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Vol 514, No 2 (2024)

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Paleozoic stage formation of the alkaline rocks massif Bogdo, Arctic Siberia (by 40Ar/39Ar dating)

Zhmodik S.M., Travin A.V., Lazareva E.V., Yudin D.S., Belyanin D.K., Tolstov A.V., Dobretsov N.N.


The age of potassium-bearing minerals from high-K nepheline syenites, libeneritized and carbonatized nepheline syenites, as well as pseudoleucite syenites of the Bogdo alkaline massif (Arctic Siberia) was determined by the 40Ar/39Ar method. As a result of generalization and analysis of the 40Ar/39Ar dating data, on the summary thermochronological diagram for minerals from the rocks of the Tomtor massif, the Udachnaya-Vostochnaya kimberlite pipe, and alkaline rocks of the Bogdo massif, the polychronicity of the formation of alkaline complexes of the Tomtor type at the Paleozoic stage was revealed. Based on isotopic data, a complex, three-stage history of the formation of the rocks of the Bogdo massif is reconstructed, with the manifestation of the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous stage – the most productive for rare-metal-rare-earth mineralization. The Devonian period of the formation of the Tomtor and Bogdo massifs is associated with the impact of the Vilyui plume on the eastern edge of the Siberian craton. A close age interval is fixed during the formation of the rocks of the Kola alkaline province.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):193–204
pages 193–204 views

The Blake geomagnetic excursion recorded in the Mikulino Interglacial sediments of the Neva Lowland

Dudanova V.I., Veselovskiy R.V., Ruchkin M.V., Sheetov M.V.


We present the first results of a detailed rock magnetic and paleomagnetic research of the Mga marine interglacial sediments of the Mikulino (Eemian) Interglacial (the Upper Pleistocene) in the Etalon section (former Sverdlov Factory, Leningrad Region). The Blake geomagnetic excursion was determined in the upper part of the Mga formation according to a shallow inclination of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) component. Age of the Blake excursion was obtained as 117 ± 7 ka applying optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The results obtained are in good agreement with other Blake Event records. The ChRM in the Mga sediments is related to syngenetically formed biogenic greigite produced by magnetotactic bacteria.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):205–210
pages 205–210 views

Age, composition and paleomagnetism of dolerite-gabbro dolerite intrusions of the Anabar massif western slope: on the issue of the Vendian magmatism isolation in the region

Pasenko A.M., Malyshev S.V., Pazukhina A.A., Savel’ev A.D., Lipenkov G.V., Chemberlain K.R.


According to the Anabar massif western slope geological survey in the Kotuy River middle reaches, the Kotuy intrusive complex was identified. It represented by dolerite-gabbrodolerite sills and dikes of Vendian age (556 ± 28 Ma). A number of sills are characterized by 30–80 m thickness, and dikes often have a length of the top tens km. The complex distribution area is the first hundreds of km2. At the same time, the geodynamic reasons for the formation extensive intrusive bodies in the north of Siberia in the Vendian are not clear. We present new geochronological, geochemical and paleomagnetic data indicating that at least part of the Kotuy magmatic complex intrusions in the middle reaches of the Kotuy River should be attributed to the ~1500 Ma Kengede magmatic complex (Kuonamka large magmatic province). In this light, the question arises about the correctness of the allocation of the stage of intrusive magmatism of the Vendian age on the western slope of the Anabar massif.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):211–218
pages 211–218 views

The structure of the upper part of the Earth’s crust in the area of the Lena River delta: the first magnetotelluric data

Zaplavnova A.A., Deev E.V., Potapov V.V.


We present the first magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) data acquired in the southern part of the Lena River delta which is a junction zone of the Siberian Craton and the Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt, in the transition zone from the Eurasian Continent to the shelf of the Laptev Sea. The MTS data were used to construct a vertical section of the bulk electrical resistivity (ER) structure of the Earth’s crust down to a depth of 8 km. The upper high-resistivity layer (320–000 Ohm m) corresponds to the permafrost rocks ranging in thickness from 1 km to 400 m under the channels of the Lena River. The underlying deformed Mesoproterozoic– Lower Triassic rocks can vary in composition, but they are poorly differentiated in ER values (110–40 Ohm m). We detected three low-resistivity anomalies (10–0 Ohm m) related to the fluid-saturated core and damage zones of active faults. A deep-lying high-resistivity anomaly (320–50 Ohm m) identified at the northeastern part of the section can correspond to the Lower Proterozoic or Archean metamorphic rocks.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):219–226
pages 219–226 views

40Ar/39Ar age of thrusting in sedimentary complexes of Chukotka and Wrangel Island (North-East Russia)

Tuchkova M.I., Sokolov S.D., Moiseev A.V., Vatrushkina E.V.


