Vol 13, No 4 (2022)

Original Study Articles

Long-term results of microvascular decompression with video endoscopy in the treatment of patients with atypical trigeminal neuralgia

Vinokurov A.G., Kalinkin A.A., Bocharov A.А., Chupalenkov S.M., Lesnyak V.N., Yusubalieva G.M., Kazmina E.S., Kalinkina O.N., Belousov V.V.


Background: The incidence of atypical trigeminal neuralgia (aNTN) varies from 1 to 7 per 100,000 population per year. The main cause of its development is compression of the trigeminal nerve (TN) root by a vein and/or artery in the cerebellar cistern. To date, the final tactics of treatment for patients with aNTN has not been specified. The effectiveness of conservative methods of therapy does not exceed 50%.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of microvascular decompression using video endoscopy in the treatment of patients with atypical trigeminal neuralgia.

Methods: In the period from 2014 to 2021, 34 patients with aNTN were operated on, of which 18 (53%) patients had neuropathic pain (more than 4 points on the DN4 scale), and 15 (44%) patients had transformation of classical trigeminal neuralgia into atypical neuralgia. The conservative therapy (carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin), administered to all the patients in the preoperative period, was not accompanied by a significant relief of pain syndrome. The maximum intensity of pain upon admission to the hospital was, according to the visual analog scale (VAS), 10 points, according to the BNI (Barrow Neurological Institute) Pain Intensity Scale — V (severe, persistent pain). All the patients underwent microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve root with the use of Teflon; in 12 (35%) patients, in addition to microscopy, video endoscopy was used. The average follow-up period after the surgery was 3.4±1.7 years (from 1 to 5 years).

Results: In all (100%) patients, the pain was completely eliminated (BNI I) after the surgery. A total five-year excellent and good outcome of the disease on the J. Miller and BNI scale (I -II) was noted in 80% (n=27) of patients with aNTN. The risk of pain recurrence after microvascular decompression was 14% (n=3) in the first three years, and 34% (n=4) after 5 years. The use of video endoscopy made it possible to identify the blood vessels compressing the root of the trigeminal nerve with a minimal displacement of the cerebellum and cranial nerves when visualizing the neurovascular conflict.

Conclusion: The microvascular decompression method with video endoscopy is effective in the treatment of patients with aNTN.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Asymptomatic cholelithiasis in bariatric practice

Stankevich V.R., Smirnov A.V., Zlobin A.I., Panchenkov D.N., Sharobaro V.I., Ivanov Y.V.


Background: The need for simultaneous cholecystectomy for asymptomatic cholelithiasis in patients undergoing bariatric intervention has not been proven. The experience of managing patients with obesity and concomitant disease — cholelithiasis is presented.

Aim: to determine the indications for simultaneous cholecystectomy and bariatric surgery in the combination of morbid obesity and a asymptomatic cholelithiasis.

Methods: The results of observation of 37 patients with initially asymptomatic cholelithiasis were analyzed: 27 patients underwent bariatric surgery and simultaneous cholecystectomy, and 10 patients underwent only bariatric surgery. The immediate and long-term results of the treatment, the quality of life of patients and the cost of the treatment were assessed.

Results: During 12 months of the follow-up, none of the patients who underwent simultaneous cholecystectomy developed any complications. Of the 10 patients in the observation group, 3 were operated on. Two patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis and one patient was operated on for choledocholithiasis with obstructive jaundice. The greatest improvement in the quality of life was observed in the gastric bypass group with simultaneous cholecystectomy. The treatment cost per patient was lower in that group, too.

Conclusion: In the presence of asymptomatic cholelithiasis in a patient with morbid obesity, bariatric intervention and simultaneous cholecystectomy prevents the development of complications of cholelithiasis and thereby potentially improves the quality of life and reduces the cost of medical care.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):17-26
pages 17-26 views

Evaluation of the effectiveness of transarterial chemoembolization irinotecan-loaded with drug-saturable microspheres for the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumors with liver metastases

Zvezdkina E.A., Kedrova A.G., Lebedev D.P., Krasilnicov S.E., Krestyaninov O.V., Greyan T.A., Panchenkov D.N., Stepanova Y.A.


Background: Since 2021, transarterial chemoembolization of the hepatic arteries (TACE) has been included in the recommendations of professional communities for the treatment of metastases of neuroendocrine liver tumors (NEO). However, the heterogeneity of both this group of patients and types of chemoembolization with a limited range of cytostatics used in the treatment makes it difficult to analyze the data and introduce the method into the combination therapy regimens.

