Body fat mass in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a risk factor for right ventricular structural-functional changes

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Aim. To study the correlation between the body fat mass (BFM) and the structural-functional characteristics of right ventricle (RV) in patients with different body mass, suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Materials and methods. Echocardiography, ultrasound determination of subcutaneous and premesenterial layer thickness, assessment of leptin level was performed in 72 COPD patients, who were divided into three groups: group 1 – patients with normal body mass (n = 31), group 2 – patients with excess weight (n = 21), group 3 – patients with class I-II obesity (n= 20).

Results. Among COPD patients, body mass index (BMI) growth causes increase in BFM and subcutaneous and premesenterial fat thickness, elevation in blood serum leptin level, but decrease in lean body mass (LBM). The global longitudinal systolic strain of the free wall of RV in COPD patients with obesity (–17.39 ± 3.64, p = 0.002) and elevated body mass (–17.96 ± 5.69, p = 0.006) is reduced.

Conclusions. Among COPD patients with different body mass, the global longitudinal systolic strain of RV free wall aggravates as leptin level and body fat mass grow that can be the reflection of mechanical exposure and epicardial fat pressure on the right ventricle.

About the authors

R. A. Kostareva

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

аспирант кафедры терапии и семейной медицины ФДПО

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

B. V. Golovskoy

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры терапии и семейной медицины ФДПО

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

A. I. Podyanova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


аспирант кафедры терапии и семейной медицины ФДПО

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000

A. V. Gerasimova

E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


ассистент кафедры терапии и семейной медицины ФДПО

Russian Federation, 26, Petropavlovskay street, Perm, 614000


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Copyright (c) 2019 Kostareva R.A., Golovskoy B.V., Podyanova A.I., Gerasimova A.V.

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