomonad cultures. Andrews (Berich. über d. gesam. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 16/17) PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles К. P. Ulezko-Stroganova. Microscopic diagnostics in gynecology. With 49 figures in the text. Ed. "Prak. Med.", 1926 PDF
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Articles Contraceptives and their use. Scientific and Practical Guide for Physicians and Students. Ed. by E.I. Kvater. Izd. "Maternity and Infancy Protection". Moscow, 1926 PDF
Vol 23, No 2 (1927) Articles Dependence of the growth of vaginal microbes on the degree of acidity of the environment. Demme (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X) PDF
Vol 23, No 2 (1927) Articles Biological studies of the virulence of vaginal microbes. Louros (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128, H. 1—2) PDF
Vol 23, No 2 (1927) Articles Special techniques for listening to the pregnant woman's abdomen. Drosin (Berich. ü. d. ges. G., Bd XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 2 (1927) Articles Labour anaesthesia. Horalek (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. ХI) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Treatment of malaria in pregnant women with quinine. Canton Eliseo (Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Treatment of purulent diffuse peritonitis. Novak (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 5/6) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Lipiodol for the diagnosis of pregnancy. Heuser (Lancet 1925, no. 22; ref. in Berich, über d. ges. G., Bd. X) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Improvement of external methods of obstetric examination. Windeуer (Веr. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 8) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Labor management with local anesthesia. Gellert (Monat. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. 73, 1926, H. 3/4) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Etiology and prognosis of premature rupture of the fetal bladder. Vogel (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI) PDF
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Articles Antisyphilitic treatment for pregnant women. Кlаftеn (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128, H ½) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Protective role of parametres during pregnancy and childbirth. Hofbauer (по Веr. über die gesam. Gyn., Bd. X, H. II) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Biochemical studies of amniotic fluid in humans. Flössner and Кirstein (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 13) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Pathological and chemical changes in hyperemesis gravidarum. Drennan and Hicks (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 23) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Effect of gonorrhoeal vulvovaginitis in childhood on subsequent infertility. Vogt (Deut. m. W., 1926, no. 13) PDF
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Articles Advantages of the Pfannenstiel's crosscut. Sarwey (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 14) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Influence of the internal secretion on the growth-promoting substances of the organism. Uсhida (Berich, ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Dependence of phagocytosis on internal secretion. Ascher, Abu (from Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 14/15) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Etiology and therapy of uterine atony. Haselhorst (D. m. Woch. 1926, No. 18) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Application of intravenous injections of pituglandol for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Zorn (Zentr. f. G., 1926, no. 20) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Prognostic value of blood picture in the treatment of uterine cancer by radiant energy. Holl (Arch. f. G., Bd. 127, H. 2/3) PDF
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Articles Passive hyperemia in the treatment of chronic cervical catarrhs. Moench (from Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 14/15) PDF
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Articles Bilirubin and indican in the blood of pregnant women. Eufinger (Arch. f. G., Bd. 125, H. 3) PDF
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Articles Studies on kidney function in pregnancy. Jamada (Journ. of biochem., vol. 5, No. 2, 1925) PDF
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Articles Nicotine poisoning during pregnancy. Rio (Ann. di ost. e gin., 1925, No. 4) PDF
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Articles To the pathogenesis and therapy of leucorrhoea. Landekеr (Arch f. G., Bd. 125, H. 3) PDF
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Articles To the etiology and therapy of leucorrhoea. Кirstеin (Arch. f. G., Bd. 125) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles Rectal examination during childbirth. Gugisberg (Zbl. f. G., 1922, No. 29), Klein (Zbl. f. G, 1922, No. 32) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles Treatment of cracked nipples. Hinderfeldt (Montsсh. f. G. u. Gyn., 1922) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles Essence and treatment of dysmenorrhea and Schultz's parametritis. Opitz (Zbl. f. G., 1922, No. 40), Bischoll (Montsch. f. G. u. Gyn., 1923), Menge (Zbl. f. G., 1922, No. 33), Schmidt (Montsch. f. G. u. Gyn., 1923) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles Radiotherapy of uterine bleeding. Hirsch (Zbl. F Gyn., 1922, No. 49), Nürnberger (Zbl. f. G.. 1923, No. 1) PDF
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Articles Radiotherapy in oligo- and amenorrhoea. Flatau (Zbl. f. G., 1922, No. 40) PDF
Vol 19, No 3 (1923) Articles Lobelin in neonatal asphyxia. Miltner (Monat. f. Geb., Bd. LXII) PDF
Vol 25, No 2 (1929) Articles "New operational obstetrics" by Max Hirsch PDF
Vol 25, No 2 (1929) Articles Dr. A. M. Mazhbits. Treatment of female diseases with mud and brine baths. A practical guide for doctors with a foreword by prof. R.V. Kiparsky and Associate Professor V.A.Polubinsky. Publishing house Kubuch, Leningrad, 1928. Price 2 rubles 25 kopecks PDF
Vol 22, No 9 (1926) Articles New theory of eclampsia. Elwyn Herman (Веr. über die ges. Gyn., Bd. X) PDF
Vol 22, No 9 (1926) Articles Temporary X-ray sterilization. Gauss (Verh. d. Phys.-med. Ges. Wurzburg, Bd. 49) PDF
Vol 22, No 9 (1926) Articles Artificial temporary amenorrhea. (Flaskamp, D. m. W., 1925, no. 44) PDF
Vol 22, No 9 (1926) Articles Radiotherapy technique for uterine nut cancer and treatment results obtained in Stockholm. Heymann and H.V. James (Stralentherapie, Vd. 20, 1925) PDF