Aim: to study the effectiveness of transarterial chemoembolization with irinotecan-loaded drug-saturable microspheres for the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumors with liver metastases.

Methods: A retrospective, observational, uncontrolled study of 34 patients with liver metastases from neuroendocrine cancer who underwent 52 TACE with irinotecan-loaded drug-saturable microspheres. Group 1 consisted of 15 patients who already had liver metastases at the time of the primary focus detection, group 2 included 19 patients with liver metastases having appeared some time after the detection of the primary focus. To plan and evaluate the effectiveness of chemoembolization, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were used every 10–15 weeks during the systemic treatment. All the patients received systemic NEO therapy before and after the embolization.

Results: An increase in the progression-free time from 101 [57; 120] and 145 [89; 263] days after chemotherapy up to 300 [134; 344] and 304 [240; 342] days after TACE in groups 1 and 2, respectively, with no difference between the groups (p=0.31 and p=0.57, respectively). We did not find a linear relationship between the doubling time of the tumor and the change in the volume of the tumor lesion (R2=0.1085 and R2=0.0265 in groups 1 and 2). When comparing the intragroup scores, there was a statistically significant difference (p=0.009, p=0.046) in the tumor volume reduction and progression-free time between the patients who underwent TACE immediately and those who underwent TACE after chemotherapy. The diagnostic and angiographic images of liver metastases varied within the same organ and depended on the size of metastases. There were no adverse events after TACE.

Conclusions: TACE with irinotecan-loaded drug-saturable microspheres is an effective method for the treatment of liver metastases of neuroendocrine cancer, allowing one to increase the time without progression.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):27-37
pages 27-37 views

The first experience of a hybrid approach in the surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation

Zotov A.S., Khamnagadaev I.A., Sakharov E.R., Shelest O.O., Belousov L.A., Kokov M.L., Michurova M.S., Bulavina I.A., Khabazov R.I., Mokrysheva N.G., Troitskiy A.V.


Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and is associated with an increased risk of death, progression of heart failure, and the development of cardiogenic thromboemboli. Despite the significant success in the management of AF in the paroxysmal form, the results of the treatment for patients with persistent forms of AF remain unsatisfactory. Though the surgical approach provides higher rates of efficiency regarding the restoration of a sinus rhythm, transmural lesions are not always attainable, as a result, the rate of AF recurrence in the long-term period remains fairly high. It is also impossible to create ablative patterns to the mitral and tricuspid valves during thoracoscopic epicardial ablation, which can cause the development of recurrent AF, perimitral and typical atrial flutter. Therefore, the development of hybrid approaches combining the advantages of catheter and thoracoscopic techniques is an urgent task of contemporary surgical and interventional arrhythmology.

Aims: to estimate the immediate results of a hybrid approach in the management of patients with persistent AF.

Methods: We report the first experience of a hybrid treatment of patients with persistent AF. 6 patients aged 53-64 years (1 female, 5 males) were included in the study. At the first stage, thoracoscopic epicardial bipolar ablation was performed (modified “GALAXY” protocol); the second stage (in 3 to 6 months after the thoracoscopic stage) included an intracardiac electrophysiological study with three-dimensional endocardial mapping followed by endocardial ablation.

Results: The thoracoscopic stage of the hybrid treatment included ablation according to the “box lesion” scheme using a bipolar irrigation equipment. No lethal outcomes and severe, life-threatening complications were registered. The duration of the inpatient period was 5–10 hospital-days. The 2nd stage of the hybrid treatment was limited to intracardiac electrophysiological examination only in 2 patients. In 4 patients, epicardial radiofrequency ablation was complemented by endocardial radiofrequency exposure. In 3 of the 4 patients who underwent endocardial radiofrequency ablation, catheter ablation of the mitral and cavotricuspid isthmus was required because of the induction of perimitral and typical flutter, respectively. After the 2nd stage of the hybrid treatment, at the time of discharge all the patients maintained a stable sinus rhythm. There were no severe complications or lethal outcomes.

Conclusion: a hybrid approach in the AF management is a safe and effective method of treatment, which combines the advantages of minimally invasive surgery and endocardial intervention in patients with persistent AF. The technique is safe and has acceptable short-term results.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):38-50
pages 38-50 views

Results of the surgical treatment of intra-articular fractures of the distal femur using a retrograde intramedullary technique

Aliev T.M., Zagorodniy N.V., Prizov A.P., Lazko F.L., Akhpashev A.A., Belyak E.A.


