Psychophysical training in treatment of sympathicotonic vegetative dystonia syndrome and primary arterial hypertension in children and adolescents

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Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of psychophysical training as a method of non-drug correction of vegetative dystonia syndrome of sympaticotonic type and primary arterial hypertension in children and adolescents.

Material and methods. 164 patients aged 7–17 years with sympathicotonic vegetative dystonia syndrome were examined, of which 47 were diagnosed primary arterial hypertension. The baseline autonomic tone (by cumulative clinical tables of autonomic manifestations), autonomic reactivity (based on the results of variation pulsography in ortho-and clean position), support activities (by clean orthostatic test) were evaluated, the heart rate variability was analyzed. As a method of non-drug correction of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system, psychophysical training (main group, n = 110) and therapeutic physical culture (comparison group, n = 54) were used. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, patients were examined twice: before and after the course.

Results. It was found that in the sympaticotonic type of vegetative system, excessive vegetative reactivity and activity maintenance predominate. The use of psychophysical training leads to their normalization in most patients. In patients with primary arterial hypertension, the level of blood pressure decreases. According to the analysis of heart rate variability in the main group there is a significant increase in the total power spectrum of neurohumoral regulation, representation of high-frequency fluctuations with simultaneous reduction of the share of low-frequency waves as well as aligned sympathetic-parasympathetic balance.

Conclusion. Psychophysical training is an effective method for non-drug correction of vegetative dystonia syndrome by sympaticotonic type and primary arterial hypertension in children and adolescents.

About the authors

N. N. Nezhkina

Ivanovo State Medical Academy; National Research Lobachevsky State University

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Physical Culture

Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Nizhni Novgorod

O. V. Kuligin

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department of Physical Culture

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

O. L. Nasonova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


Lecturer, Department of Physical Culture

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

G. N. Mitrofanova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Culture

Russian Federation, Ivanovo

S. V. Sokolovskaya

National Research Lobachevsky State University


Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Sport Medicine and Psychology

Russian Federation, Nizhni Novgorod


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Copyright (c) 2021 Nezhkina N.N., Kuligin O.V., Nasonova O.L., Mitrofanova G.N., Sokolovskaya S.V.

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