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Articles Intravenous infusion of a 40% solution of urotropine. Goetz (Znbl. f. Gyn., 1923, No. 8) PDF
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Articles Treatment of adnexitis with x-rays. Flaskamp (ZbL f. Gyn., 1923, No. 3) PDF
Vol 17, No 2 (1921) Articles Fibroids of the uterus with intravascular growth PDF
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Articles Osteomalacia in China. Maxwell, Preston and Lee M. Mlies (Journ. Of obst. A. Gyn. Of the Brit. Empire, 1925, no. 3) PDF
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Articles New and old in operative obstetrics. Döderlein (Dent. Med. Woch., 1925, no. 36) PDF
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Articles Cesarean section using the Portes method. Bosch Aviles and Puigy Koig (Rev. espan. de med. у cir., 1925, No. 85), Agusti Planell (Rev. espan. de ost. у gin., 1925, No. 115), Riviere (Bull. de la Soc. d'obst. et de gynec., 1925, No. 5). PDF
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Articles Principles of pregnancy prevention. Danfarth (Boston med. A. Surg. Journ., 1925, no. 8) PDF
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Articles Dr. med. A.E. Mandelstam. Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in gynecology. With a preface. prof. R.V. Kiparsky. Ed. “Practice. Med. ", 1925. PDF
Vol 17, No 3 (1921) Articles Modern Caesar section PDF
Vol 19, No 6 (1923) Articles Review of cases of uterine cancer observed in the Kazan Obstetrical Gynecological Clinic from 1900 to 1923 PDF
Vol 19, No 6 (1923) Articles The cause of tubal pregnancy. Schönholz (Zntrlb. f. G. 1923, no. 25), Griesser (Zntrb. f. G., 1921, no. 14) PDF
Vol 19, No 6 (1923) Articles Recognition of tubal pregnancy. Rosenstein (Monat. t. G. u G., Bd. 54, H. 3) PDF
Vol 82, No 6 (2001) Articles Remote metastases of lung cancer PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles On the technique of operative treatment of bursting tubal pregnancy. Brunner (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, no. 9) PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Pruritus vulvae. Singer (Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII), Küttner (Deut. Zeit. f. Chir., Bd. 200, 1927) PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Prof. A.A. Krivsky (Leningrad). Handbook of Female Diseases. With 679 part color drawings. Publisher "Practical Medicine". Leningrad, 1927 PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles Dr. A.E. Mandelstam. Modern Biological and Chemical Methods of Research in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Publisher of the State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. Leningrad, 1927 PDF
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Articles М. L. Kreps. Male, female, and child gonorrhea. State Publishing House, 1927 PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles To the therapy of abortion. Bund (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, no. 29) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Effect of profuse blood loss on the course of the postpartum period. Volkmann (Deut. med. Woch., 1927, no. 9) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Puerperal infection with anaerobic streptococci. Schwarz and Dieckmann (Amer. Jour. of obst. a. gyn., v. 13, 1927; Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles To the radiotherapy of cervical cancers. Laborde (by Veg. ü. d. ges Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles А. V. Zhuravlev. Clinical electroionotherapy and other types of electric treatment. Edited by Prof. 1 M. G. U. K. P. Yakovlev, with a preface by Prof. A. P. Gubarev. In the text: 104 figures and 6 photographs. Moscow, 1927 PDF
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Articles Chronic gonorrhoids and paragonorrhoids diseases of the genital glands. Collection of articles edited by Prof. P.M. Fronstein. Ulyanovsk, 1926 PDF
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Articles Uterine ruptures during childbirth. Kupferberg (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, no. 12) PDF
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Articles Hypogenitalism in women. Sippel (Zentr. f. G., 1927, no. 27) PDF
Vol 24, No 5 (1928) Articles Advances in radiotherapy. Bayet (from Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 8 (1928) Articles Toward the current status of abdominal caesarean section PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Prevention and treatment of postoperative complications. Карpis (Deut. med. Woch., 1927, No. 15), Velden (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 51) PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Histological changes in the uterus and ovaries under the influence of X-rays. Superbi (by Veg. u. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Results of radiotherapy at the Radiumhemet Institute in Stockholm. Westmann (from Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Syphilis of the fetus and afterbirth. Raschhofer (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 129, 1927) PDF
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Articles Diagnosis of syphilis by seroreactions during pregnancy. Philipp (Klin. Woch., 1927, No. 15) PDF
Vol 24, No 10 (1928) Articles Experience with local infiltration anesthesia in gynecological surgeries PDF
Vol 24, No 11 (1928) Articles The cantharidin reaction and pregnancy. Siegler (Mon. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. 78, H. 1/2) PDF
Vol 24, No 11 (1928) Articles On the etiology of uterine cancer. Graves (Am. journ. of surg., 1927) PDF
Vol 24, No 11 (1928) Articles Treatment of uterine cancer with acetone and radium. Gellhorn (Zentr. f. G., 1927, No. 49) PDF
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Articles Adrenaline as a means of relaxing the contractile ring during labor. Rucker (from Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. 13) PDF
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Articles Treatment of uterine bleeding and myomas with radium. Swanberg (from Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Materials for the study of postpartum infection PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Recent advances in infertility therapy. Sellheim (from Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XIII) PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Portes' method of caesarean section. Phaneuf (Surg., gynec. a. obst., v. 44) PDF
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Articles Treatment of postpartum infection with intravenous infusions of anti-streptococcal serum. Jonescu (by Ber. n. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Vol 81, No 4 (2000) Theoretical and clinical medicine Long-term results of radiation therapy in patients with lung cancer PDF

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