Background: Distal femoral fractures are a widely spread problem in traumatology, which can be caused by both a high-energy trauma and a low-energy trauma in senile patients with osteoporosis. The conservative treatment shows little promise. The surgical treatment of patients is still a challenge for orthopedic surgeons regarding both the technical aspect and a high risk of complications. There are several surgical methods with the use of plates and nails, but there is still no universal conception of the surgical treatment.

Aim: comparative analysis of methods of intramedullary retrograde osteosynthesis and bone osteosynthesis in the treatment of fractures of the distal femur.

Methods: In this study, we evaluated the treatment results of 46 patients who underwent osteosynthesis for intraarticular fractures of the distal femur using an intramedullary retrograde nail. The evaluation was carried out based on such parameters as the duration of the operation and the time from the moment of injury to the operation, the intraoperative blood loss and the function of the knee joint. On average, the operation time using a retrograde femoral nail was 45 minutes. Reducing the duration of the operation improved the functional results of the treatment. Reducing the operation time when installing a retrograde intramedullary nail was achieved with a relatively simple technique for installing this type of a fixator and the use of minimally invasive approaches.

Results: On average, the operation time using a retrograde femoral nail was 45 minutes. Reducing the duration of the operation improved the functional results of treatment. Reducing the operation time when installing a retrograde intramedullary nail was due to a relatively simple technique for installing this type of fixator and the use of minimally invasive approaches. One year after the surgery, the following mean values were achieved: 78 (64–85) points according to the KSS knee score, 85 (68–89) points according to the KSS function score, 3.1 (1.3–4.2) cm for the severity of pain syndrome according to the VAS scale, 105 (88–120) degrees for the flexion in the knee joint. However, a number of post-op complications were observed: deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities was found in 6 (13.1%) patients, formation of a false-joint was seen in 3 (6.5%) patients, 1st grade arthritis of the knee joint was detected in 36 patients (78.2%), 2nd grade arthritis was observed in 10 patients (21.8%). 3rd grade arthritis was not detected. 3.5 years after the operation, none of the patients needed a knee joint replacement.

Conclusion: Retrograde intramedullary osteosynthesis in type C distal femoral fractures promotes early rehabilitation, a complete recovery of the knee joint function and healing of the fracture, and represents an effective method of treatment.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):51-59
pages 51-59 views


Sarcopenic obesity in comorbid patients

Zuikova A.A., Shevcova V.I., Shevcov A.N., Kurguzova A.S.


Sarcopenia is a multifactorial syndrome with an insufficiently studied pathogenesis, manifested by a generalized loss of muscle mass and skeletal muscle strength. Despite the fact that sarcopenia is a risk factor for mortality and disability, especially in the elderly, this pathology is rarely diagnosed. The lack of the uniform criteria for the diagnosis and comorbidity of the elderly patients create difficulties in the differential diagnosis of this condition. Sarcopenia is most often combined with endocrine pathologies, such as obesity and diabetes mellitus. An accelerated decrease in the muscle mass leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity, resulting in insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue — sarcopenic obesity. The results of the studies indicate a higher risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis among individuals with sarcopenic obesity, as opposed to those with simple obesity or sarcopenia. A vicious circle consisting of age-related changes in the skeletal muscles, obesity and impaired glucose regulation leads to a more severe course of diseases and a negative impact on a person's life expectancy. Due to the fact that there are presently no clear criteria for the diagnosis of sarcopenic obesity, there are no unambiguous data on its prevalence. A search for the modern methods of research, prevention and treatment of this condition is required.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):60-67
pages 60-67 views

Ferroptosis in the pathogenesis of brain tumors

Nikolaev A.A., Belopasov V.V.


