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Volume 515, Nº 1 (2024)


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Prospects for increasing oil resources and reserves in the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough

Isaev A., Polyakov A., Epov M.


The capabilities of discovering large oil fields in the central part of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough were considered. Processing and integrated interpretation of geological, geophysical and geochemical information provided the basis for the identification of four promising oil accumulation zones (an area of 58 thousand km2). For the multi-deposit Payakha oil field, three more zones located at depths of 3.2– 3.5 km were identified at the base of the clinoform complex. This made it possible to ensure the increment of localized recoverable oil resources of D1l category.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Position of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in the sections of Western Mongolia according to the malacological data

Parkhaev P., Zhegallo E., Dorjnamjaa D.


The Early Permian (275.3 ± 3.1 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of detrital mica (Cr-phengite) from clasts in listvenite sandstones of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the Rassokha Terrane of the Chersky Range probably corresponds (or is close) to the time of the formation of listvenites of the provenance (ophiolitic massifs of the range) and restricts the maximum deposition age of clastic rocks. A partial loss of Ar by mica as a result of deformations and postsedimentation transformation of rocks of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence in the Early Permian is possible but it is less probable.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):8-16
pages 8-16 views

40Ar/39Ar age of phengite from sandstone of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the basin of the Rassokha River, collision belt of the Chersky Range

Ledneva G., Travin A., Sychev S., Bazylev B., Rogov A., Sokolov S.


The Early Permian (275.3 ± 3.1 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of detrital mica (Cr-phengite) from clasts in listvenite sandstones of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the Rassokha Terrane of the Chersky Range probably corresponds (or is close) to the time of the formation of listvenites of the provenance (ophiolitic massifs of the range) and restricts the maximum deposition age of clastic rocks. A partial loss of Ar by mica as a result of deformations and postsedimentation transformation of rocks of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence in the Early Permian is possible but it is less probable.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):17-25
pages 17-25 views


First results of stratigraphic drilling in the North-Eastern Laptev Sea

Malyshev N., Verzhbitsky V., Danilkin S., Kolyubakin А., Ershova V., Borodulin А., Obmetko V., Komissarov D., Pashali А., Boldyrev M., Vasilyeva I., Rogov M., Popova A., Vasilyev V., Novikov S., Gatovsky Y., Alexandrova G., Lidskaya A., Simakova A., Lopatina D., Bordunov S., Stupakova A., Suslova A., Nikishin A., Lakeev V., Lukashev R.


The Stratigraphic Drilling Project of the Russian Arctic Shelf conducted by the PJSC Rosneft is aimed at discover the stratigraphic age and rock composition of sedimentary succession of its subsurface. In 2021, six shallow wells for the first time have been drilled with core sampling in the east of the Laptev Sea. Drilling revealed folded sedimentary succession dated back to the Late Barremian – Early Aptian. The synrift complex overlying unconformably dates to the Paleocene. The upper strata dates from Eocene to Pleistocene and contains significant hiatuses. The data discovered together with the results of seismic interpretation clarified the regional geological model and dated the stages of its tectonic evolution.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):26-35
pages 26-35 views

First experience on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the crest relief deposits of the Tobol-Ishim interfluve

Larin S., Kozlov O., Larina N., Alekseeva V., Ustinova E.


Using optically stimulated luminescence dating, the Late Pleistocene-Holocene deposits of the crest relief of the Tobol-Ishim interfluve (southwest of the Western Siberian Plain, Russian Federation), footslope colluvial deposits on the right-bank terrace of the Ishim River valley and dune sands in the Tobol River valley were studied for the first time. The first obtained luminescence ages provide older ages of crest deposits, than previously assumed, from 33.5±1.5 to 25.8±1.3 ka. The formation of the footslope colluvial cover on the right bank of the Ishim River valley began ~22 ka ago. Dune pinery sands in the Tobol River valley relate to a later stage of aeolian accumulation and were formed due to local wind reworking of the alluvial deposits of the youngest river terrace in the Late Glacial-Holocene.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):36-44
pages 36-44 views


Platinum-rhenium-osmium isotope systematics of chromitite and native osmium from the Guli Massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia)

Malitch K., Puchtel I., Kogarko L., Badanina I.


