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Aim. To study the pathomorphological signs of intrauterine pneumonia according to autopsy data. Materials and methods. On the basis of pathologoanatomic post-mortem examination protocols, retrospective analysis of clinicopathologic peculiarities of the lung tissue in 94 infants with intrauterine pneumonias was carried out. The study group included infants who died at the age of 0 to 15 days with the body mass not less than 900 g. Gestation terms varied from 28 to 41 weeks. Macro-and microscopic picture of lungs was studied. Histological investigation was performed with traditional methods. Results. It was established that microscopic signs of pneumonia in the dead infants during the days 1–3 were expressed insignificantly. They were growing by the 5 th day when lung tissue lesions are more extensive, have more precise contours, rather often acquiring the character of pneumonias with confluent foci. Microscopic picture in most cases was characterized by circulation disorders in the lung tissue, presence of distelectasis foci, polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration, quite often with erythrocyte admixture, small fibrin accumulation, hyalin membranes formation. The character and degree of manifestation of changes in lung tissue in case of intrauterine pneumonias were revealed to be significantly determined by etiological agent. The most severe course and the earlier lethal outcome were registered in bacterioviral infection. Conclusion. Intrauterine pneumonia is characterized by changes in micro-and macroscopic picture of lung tissue with the latter growing by the 5 th day. Circulation disorders and polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration as well as hyaline membranes formation should be attributed to microscopic signs. Viral bacterial pneumonia is characterized by more severe course.

About the authors

E A Sokolova

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Россия

ординатор кафедры патологической анатомии с секционным курсом

G G Freind

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Россия

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой патологической анатомии с секционным курсом

E S Gorovits

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Россия

октор медицинских наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, заведующий кафедрой микробиологии и вирусологии

E S Patlusova

Пермская государственная медицинская академия им. ак. Е. А. Вагнера, Россия

кандидат медицинских наук, преподаватель кафедры патологической анатомии с секционным курсом


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Copyright (c) 2013 Sokolova E.A., Freind G.G., Gorovits E.S., Patlusova E.S.

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