
Influence of Mildronatum on the “mother-placenta-fetus” system circulation with different degrees of its disorder
Krivtsova E.I., Pavlova N.G.
The role of hormonal and vascular dysregulation in the genesis of early reproductive losses
Gaziyeva I.A., Chistyakova G.N., Remizova I.I.
The possibility of placental insufficiency prognostication in the first trimester
Gazazyan M.G., Ponomaryova N.A., Ivanova O.Y.
Subchorionic hematoma. Causes, pathogenesis, diagnostic and treatment management
Kovalyova J.V.
Prophylaxis of fetoplacental insuffiency in the 1 trimester of pregnancy
Bashmakova N.V., Sevastyanova O.J., Mitseva S.B.
Methods of treatment of functional disorders of urination after induced termination of pregnancy in the second trimester and complicated deliveries
Askina L.R., Trubina T.B.
Micronutrient status of pregnant women with fetal congenital malformations
Milyutina Y.P., Shengelia M.O., Bespalova O.N., Pachuliya O.V., Blazhenko A.A., Denisov K.А., Sazonova A.P., Korenevsky A.V.
The use of the drug mildronate in obstetrics
Pavlova N.G., Krivtsova E.I., Konstantinova N.N.
Use of mathematical techniques for prognosis of large fetus weight in the third trimester of pregnancy
Slabinskaya T.V.
Hemodynamical parameters in functional system "motherplacenta-fetus" in women had higher levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and horionic gonadotropin (HG) in 11 trimester of pregnancy
Gagarina A.V., Pavlova N.G., Kaicheeva T.K.
Expirience of using angioprotector Gincor Fort in the obstetric practice
Ordzhonikidze N.V., Gurtovoi B.L.
Common loss of the I-th three months gestation, observation tactics
Sidelnicova V.M., Sosnina V.V.
Parvovirus B19 - a cause of non-hydropic third trimester intrauterine fetal death
Nyman M., Broliden K., Skjuldebrand-Sparre L., Wahren B.
Correction of vaginal dysbiosis with cavitated solution of chlorhexidine in the 1st trimester of pregnancy: effectiveness and safety
Voroshilina E.S., Zornikov D.L., Plotko E.E.
1 - 14 of 14 Items

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