Successful case of Benthal de Bono surgery in Cabrol modification with one-step aortic arch prosthesis and repeat coronary artery bypass surgery in a patient with de Bakey type 1 acute aortic dissection

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The ascending aortic aneurysm occurs in 45 % of cases from the total number of aortic aneurysms of various localization. The incidence rate of combination of the aortic disease with aneurysm per 100 000 of the population is 5.9. The problem of prosthetics of the aortic root and aortic valve due to aneurysm and the changed AV is rather actual. The main principle of aneurysm surgery is the prevention of the risk of dissection and rupture with reconstruction of normal dimensions of the ascending aorta. Currently, there are different techniques for the treatment of root aneurysms and ascending aorta. The standard techniques are aortic root replacement, aortic valve reconstruction with replacement of aortic root or ascending aorta and partial or full replacement of aortic arch depending on the situation.

The Bentall De Bono operation at present remains a “golden standard” of surgical treatment of the aneurysms of the root and ascending aorta with changed aortic valve. This surgery can have the following complications: thrombotic, thromboembolic followed by conduit dysfunction, formation of false anastomosis aneurysms, hemorrhage, compression of coronary artery orifices due to tension in the zone of coronary anastomoses.

About the authors

B. K. Kadyraliev

S.G. Sukhanov Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, cardiovascular surgeon

Russian Federation, Perm

V. B. Arutyunyan

S.G. Sukhanov Center for Cardiovascular Surgery


MD, PhD, Head of Cardiac Surgery Unit №1, cardiovascular surgeon

Russian Federation, Perm

S. V. Kucherenko

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


resident, cardiovascular surgeon

Russian Federation, Perm

V. N. Pavlova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University



Russian Federation, Perm

E. S. Spekhova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University



Russian Federation, Perm

S. T. Enginoev

Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery; Astrakhan State Medical University


cardiovascular surgeon, Assistant, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery

Russian Federation, Astrakhan; Astrakhan


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Copyright (c) 2021 Kadyraliev B.K., Arutyunyan V.B., Kucherenko S.V., Pavlova V.N., Spekhova E.S., Enginoev S.T.

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