Vol 61, No 5 (2012)


The usual Comment to clinical Protocol “Hypertension during pregnancy, preeclampsia, eclampsia”

Aylamazyan E.K., Repina M.A.


The article discusses the principles of classification and therapy of gestosis and hypertension during pregnancy, and contains comments regarding the clinical Protocol published in 2012
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Prophylaxis of thrombotic complications in a pregnant patients with prosthetic heart valves

Makatsariya A.D., Bitsadze V.O., Khizroyeva D.K., Nemirovskiy V.B., Akinshina S.V.


In patients with prosthetic heart valves pregnancy and labor are associated with high risk. There are no established anticoagulation guidelines in pregnant women with mechanical heart valve prostheses. More often physiological hypercoagulable state during pregnancy can reveal acquired and/or inherited hemostasis abnormalities which were asymptotic before pregnancy. The presence in the history of patients the foetal loss syndrome, severe obstetric complications (severe preeclampsia, abruptio placenta, antenatal fetal death, feto-placental insufficiency), thrombosis events is an indication for the screening for genetic thrombophilia and antiphospholipid syndrome. The diagnosis of thrombophilia in patients with mechanical heart valve prostheses can explain the inefficiency of anticoagulation therapy, warfarin resistance, «floating» hemostasis markers and difficulties in adequate dose selection
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):10-24
pages 10-24 views

The method of stem cells obtaining from menstrual blood

Aylamazyan E.K., Niauri D.A., Gzgzyan A.M., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Usoltseva Y.O.


The article describes a technique of stem cells isolation from menstrual blood. The characteristics of the obtained stem cells line also present
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Prognostic and predisposing risk factors for perinatal pathology in women with various forms of hyperhomocysteinemia

Bezhenar V.F., Rusina E.I., Tsuladze L.K., Tsypurdeyeva A.A., Pavlova N.G., Guseva E.S., Maryeva G.G., Kira K.E.


In the represented article there has been analyzed the 7-year experience suburethral synthetic slings use in medical treatment of 424 women with incontinence. There has been worked out the diagnostic algorithm of investigation with the aim of making it more exact and choosing the optional method of medical treatment. The estimation of intra- and post- operational complications and the general index of successful sling operations has been revealed. The recommendations have been given for treating patients in case of neuromuscular dysfunctions of the urinary bladder
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):30-37
pages 30-37 views

Prognostic and predisposing risk factors for perinatal pathology in women with various forms of hyperhomocysteinemia

Guryeva V.A., Kostkina Y.M.


This article shows that folate therapy being carried out since the dispensary registration of women does not prevent the formation of neural tube defects. The determinationof prognostic significance and significance of predisposing risk factors allows predicting the type of hyperhomocysteinemia and its risks. It has been revealed that in case of the congenital form of hyperhomocysteinemia there is a combination with such forms of thrombophilia as the G1691A mutation of the factor V gene (factor V Leiden), the G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene, PAI-1 gene mutation (5G > 4G). Thus, if congenital hyperhomocysteinemia is diagnosed or may be prognosed, the markers of genetic thrombophiliae should bedetected and the hemostatic system should be investigated. Considering the early formation of defects, the correction, must begin since a pregravid stage, taking into account the detected combinations with changes in the hemostatic system
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Influence of herpes virus infection upon the system of hemostasis of pregnant women that have syndrome of usual loss of fetus

Dolgikh T.I., Barinov S.V., Kadtsyna T.V.


There were studied 122 cases of changes at the system of hemostasis of pregnant women that have mixed form of thrombophilia. The research shows the role of active herpes virus infection at the manifestation of the signs of chronic intravascular coagulation within mixed thrombophilia. The results reflect the fact that the complex therapy of mixed thrombophilia starting before the pregnancy provides credible reduction of complications during the pregnancy
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):43-48
pages 43-48 views

Psychological characteristics of pregnant women attending courses of preparation for childbirth

Bloch M.E., Shapovalova E.A., Kiselev A.G.


The study of psychological peculiarities of pregnant women attending courses психопрофилактической childbirth preparation, will provide the target correctional work in the process of planning and carrying out the training, thereby optimizing the status of women, both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Surgical sanitation in complex therapy of acute inflammatory diseases of appendages of uterus in young women: the analysis of typical clinical practice

Kokhreidze N.A., Kameneva N.P., Kutusheva G.F.


