China: society and culture

History of China in different periods, history of Russian-Chinese relations, traditional and modern culture of China, spiritual, religious and everyday traditions, art and architecture, anthropology, ethnology and folklore of China, traditional and modern society in China, population, demographic policy, education and healthcare in China, cinematography, literature, philology, commented translations and studies of classical texts.

Current Issue

Vol 2, No 1 (2023)

Original Study Articles

On some features of the system for forming the cadres of Chinese regional elites during the period from 2007 to 2019
Abramov B.K.

This article is the second part of a large study on the internal policy system of the PRC, continuing the analysis of intra-party struggle in the CCP by classifying details of the biographies and terms of office of individual party officials. The correlations between the implementation of political-administrative power by certain individuals and economic transformations in the regions where they exercised their power are also examined. This research also focuses on the issue of continuity between different systems of organizing political power within the CCP, as well as on crises in this continuity, indirectly raising the question of intra-elite conflicts in the CCP. This issue is addressed by identifying career types of party officials, examining changes in the proportions of these types, and correlating these changes with known events in intra-political struggles and economic processes. The research shows that, despite the claims of some researchers, the political crisis in the PRC generally preceded the global economic crisis of 2008. This crisis reflects a shift in the system of power organization formed at the beginning of the policy of reforms and openness, and may have far-reaching consequences for the domestic and global political landscape.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):7-15
pages 7-15 views
Xi Jinping and the Citation of Historical Writings of Antiquity: From Rhetoric to Politics
Bashkeev V.V.

The article examines a number of quotations from Chinese historical writings from the ancient period (up to and including the Han era) used by President Xi Jinping in his speeches during his first term in office (2012–2017). The paper is a study of the phenomenon called Xi Jinping yong dian (习近平用典 “Xi Jinping uses classics”) in terms of the intersection of historical process experience in ancient and modern periods within the rhetorical constructions of the bearer of supreme power in modern PRC. The quotations from Chinese historical monuments of the ancient period used by Xi Jinping are considered in the context of the periodization of modern Chinese history and the key stages of the domestic and foreign policies conducted in 2012–2017. Xi Jinping’s political rhetoric at these stages concerns, above all, the areas of interaction with the bureaucratic structures — the CCP and the international organizations. The author has made an attempt to find out what could be the purpose of such citations and what is behind them — a rhetorical device or something more.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):17-27
pages 17-27 views
On Searching for Political Groups in the Highest Levels of Power in PRC Based on Quantitative Analysis of the Articles of Renmin Ribao (2014-2018) Devoted to the Belt and Road Initiative
Filina D.V.

The paper is focused on the problem of identifying political groups inside the top levels of the PRC leadership, overcoming the main methodological hardships that emerge usually when an attempt at a classification of political actors is made. One possible way to do it would be to use the methods of quantitative analysis to locate a pattern in how the chief Chinese official mass media Renmin Ribao mentions the political actors in their publications and articles, in studying the distribution of such mentions. The articles on the Belt and Road Initiative were selected for this research. The distribution of the mention of personalities in publications on this topic allows us to distinguish two groups. The first is formed around Chinese President Xi Jinping, the second around Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the PRC. The principles of the approach to the analysis of information in media publications used in this study were generally formulated by V.G. Gelbras. The methods of distributing personalities into groups are based on the works of D.V. Deopik related to classification problems. The result of the study was a quantitatively substantiated grouping of political actors and formulation of a method to determine the political affiliation not only of figures from the highest echelons of power in the PRC, but also of those who are at lower levels, that is, those about whom there is little information in the open sources.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):41-53
pages 41-53 views
Coal crisis in China: development, mechanism, causes and possible consequences
Tseluyko M.S.