The field of research on ferroptosis has seen an explosive growth in the past few years since the term was coined in 2012. This review highlights the current state of knowledge on the developmental mechanism of this unique mode of cell death, induced by iron-dependent phospholipid peroxidation, which is regulated by a variety of cellular metabolic events, including redox homeostasis. The xCT system, an amino acid antiporter that supports the synthesis of glutathione (GSH) and oxidation protection, is among these factors. The risk of iron accumulation in neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, and Schwann cells and the development of oxidative stress are discussed. Ferroptosis triggers a cascade of events including activation of inflammation, oxidation of neurotransmitters, impaired neuronal communication, myelin sheath degeneration, astrocyte dysregulation, dementia, and cell death. On the other hand, the exceptional vulnerability of cancer cells originating from the nervous tissue to ferroptosis is estimated. The evidence is given for the initiation of ferroptosis in tumor cells as a factor inhibiting the growth and promoting the death of these cells. Particular attention is paid to the pharmacological modulation of ferroptosis through its induction and inhibition for the treatment of drug-resistant cancers. The choice of targets for the induction of ferroptosis in cancer cells is discussed. Glutathione peroxidase 4 and xCT amino acid antiporter are recognized as the most preferred targets and the antitumor potential of their inhibition and side effects are evaluated.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Practical application of massively parallel reporter assay in biotechnology and medicine

Romanov S.E., Laktionov P.P.


The development and viability of an organism relies on tissue-specific gene programs. The genome regulatory elements play a key role in the regulation of such programs, whereas its disfunction can lead to the establishment of various pathologies, including cancer, congenital disorders, and autoimmune diseases. The development of high-throughput approaches in genomics has led to the emergence of massively parallel reporter assays (MPRA), which enable genome-wide screening and functional verification of regulatory elements. Although MPRA was originally used for investigation of fundamental aspects of epigenetics, it also has a great potential for clinical and practical biotechnology. Currently, MPRA is used for validation of clinically significant mutations, identification of tissue-specific regulatory elements, identification of the favorable loci for transgene integration, as well as represents an essential tool for creating highly efficient expression systems, with a wide range of applications from protein production and design of novel therapeutic antibody super-producers to gene therapy. In this review, the basic principles and areas of practical application of high-throughput reporter assays will be discussed.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):74-87
pages 74-87 views

Case reports

Aspergillosis of the brain: diagnostic difficulties. Case report

Verbakh T.E., Kicherova O.A., Reihert L.I., Ostapchuk E.S.


Background: Neuroaspergillosis has nonspecific clinical manifestations and a severe course. Cases of central nervous system aspergillosis are becoming more frequent. Its lifetime diagnosis is very difficult. At the same time, a timely diagnosis makes it possible to conduct an adequate specific therapy and save the patient's life.

Clinical case description: We report a clinical case of a patient with a lethal damage to the brain by filamentous fungi, who did not have the risk factors described in the literature — human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), neutropenia, organ and tissue transplantation, long therapy with immunosuppressive drugs or corticosteroids.

Conclusion: One needs to consider a possibility of this pathology in patients even in the absence of a fever and immunodeficiency conditions. A specific study of biological fluids for the presence of the galactomannan antigen may allow one to establish a timely correct diagnosis and apply an adequate treatment.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):88-92
pages 88-92 views

Minimally invasive treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint by radiofrequency denervation: a clinical case

Gorokhov M.A., Zagorodniy N.V., Kuzmin V.I., Sharamko T.G.


Background: At present, there is a growing trend towards osteoarthritis spreading among the population of Russia and the entire world, therefore, the search for an effective and low-traumatic method of the pain syndrome relief in coxarthrosis is an important problem of modern medicine.

Clinical case description: A clinical case of treatment of a 64-year-old patient, a working pensioner, with the complaints of severe pain in the left hip joint and a clinical picture of stage IV coxarthrosis according to the Kellgren and Lawrence classification, is presented. Previously, indications for planned joint arthroplasty were found for this patient due to the ineffectiveness of a conservative treatment. The pain syndrome was estimated as 9 points on the visual analogue scale (VAS), 32 points according to the Harris Hip Score (unsatisfactory result). Due the development of an acute concomitant disease, radiofrequency denervation of the left hip joint was performed. The patient was discharged the next day after the surgery, and a positive outcome was achieved in the form of pain reduction for a long period. VAS: 1st day — 3 points, 1 month — 2 points, 6 months — 6 points, 12 months — 7 points. The Harris Hip Score: 1 month — 82 points (good result), 6 months — 76 points (satisfactory result).

Conclusion: As this clinical case has shown, radiofrequency denervation is a promising alternative for patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint, for whom total arthroplasty is contraindicated, and a conservative treatment does not give long-term positive results for severe pain syndrome.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):93-98
pages 93-98 views

The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the early diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic inflammation (CLIPPERS syndrome)

Fomina L.E., Kieva I.N., Anikin A.V., Nudnov N.V., Abdullaeva L.M.


