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Aim. To study the formation of atopic phenotype in children who had respiratory infection in the newborn period. Materials and methods. Retrospective study of 36 children who had respiratory infection in the neonatal period with subsequent examination at the age of 5-6 years was carried out on the basis of Perm Children’s City Clinical Hospital № 13. Results. Children with congenital pneumonia in 94,4 % of cases were found to suffer from atopic dermatitis, that is reliably more often than children with acute respiratory infection (50,0 %) in the neonatal period ( p < 0,01). All children with newborn respiratory infection form later the group of children who frequently fall ill. However, in the group of children with congenital pneumonia, complications of acute respiratory diseases occur more often, in particular, bronchoobstructive syndrome (44,4 % vs. 5,6 %, p < 0,05). No reliable differences between the groups were detected while studying respiratory resistance (hyperreactivity of bronchi was observed in 33,3 and 45,5 % of cases, respectively). In children who suffered from congenital pneumonia, IgE level is raised significantly more often ( p < 0,05). Conclusions. Children with congenital pneumonia, later on have high susceptibility to respiratory infections with development of complications that is an unfavorable factor for development of allergic diseases. Presence of atopic dermatitis, bronchial hyperreactivity and elevated sensitizing level contributes to formation of atopic phenotype as a risk factor for development of bronchial asthma.

About the authors

E V Bukina

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера, Пермь, Российская Федерация

аспирант кафедры детских болезней лечебного факультета


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