This article analyzes the dynamics of coal prices and systemic changes in the coal market in the PRC, revealing the internal Chinese mechanism of the coal crisis that broke out in the PRC in 2020. The data studied and the conclusions obtained in the article refute the widely held view in expert circles, according to which the cause of the coal crisis in China was the rejection of Australian coal. The study was carried out by analyzing a data array on the dynamics of changes in the price of coal for different types of coal and for different regions and provinces of China. In particular, the article is based on data on the dynamics of coal prices in Shaanxi and Hubei.

The results of this research provide useful insight into both the nature of the coal crisis and the patterns of the system of formation of coal prices in the PRC, partially touching on the issue of the integrity of the Chinese coal market. The statistical data referring to the coal prices is viewed through the prism of the concept of a “multi-track” pricing system put forward by M. V. Karpov and, in general, confirms fruitfulness and significance of his theory. Also, the article, based on data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, shows the commercial practical significance of the findings and the importance of having up-to-date information data on dynamics of coal prices in China.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):55-67
pages 55-67 views
China-Africa Energy Development Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
Sazonov S.L., Feng L.

This article explores the cooperation between China and African countries in the field of energy development within the framework of the “Belt and Road Initiative”. The authors analyze the key areas of cooperation, such as the construction of energy infrastructure, the development of renewable energy sources, technological exchange, and project financing. The reasons why China actively invests in Africa’s energy sector are examined, including ensuring energy security, resource accessibility, and strengthening diplomatic relations. The authors also consider the advantages and challenges of such cooperation for both parties and its impact on economic development and energy security in the region. The study examines China’s role in assisting African countries in achieving sustainable development through the development of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. Various projects and initiatives that have been implemented or planned within this cooperation are also discussed in the article. The authors draw conclusions about the significance and prospects of China-Africa energy cooperation within the “Belt and Road Initiative”. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, analyzing China’s contribution and its implications for African countries.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):29-40
pages 29-40 views
The Rise of Empress Wu Ze-tian (624–705) Relatives as Reflected in the Dynastic Histories “Old Book of Tang” and “New Book of Tang”
Skrypnik E.S.

This article is devoted to the analysis of actions undertaken by Wu Ze-tian 武則天 (624–705), the first and only woman in Chinese history, who was bequeathed the title of august emperor and founded the Great Zhou state (Da Zhou 大周; 690–705) to raise the status of the Wu 武 family, as they were represented in the main sources of study for this period – the normative histories Old Book of Tang and New Book of Tang. Career advancement steps of the three most well-known relatives (Wu Cheng-si 武承嗣 (649–698), Wu San-si 武三思 (?–707) and Wu You-ning 武攸宁 (? –705) are examined. Special attention is given to the main stages in the rise of the Empress’s ancestors, including her father Wu Shi-huo, who made the posthumous journey from a guo-gong 國公 to August Emperor (huang-di 皇帝). A conclusion is reached that Wu’s consistent actions in this direction allowed her to replace the royal Tang dynasty with the Wu family in the ideological structure of China for an entire decade. Nevertheless, in the final period of her reign, Wu Ze-tian was forced to give up the hope of installing the Wu family as rulers of China.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):69-81
pages 69-81 views
Political Crisis in the Late Ming dynasty
Chursina K.O.

The Ming Empire is one of the greatest states that existed from the 14th to the 17th centuries. However, 1644 was marked by the fall of the empire and the subsequent seizure of the throne by the Manchus. In this regard, the question arises: what caused the centralized state to fall to a group of rebels and the invaders from the north? The purpose of this study is to identify the main opposing parties of the political crisis in the late Ming Dynasty, study the dynamics of their interactions, and reconceptualize the context of its fall, moving away from the ideologically driven narrative of “faithful officials vs the cunning eunuchs” to delineating the real sides and process of the political struggle. The study covers the time frame from 1597 to 1644. By analyzing the two sources of “Ming Shi” (The Official History of the Ming Dynasty) and “Ming Shilu” (Veritable Records of the Ming Dynasty) and their reflected priorities, the political process during this period was studied, thus answering the questions raised in the research.

China: society and culture. 2023;2(1):83-91
pages 83-91 views

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