To gain insight into the source of ore material, this study presents the first Re-Os and Pt-Os isotopic and highly siderophile element (HSE) abundance data for chromitite and osmium minerals from the Guli massif of ultramafic, alkaline rocks and carbonatites located in the Maimecha-Kotui province, Polar Siberia. The study utilized a number of analytical techniques, including electron microprobe analysis, negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry (N-TIMS) and high pressure asher digestion and an isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The HSE concentrations in chromitite samples range from 191 to 866 ppb with a predominance of Ir-group platinum-group elements (PGE) (Os, Ir and Ru) over Pt-group PGE (Rh, Pt and Pd) and Re, which is consistent with their platinum-group mineral control (i. e., Os-Ir alloys and laurite, RuS2) within the chromitite. The Re-Os and Pt-Os isotope data indicate that the HSE budget of the chromitite and osmium minerals from the Guli massif was largely controlled by that of the mantle source, which evolved with long-term near-chondritic Re/Os and Pt/Os ratios; this source is within the range of those for the majority of komatiite and abyssal peridotite sources.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):45-50
pages 45-50 views


Monitoring the baric modulation of gas concentration in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory tunnel in the Elbrus Region using a differential absorption lidar

Pershin S., Gordeev E., Grishin M., Zavozin V., Makarov V., Lednev N., Ponurovskiy Y., Stavrovskii D., Ushakov A., Kazalov V.


For the first time, concentrations of gases 12CO2,13CO2, СН4, Н2О and the dynamics of Earth degassing under the changing atmospheric pressure were remotely analyzed using a differential absorption lidar. To reduce the influence of external meteorological factors, the sensing was carried out in a dead-end tunnel of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Forms of occurrence metals and metalloids in products of the Mutnovsky volcano gas-hydrothermal activity

Shevko A., Gora M., Shevko E., Bortnikova S.


On the basis of concentrate analysis of the Mutnovsky volcano thermal sites substance, new data of the ore elements forms of occurrence were obtained. In the course of large-scale hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks, with the participation of magmatic fluids and meteoric waters, metals and metalloids are transported to the surface, which are concentrated in the form of the main or impurity components of new-forming minerals. Sulfides of copper, zinc, mercury, silver and barium sulfate are confidently diagnosed, in which, in addition to mineral-forming Zn, Cu, Hg, Ag and Ba, admixtures of Mn, Cd, Sr, I, Cl, Te, Pb are present. Micron-sized phases were found containing Ru, Os and Ir (laurite), Pb (galena) as the main components, as well as intermetallic compounds (Fe–Ni), (Fe–Ir–Os), (Pb–Bi), (Bi–Te) and native Au. Most of the new-forming mineral individuals are associated with a mineral of the pyrite-marcasite group, which contains admixtures of As, Cu, Ni, and Co. Platinoids Os, Ir, Ru among the new-forming minerals within the East Kamchatka volcanic belt were discovered for the first time.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):57-62
pages 57-62 views

СO2-rich thermal waters of the Neitrino Research Gallery (Baksan Neitrino Observatory, North Caucasus)

Aydarkozhina A., Lavrushin V., Ermakov A., Chelnokov G., Zhang L.


Isotope-geochemical (δ2H and δ18O in H2O, δ15N in N2, δ13C in CO2 and CH4,3He/4He) studies of СО2-rich thermal waters (up to 41.3oC) which located in 4 km long tonnel of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory were carried out. The δ13C(CO2) values (–8.0… –6.4‰) indicate the volcanogenic genesis of CO2. The presence of the volcanogenic component is also emphasized by high values of 3He/4He (346 × 108). At the same time, nitrogen present in the gas phase is characterized by values of δ15N = +1.3‰, indicating its crustal genesis. In the tunnel, an elevated concentration of CH4 (up to 0.5%) was noted in one of the gas outlets. This methane is characterized by high δ13C values (–33.5 and –26.0‰), which, in general, are typical for other СО2-rich springs of the Eastern Elbrus Mountains. In contrast with the other CO2-rich springs of the North Caucasus, which are practically indistinguishable from surface waters in terms of δ2H and δ18O values, the CO2-rich thermal springs of the tunnel are noticeably enriched in heavy oxygen isotope (18O). This is a consequence of oxygen exchange between the waters and the host rocks at elevated temperatures. In the δ18O-δ2H diagram, the figurative points of thermal waters form a trend that reflects the mixing of isotope-light infiltration waters with isotope-heavy waters.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):63-73
pages 63-73 views


Nd-isotope effects through factional crystallisation-assimilation (AFC) processes in the continental crust, heterogeneous in age: the example of ferrobasalts from the Ladoga Graben (Karelia, Russia)

Nosova А., Lebedeva N., Vozniak А., Sazonova L., Larionova Y., Kondrashev I.


