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Ключевые слова. Сахарный диабет, вариабельность ритма сердца, ишемическая болезнь сердца. Aim. The method of rhythmocardiography (RCG) was used to study the peculiarities of pacemaker activity disregulation of the sinus node of the heart in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and their association as well as to ground the significance of the associated pathology in aggravation of cardiac rhythm variability (CRV) parameters. Materials and methods. The study included patients with IHD ( n = 42), DM2 ( n = 100) and DM2+IHD ( n = 63). The groups were comparable by the age (mean age 56,9 ± 7,6 years) and gender distribution. Cardiac rhythm variability was analyzed with the method of high-performance RCG using KAP-RK-01-“Mikor” (registration certificate №FS-022б2005/2447-06). Results. The results of comparative analysis of CRV in patients with IHD ( n = 42), DM2 ( n = 100) and DM2+IHD ( n = 63) were respectively the following: total variability SDNN - 0,025 ± 0,01; 0,019 ± 0,01; 0,015 ± 0,006; root-mean-square deviations (in seconds) of humoral-metabolic σI (0,016 ± 0,006; 0,013 ± 0,007; 0,011 ± 0,005), sympathetic σm (0,010 ± 0,007; 0,008 ± 0,007; 0,005 ± 0,003) and parasympathetic waves σs (0,14 ± 0,008; 0,010 ± 0,008; 0,007 ± 0,004) and their percentage (VLF% - 58,1 ± 17,2; 56,5 ± 19,0; 48,2 ± 18,6; LF% - 13,3± 7,4; 16,4 ± 12,2; 17,9 ± 12,2; HF% - 25,6 ± 18,3; 33,8 ± 18,6; 26,9 ± 18,6). Statistically significant differences ( Z = 3,4-10,8; p < 0,05) demonstrated aggravation of CRV in DM2+IHD as compared with IHD as well as with DM2. Conclusions. More marked SN disregulations in case of DM2+IHD association as compared to those in patients with DM2 without IHD and to patients with IHD without carbohydrate metabolism disturbances were found; a negative effect of DM2 and IHD association is evident.

About the authors

E V Nuzhdina

Челябинская областная клиническая больница

врач-эндокринолог областного эндокринологического центра

E V Davydova

Южно-Уральский государственный медицинский университет

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры факультетской терапии


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Copyright (c) 2016 Nuzhdina E.V., Davydova E.V.

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