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Aim. To assess the results of complex examination of patients with hip joint injuries and diseases, to develop criteria of severity of socio-psychological disadaptation in this pathology. Materials and methods. Eighty patients aged 20–88 underwent surgical treatment (endoprosthesis). The following modern informative methods of investigation were used: clinical, laboratory, roentgenological, ultrasonic, Spilberger-Hanin as well as Zung experimental psychological methods. Results. Women (61,8%) prevailed among the examined patients, there was a high percentage of patients (79,2%) aged 55–65, high share of somatic diseases (5,1 per one patient). As a result of surgical treatment of patients with hip joint injuries and diseases, moderate and severe socio-psychological disadaptation was registered in 73,8% of observations. Conclusion. The criteria developed for the degree of severity of developing socio-psychological disadaptation are recommended to be used in postoperative rehabilitation programs that will permit to hasten patients’ reintegration and improve their quality of life.

About the authors

A R Trubin

Башкирский государственный медицинский университет, г. Уфа, Россия

ординатор кафедры травматологии и ортопедии с курсом ИПО


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