Petrography, geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic volcanic rocks occurred as lava flows and the Valaam sill in the Ladoga rift, have been studied. The Ladoga rift is located in the area of thrusting of the Palaeoproterozoic Svekofennian orogenic complexes onto the Archean Karelian craton. Ferrobasites of close composition and geological position in lava flows and sill have different Nd isotopic composition, differing by 5 units εNd(t): –4…-5 in ferrobasalts of lava flows and a very low-radiogenic Nd isotopic composition in mafic rocks of the sill (εNd(t) to –11 for ferrogabbro), and identical to the isotopic composition of its acidic rocks (εNd(t) to –11 for granophyres). It is shown that in the crust, heterogeneous in age, the process of fractional crystallisation along the tholeiitic trend combined with assimilation of melt from wall rocks can be an effective mechanism for forming such “paradoxical” features of the Nd isotopic composition. The isotopic composition of sill rocks indicates the probable presence of Mesoarchean blocks in the lower crust of the Ladoga graben region.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):74-85
pages 74-85 views

An estimate of chlorine fugacity in the low water fluid of the system С-О-(Н)-NaCl in the cumulus of ultrabasic-basic intrusions

Simakin A., Shaposhnikova O., Devyatova V., Isaenko S., Eremin D.


At high PT parameters of the cumulates of ultramafic-mafic intrusions at low fO2 (below the QFM buffer), platinum dissolves in the fluid with CO as a carbonyl complex of the native metal. The high solubility of platinum as PtCl2 in brines with NaCl, which is associated with the formation of low-sulfide PGE deposits, is achieved at high oxygen fugacity (above the NNO buffer). It is assumed that at low oxygen fugacity in the low water CO–CO2 fluid, native Pt can also be converted into a cation-soluble form by chlorination. Experimental data (Р = 200 MPa, Т = 950oC, fO2 < QFM and fluid CO–CO2) on the reaction of NaCl with magnetite and chromite, accessor minerals of mafic-ultramafic intrusions, with the formation of iron and chromium chlorides are presented. As shown by thermodynamic calculations, the equilibrium in the FeCl3–FeCl2 pair provides the high chlorine fugacity (fCl2). This fugacity is only 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than fCl2 in the Pt–PtCl2 equilibrium and 2.5–3 orders of magnitude higher than in the aqueous fluid 1 M HCl at the same P–T–fO2 parameters.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):86-94
pages 86-94 views


On modeling seismicity in seismic hazard assessment problems

Shebalin P., Baranov S., Vorobieva I., Grekov Е., Krushelnitskii К., Skorkina A., Selyutskaya О.


Seismicity modeling is an important part of creating General Seismic Zoning maps within the framework of a probabilistic approach. We consider the main disadvantages of individual elements of the recent seismicity models. A variant of the methodology is proposed, which, due to the improvements of those elements, should provide more accurate estimates of the future seismicity. For the first time, a stochastic seismicity model has been proposed in the form of a synthetic earthquake catalog, generated for an arbitrary conditional period and reproducing the properties of the catalog of actual earthquakes, including spatiotemporal grouping. A methodology for verifying seismicity models is proposed to check the compliance of the models with the initial data, to assess the predictive efficiency of the models, and to compare efficiency of different models.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):95-109
pages 95-109 views

Seismic velocity changes beneath Ebeko Volcano (Kuril Islands) based on observations in July-August 2021

Berezhnev Y., Belovezhets N., Koulakov I., Jakovlev A., Alajmi M., Gordeev E.


Here we present seismic velocity changes in the northern part of Paramushir Island, where presently active Ebeko Volcano is located. We use the data of a seismic network that operated in this area in 2021–2022 during a continuous eruption activity of Ebeko. We selected the data from July 1 to August 15, when most stations of the network provided prompt recording of seismic signals. The velocity changes were derived from the ambient noise cross-correlation functions. To identify common features in the obtained velocity variation curves, we have performed the cluster analysis and separated all the curves in two groups having similar shapes within each group, but strongly different between the groups. Velocity changes in Cluster 1 corresponding to the station pairs covering the entire Northern Paramushir have some delayed correlation with the precipitation intensity, implying that these changes might be caused by meteoric fluid migration. In Cluster 2, which is more concentrated in the area of Ebeko Volcano, the velocity changes are apparently connected with both external factors (precipitation and atmospheric pressure) and internal indicators of volcano activity (phreatic explosions, seismicity, thermal anomalies and gas emission).

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):110-117
pages 110-117 views

Geomagnetic and ionospheric effects two consecutive strong earthquakes in Morocco on september 08, 2023

Adushkin V., Spivak A., Riabova S., Tikhonova A.


