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Aim. To determine by means of metallography the architectonics of cellular implants, produced with the method of stereolithography; to compare the structure of different materials and the degree of their fixation to the bone in (cellular titanium, Uglecon-M and porous titanium) experimental conditions. Materials and methods. The results of modeling and production of implants based on cellular structures (Wigner-Seitz cell) are presented in the paper. Three-dimensional systems were used for modeling, stereolithographic technology - for production. The results of studying cellular implants from titanium using the universal metallographic microscope Altami MET-5D with enlargement from 50X to 200X are indicated. Results. It was revealed that the surface of cellular dams is not smooth, but uneven at the expense of microscopic deepenings and protrusion of metal. There are microtubules, clearly seen on the section, which are chaotically located; some of them are through, the others are blindly closed. In the implant dam microtubule, there is a grown connective tissue, filling all its space, which does not yield by its density to the connective tissue in the cells. It was established that the degree IV fixation of cellular implants was registered in 55,6 % of animals, porous Uglecon-M implants - in 28,6 %, porous titanium implants - in 41,6 %, that proves high reparative properties of cellular constructions. Conclusions. Dams, forming the cells of implants, have the structure of porous titanium, which possesses reparative properties. The degree IV cellular implant fixation was determined in 55,6 % of animals that indicates high reparative properties of cellular constructions.

About the authors

V P Vasilyuk

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

Email: vasilyuk.vladimir53@mail.ru
кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии 614000, г. Пермь, ул. Петропавловская, 26

G I Shtraube

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии 614000, г. Пермь, ул. Петропавловская, 26

V A Chetvertnykh

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой гистологии, эмбриологии и цитологии 614000, г. Пермь, ул. Петропавловская, 26


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Copyright (c) 2017 Vasilyuk V.P., Shtraube G.I., Chetvertnykh V.A.

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