Among recommendations of leading Russian experts on conducting patients with acute inflammatory diseases of appendages of a uterus (AIDAU) the indication to laparoscopic sanitations at young women occurs at availability of suspicion on purulent character of inflammation. Objective: to study of typical clinical practice among gynecologists in definition of readings to surgical sanitation at AIDAU in young women. Methods: the retrospective analysis of 62 cases of repeated hospitalization of 29 patients in the age of from 19 till 37 years. The automated technology of examination of quality of medical aid (QMA) is used. The group of defects QMA «it’s not applied, but it’s shown» in cases of refusal from lapariscopic sanitations are carried out. Results: operative treatment is undertaken at 24.1 % of patients at primary hospitalization and 9,1 % at repeated. In all cases surgical sanitations were undertaken at availability of complications AIDAU. It is established, that at repeated hospitalization the risk organremoving operations reliably increases (р = 0.033). QMA «it’s not applied, but it’s shown» it is revealed in 10,1 % of cases of primary hospitalization and 3,3 % at repeated. Conclusions: Contrary to existing recommendations gynecologists do not undertake a laparoscopy in noncomplicated purulent AIDAU in young not given birth women. Refusal of a surgical component of treatment at 10,1 % of patients with clinical signs of purulent adexitis can be the factor of insufficient efficiency of treatment at primary hospitalization and the reason of recurrent disease in the further
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):55-59
pages 55-59 views


Mirashvili M.I., Zaynulina M.S., Kogan I.Y., Gzgzyan A.M., Rzayeva R.N.


The aim was to study changes in the hemostatic system in women with hereditary and acquired thrombophilia in IVF cycle, the possibility of their drugs correction, as well as the effect of this therapy on the outcome of IVF. We examined 119 women with congenital or acquired thrombophilia during preparation or during IVF cycle. In the presence of abnormalities in laboratory data, combination of weight adjusted dose of the low molecular weight heparin, low dose aspirin and folic acid administered to the severity of coagulation disorders and homocystein level. In the group of patients with a history 3 or more IVF failures APS was diagnosed in 36.6 % of women. In this group the frequency of mutations in genes: PAI-1, PLAT, fibrinogen was significantly higher than in control group (83.3 % and 58.33 %, 40 % and 19.44 %, 50 % and 25 % respectively, p < 0.05), as well as mutations in genes PAI-1 and PLAT combination rate (31.03 % and 13.89 % respectively, p < 0,05) and the frequency of combinations of 3 or more mutations (65.51 % and 19.44 %, p < 0.001). In the group of women with thrombophilia (n = 97) treated with this therapy 52.57 % IVF cycles was successful. At 36.08 % pregnancies ended with childbirth. In the subgroup of women with 3 or more IVF failures (n = 26) the pregnancy rate was 38.46 %.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):60-67
pages 60-67 views

Influence of previous exposure to Chlamydia trachomatis on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer programs outcome

Samulyzhko V.S.


This review presents the existing literature on association between the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies in various biological materials and the success of IVF and ET treatment. This article discusses major mechanism of infertility within patients with previous exposure to C. trachomatis and the role of chlamydial heat shock protein in its pathogenesis
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):68-79
pages 68-79 views

Secretory placental factors influence to endothelial cells EA.hy926 proliferation

Stepanova O.I., Furayeva K.N., Nikolayenkov I.P., Selkov S.A., Sokolov D.I.


We investigated the influence of placental secretory factors on endothelial cell proliferation during normal and preeclamptic pregnancy. Preeclamptic pregnancy placental factors inhibited proliferation of endothelial cells EA.hy926 in comparison with normal pregnancy placental factors. This data testify to the role of secretory placental factors in endothelial disfunction induction during preeclamptic pregnancy
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):80-84
pages 80-84 views

Mesonephric (clear cell) endometrial cancer

Ulrikh E.A., Khalimbekova D.I., Urmancheyeva A.F., Matsko D.Y., Merabishvili V.M.


Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer is a rare nonendometrioid endometrial carcinoma detected in 1–6 %. The aim of the study was to determine clinical and morphologic features of Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer. Materials: All the cases with Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer treated in the N. N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology (Saint-Petersburg) were identified from surgical pathology files from 1985 to 2010 years. Saint-Petersburg Population Cancer Registry data (2000–2005 years period) and N. N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology Hospital Cancer Registry data (1985–2010 years period) were analyzed. The population based study included 3 224 cases of endometrial cancer patients, the hospital study — 3 345 patients. Results: A review of 3 345 cases of endometrial cancer revealed 73 cases (2.2 %) of Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer. Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer registered in elder women with late menopause and atrophic endometrium. The tumor is a highly malignant variant of endometrial carcinoma with deep myometrial invasion (42.5 %), high rate of metastasis (39.1 %) even in cases with superficial invasion (23.0 %) versus endometrioid endometrial cancer: 6.0 %, 14.2 % and 9.0 % respectively. Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer has a poor prognosis with 3-year observed survival 62.7 %, 5-year observed survival — 52.2 % (Saint-Petersburg Population Cancer Registry), 70.9 % (3-year survival) and 61.8 % (5-year survival) according to the N. N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology Hospital Cancer Registry data. Whereas prognosis in patients with endometrioid endometrial carcinoma is much more favorable: 3-year observed survival 79.4 %, 5-year observed survival — 75.5 %
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):85-91
pages 85-91 views

The functional activity of red blood cells obtained from the healthy infants born through the planned caesarean section operation

Yakushenko N.S., Yevsyukova I.I.


The erythrogram profiles of the newborn infants delivered both naturally and through the planned caesarean section operation have been studied. Only 40 % of red blood cells have a good functional activity in the premature infants, while in the mature ones, this parameter increases up to 60–70 %. Lower parameters are normally observed with the infants born through the caesarean section operation. The data obtained allows ranking these newborn as a group with high risk of microcirculatory disorders and respiratory distress syndrome, which more endanger the premature infants
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):92-95
pages 92-95 views

Leptin and the female reproductive system (review)

Ryazantseva E.M.


The review presents recent data on the biological properties of leptin and its involvement in the pubertal development and pathogenesis of various forms of ovarian failure
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):96-103
pages 96-103 views


Nekrasova E.A., Berlev I.V., Urmancheyeva A.F.


In the treatment of endometrial cancer, which is been the most frequently met oncogynecological disease, basic method remains surgical. Putting into gynecological practice of highly technological operations contributed to the active application of laparoscopy in the treatment of the malignant new formations of endometrium
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):104-111
pages 104-111 views

Atopic dermatitis and pregnancy

Dombrovskaya D.K., Kravchenko E.V.


The article describes the features of the course of atopic dermatitis during pregnancy. The results of our investigation devoted to the state of the skin barrier in pregnant women with atopic dermatitis and healthy pregnant women are represented. We elucidate the advanced ideas of the feasibility of treatment atopic dermatitis during gestation
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):112-114
pages 112-114 views

Home birth as a way of protection by woman itself and of her child

Brekhman G.I.


The growing obstetrical aggression as aspiration of the doctors actively to operate by labor in a combination with formal attitudes between the woman and accompanying man in labor have given a pulse to occurrence and increase in the world of alternative movement for home birth. From a position of perinatal psychology it could be considered as a display of a woman self-defence and her protection of the unborn child. The author discusses the significance of the mental factor in labor, and also in a choice of a place of delivery. He comes to the conclusion about an opportunity of parallel functioning of two forms of support of the women in labor: in maternity branch of hospital and home under condition of the legislatively authorized Rules about their interaction
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):115-121
pages 115-121 views

On the nosologic significance and competence of use of the term «Endometrioid disease»

Pechenikova V.A.


The problem of endometriosis terminology is discussed in the paper; the nosologic significance, expediency, and competence of use of the term «endometrioid disease» is shown. Clinicopathologic parallels are drawn by the example of the most frequent organ localizations of that pathology — adenomyosis, ovarian endometriosis, and extragenital endometriosis; the community of some components of pathogenesis, determining the process progress, clinical presentations, morphological structure of heterotopias, and directions of morphogenesis are shown. Introduction of the term «endometrioid disease» into practice determines the possibility to optimize the clinical and morphological diagnostics of endometriosis taking into account the organ localization, stage of the process, morphofunctional form, and directions of morphogenesis, which is necessary to select the adequate method of treatment and personal prognosis
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2012;61(5):122-131
pages 122-131 views

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