The geophysical effects of a strong seismic event in the form of two earthquakes of magnitude 6.8 and 4.9 that occurred on September 08, 2023 in Morocco at close times 22:11 and 22:30 UTC with an epicentral distance between the foci of ~ 4 km are considered. We used data from a number of observatories of the INTERMAGNET network and the results of magnetic registration at the Mikhnevo Geophysical Observatory of IDG RAS. It was shown that in the absence of significant global disturbances of the Earth’s magnetic field, earthquakes were accompanied by a series of three positive bay-shaped geomagnetic variations with maximum amplitudes from ~1 to ~10 nT, following each other after ~60 min. The maxima of the induced magnetic field variations were observed almost synchronously at distances from ~800 to ~10000 km. The delay time of the magnetic effect relative to the main shock of the first earthquake was ~70 min. Taking into account the almost planetary nature and high synchronicity of the magnetic field disturbances caused over a significant range of distances, as well as time delays corresponding in order of magnitude to the travel time of the seismic signal of a distance multiple of the size of the Earth, it is suggested that the magnetic effect of the seismic event in question was caused by a global source, which can serve as an excited geodynamo. The ionospheric effect of the seismic event under consideration is presented in the form of variations of the critical frequency f0F2 calculated from the data of the ground-based sounding station of the del Ebre Observatory.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):118-123
pages 118-123 views


Turbulent fluxes of aerosol and heat in a desertified area during intermittent emission of dust aerosol

Gorchakov G., Chkhetiani O., Karpov A., Gushchin R., Datsenko O.


Based on fluctuations measurement results in the components of wind speed, air temperature and concentration of aerosol particles on a desertified area in the Astrakhan region under conditions of intermittent emission of dust aerosol, vertical turbulent fluxes of dust aerosol and heat were determined. Using spectral analysis, the temporal variability of the horizontal and vertical components of wind speed, air temperature and concentration of dust aerosol particles was characterized. It is shown that the intermittent emission of the dust aerosol is determined by low-frequency convective-induced variations in the horizontal component of wind speed when the threshold saltation speed is exceeded. Significant differences in the spatiotemporal variability of vertical heat transfer and dust aerosol were revealed. The 30-minute average values of heat fluxes (90–158 W/m2) and dust aerosol (7.2–27.5 cm2cm1), as well as the rate of heat removal (14–21 cm/s) and dust aerosol (10–16 cm/s).

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):124-131
pages 124-131 views


Map of anthropogenic soil disturbance in Russia

Savin I., Orlova K., Avetyan S.


Soils play an important role in maintaining the sustainability of the biosphere, as well as providing food, clothing and the basis for human life on Earth. In the process of irrational land use, soils are often degraded and sometimes completely destroyed. But, inventory of destroyed soils on a systematic basis is still not conducted in any country of the world. In Russia, traditional soil maps do not reflect the destroyed soils either. We have made an attempt to create the first map of the country, which shows soils destroyed as a result of directed anthropogenic impact. The map shows areas where soil cover was destroyed as a result of construction of buildings, structures, roads and railroads, quarries and embankments during mining. The crowdsourcing database OpenStreetMap was used as the main source of information, as well as the results of visual interpretation of disturbed soils using GoogleEarthTM satellite data. The data on disturbed soils were aggregated to soil-geographical sections of the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia (scale 1 : 2500000) (UGRSR). The map is presented in GIS format (shapefile). The map contains information on the area and share of disturbed soils, as well as the type of impact that resulted in disturbance.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Three-phase and gel models of soils in the analysis of experimental results

Fedotov G., Shoba S., Ushkova D., Gorepekin I., Sukharev A., Potapov D.


It is common to consider the results of experiments in soil physics from the position of a three-phase soil model. Along with the three-phase, there is a gel model of soils. The models are based on different principles: in the three–phase model – the constancy of the solid phase and the mobility of the liquid, in the gel model – the ability of soil gels to swell, harden and reduce the mobility of water. The purpose of the work is to assess the applicability of using three–phase and gel soil models to analyze the results of studying some physical properties of soils. The studies were carried out on the soils of the zonal series: sod-podzolic, gray forest, chernozem, chestnut soil. The following methods were used in the work: vibration viscometry, laser diffractometry, electrical resistance of soils. When studying the physical properties of soils, unexpected results were obtained. Firstly, the curve of the influence of the samples moisture content on the viscosity of the pastes prepared from them reached a maximum in the area of the moisture content of the point of limited availability of water (PLAW). Secondly, with increased mechanical action on soil pastes, the particle size in them did not decrease, but increased. Thirdly, the dependence of the electrical resistance of soils on their humidity maintains a uniform course in the area of PLAW. Although at this humidity, the continuous framework of the liquid phase in soils disappears, providing moisture and electrical conductivity. Fourth, moist soils dry out in a desiccator over water. It is not possible to explain these results from the standpoint of the three-phase soil model generally accepted in soil science. Therefore, a gel model of soils was used to analyze the results, which made it possible to explain all the results obtained.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):138-143
pages 138-143 views


Rare earth elements in fucus algae Barents Sea

Panova E., Voskoboinikov G., Matishov G.