Background: Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with perivascular contrast enhancement in the pons responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) is a rare and relatively new pathology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is highly important in its diagnosis.

Clinical case description: The analysis of the MRI results revealed typical changes characteristic of CLIPPERS, such as contrast-positive small-point and curvilinear lesions of the pons, medulla oblongata and midbrain, as well as of the cerebral peduncles and cerebellum. In addition to the changes we described, according to the literature, lesions of the white matter of the large hemispheres and thalami may also be observed in the syndrome of chronic lymphocytic inflammation.

Conclusion: MRI not only enables one to achieve high-quality neuroimaging of CLIPPERS, but also allows avoiding invasive, traumatic diagnostic methods.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):109-119
pages 109-119 views

Experience of endoscopic transcapsular axillary nerve decompression: а series of clinical cases

Belyak E.A., Paskhin D.L., Lazko F.L., Asratyan S.A., Prizov A.P., Smirnov D.S., Lazko M.F.


Background: Posttraumatic axillary nerve neuropathy is a widely spread pathology, more often seen after a shoulder joint trauma. It can also appear as a complication after orthopedic surgeries, for example, after the Latarjet procedure for shoulder stabilization. The technique of open axillary nerve decompression is very popular but has a number of disadvantages: a large trauma of soft tissue, severe bleeding, a high rate of complications, and also a poor cosmetic effect. The endoscopic surgical technique of decompression is an effective and less traumatic alternative to open procedures.

Clinical case description: We present the results of endoscopic transcapsular axillary nerve decompression in 5 patients with a clinical picture of neuropathic pain syndrome, hypoesthesia in the deltoid area, hypotrophy of the deltoid muscle, who were operated from 2018 to 2021. The mean age of patients was 44.4±14.9. An original surgical technique of decompression was developed and applied to all the patients which included arthroscopy of the shoulder joint with diagnostic and treatment components and transcapsular endoscopic axillary nerve decompression in the beach-chair position. The statistical analysis was performed using the Mann–Whitney U test. According to the VAS-scale, the severity of pain syndrome before the surgery was 6±4.6 points, while 6 months after the surgery it decreased to 1.4±0.5 points (p <0.05). According to the DASH scale, the function of the shoulder joint before the surgery was 77.6±6.9 points, and 6 months after surgery it increased to 12±5.2 points (p <0.05). According to the BMRC scale (M0–M5), the strength of the deltoid muscle before the surgery was 2±0.4 points, and after the surgery it increased to 4.4±0.5 points (p <0.05). The range of motion in the shoulder joint was as follows: before the surgery — flexion 107±45.6°, extension 102±49°, external rotation 22±13.6°; 6 months after the surgery — flexion 154±25.6°, extension 156±22.4°, external rotation 50±8° (p <0.05). The thickness of the middle portion of the deltoid muscle according to the US was 7.2±1.04 mm before the surgery, 11.8±1.44 mm after the surgery (p <0.05). All the patients (100%) at a long-term follow-up noticed complete relief of pain and regression of the neurological symptoms.

Conclusion: The achieved results allow us to characterize the method of endoscopic transcapsular decompression as a reproducible, minimally invasive and highly effective technique, providing pain relief to patients, curing neurological and intraarticular pathology, thus promoting early restoration of the upper limb function in the treated group of patients.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):99-108
pages 99-108 views

Editorial articles

Retraction notice on the article by A.S. Zotov et al. ‘Short-Term Results of Two Strategies in Thoracoscopic Ablation for Lone Atrial Fibrillation’ doi: 10.17816/clinpract110719


Editorial board of the journal informs authors about the retraction of the article «Short-Term Results of Two Strategies in Thoracoscopic Ablation for Lone Atrial Fibrillation» published in Journal of Clinical Practice 13(3) 2022 by A.S. Zotov, O.Yu. Pidanov, I.S. Osmanov, A.V. Troitsky, A.A. Silaev, E.R. Sakharov, V.N. Sukhotin, O.O. Shelest, R.I. Khabazov, D.A. Timashkov. The reason for the retraction is the publication ethics violation in terms of authorship criteria. Not all authors whose names appear on the article made substantial contributions to the study drafted/revised the manuscript and approved the version to be published.

Retraction made on January 09, 2023 with approve from the Editor-in-Chief.

Journal of Clinical Practice. 2022;13(4):120-120
pages 120-120 views

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