Patterns of distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in natural objects are important geochemical indicators of the state of the environment. For the first time, data on REE contents in fucus algae from various horizons of the littoral of the Barents Sea are presented. The behavior of REE in natural processes is controlled by the solubility of their compounds, the ability to complex, and the tetrad effect of fractionation. Natural factors determining REE migration in the sediment–water–macrophytes system are discussed.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):144-149
pages 144-149 views


The global process of eutrophication and its features in Arctic lakes as a consequence of climate warming

Moiseenko T., Bazova M.


An analysis of the problem of water bodies eutrophication as a global process is presented. The volumes increasing use of nitrogen and phosphorus on a planetary scale are shown, the dispersion of which leads to an increase in the content of nutrients in lakes and rivers. The results of original studies of remote lakes in the Arctic zone are presented, which showed an increase in the concentrations of nutrients in lakes in recent decades. A tendency has been revealed for an increase in the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as organic matter in lake waters, even in the absence of anthropogenic influence. It has been established that an increase in temperature and climate warming in the Arctic regions exert the main influence on the increase in the content of nutrients and the trophic status of lakes.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):150-156
pages 150-156 views


Acceleration of Antarctica glaciers at high subglacial heat flow

Lobkovsky L., Baranov А., Ramazanov M.


High subglacial heat flow and volcanic activity in West Antarctica contribute to instability and accelerated flow into the ocean of the West Antarctic ice sheet. In this case, a catastrophic rise in sea level by tens of centimeters – the first meters can occur in a very short geological time (years-decades) due to the rapid sliding of large masses of ice in West Antarctica into the ocean. If the Pine Island (50 cm sea level rise) or Thwaites (65 cm sea level rise) glaciers slide into the ocean, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will lose support from these glaciers and may begin to collapse. In this case, the sea level will rise by a few meters. Based on Glen’s rheological law for a two-dimensional model of the movement of ice as a nonlinear viscous fluid, the flow velocities of a 3000 m thick glacier were calculated under conditions of adhesion to the bed (~20 m/year) and under conditions of sliding along the bedrock when the lower edge of the glacier melts due to increased heat flow from below (~3000 m/year). These velocities are in good agreement with the velocities of the Pine Island, Thwaites, Amery, Denman and Totten glaciers. The rapid movement of some outlet glaciers in East Antarctica is also likely caused by melting of their bases, suggesting increased subglacial heat flow in these areas of East Antarctica.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):157-163
pages 157-163 views


Assessment of Pollution of the Waters in the South Kuril Fishing Zone of Russia by Radioactive Waters from the Fukushima-1 NPP Based on Lagrangian Modeling

Budyansky M., Udalov A., Lebedeva M., Belonenko T.


The study investigates the potential hazard arising from the actions taken by the Japanese government regarding the discharge of technical radioactive water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant storage facilities. The contamination of the South Kuril Fishing Zone (SKFZ), which is one of the most promising fishing areas for the Russian Federation, with radioactive particles, is considered. Based on the modeling of passive markers simulating radioactive contamination, the study analyzes the pathways and mechanisms of pollution transfer into the SKFZ. The research is conducted using altimetric data on geostrophic currents for the period from August 24, 2022, to August 24, 2023. The pollution transfer into the SKFZ is determined by a set of conditions related to the current development regime of the First Kuril Meander and the local vortex system with varying characteristics, both near the discharge site and at the SKFZ border. A seasonal dependence of the speed and quantity of polluted water infiltration toward the Russian Federation’s shores is established. The possibility of rapid pollution advection into the SKFZ within 13 days has been discovered. This speed is due to the entrainment of contamination by the Kuril Meander and its further transport by the mesoscale vortex system to the SKFZ border. The study reveals periodicity in the influx of pollution into the SKFZ. Graphs depicting the distribution of the quantity of “dirty” markers over their release times and the arrival of polluted water at the SKFZ border have been created.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;515(1):164-174
pages 164-174 views

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