The 40Ar/39Ar isotope dating of newly formed micas and chlorites from thrust zones made it possible to establish that they were formed in the Tithonian (150 Ma). The thrusts involved sedimentary rocks of a wide age range from Devonian to Triassic. In the Silurian rocks of the Drem-Hed Mountains of Wrangel Island, an older stage of deformations of 257 Ma was established for Wrangel Island, which corresponds to the Late Permian stratigraphic interval, and indicates the existence of deformations after the manifestation of the Ellesmere orogeny in the Early Carboniferous.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):227–236
pages 227–236 views


Composition and age of unusual zircon-titanomagnetite ores from Tretyakovskoe gold-fluorite deposit (Western Transbaikalia)

Damdinov B.B., Khubanov V.B., Goryachev N.A., Damdinova L.B., Izvekova A.D.


Unusual zircon-titanomagnetite ores were discovered the ore field of the Tretyakovskoe gold-fluorite deposit, which is part of the Gilberinsky gold-silver-fluorite-rare-metal ore cluster. Quartz-fluorite vein-like bodies (vein zones) forming the deposit are areas of metasomatic argillization, fluoritization and silicification, with a thickness of about 0.3–1 m, rarely up to 2.3 m. A feature of quartz-fluorite ores of the Tretyakovskoe deposit is their increased gold content. According to exploration data, gold grades in ores vary from 0.3 to 19.5 ppm, with an average value of 3 ppm, silver – 1.9–18.6 ppm, with an average value of 7 ppm. Unusual zircon-titanomagnetite ores are composed of an aggregate of Fe-Ti minerals with rare thin veinlets of quartz-chlorite composition, containing numerous segregations of idiomorphic zircon crystals and rare dissemination relative to apatite, quartz and monazite. In situ U-Pb isotopic dating of zircon using LA-ICP-MS showed a value of – 277±1.5 Ma, corresponding to the age of rift magmatism in Western Transbaikalia. The discovery of such unusual zircon-titanomagnetite ores in association with gold-fluorite mineralization determines the possibility of finding a new type of complex ores similar to the precious metal ores of South Australia in the territory of Transbaikalia.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):237–245
pages 237–245 views

The first age data of the deposits of Kondomsky iron ore field (Gornaya Shoriya): results of U-Pb (ID-TIMS) dating of garnet

Stifeeva M.V., Salnikova E.B., Kotov A.B., Gritsenko Y.D.


The results of U-Pb (ID-TIMS) geochronological studies of garnet from iron ore skarns of the Shalym deposit (Kondomskoye ore field, Gornaya Shoriya) are presented. The data obtained are the first estimate of the age of formation of the iron ore mineralization of the Kondomsky field (499 ± 1 MA). The formation of this deposit is associated with the stage of subalkaline magmatism of the Middle-Upper Cambrian age, which was not previously identified within the folded structures of the Mountain Shoria (the western part of the Altai-Sayan folded region).

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):246–250
pages 246–250 views


Ilei fluorite-phenakite ore phenomenon (Eastern Sayan): contribution of Devonian riftogenic magmatism to formation of Eastern Sayan rare metal metallogenic zone

Lykhin D.A., Vorontsov A.A., Yarmolyuk V.V.


Within the Altai-Sayan fold region, covering the territory of the East Tuva Highlands and Eastern Sayan, one of the richest rare metal provinces of Russia is concentrated. Deposits of rare metals, elements and lands formed within its limits have different ages and arose in different geotectonic environments and in different metallogenic eras. They are associated with the introduction of alkaline rock masses that are common along the fault system between the caledonids of the Altai-Sayan fold region and the Tuvino-Mongolian Precambrian superterrane. Their distribution range is also defined as the East Sayan rare metal metallogenic zone (VSMZ), which arose due to the impact of mantle plumes on the southwestern framing of the Siberian platform. Geochemical and geochronological studies were carried out at the Ilei fluorite-phenakite ore show. Ore development resulted from the introduction of Ognite complex granitoids into the limestones of the Mongoshin formation, which became a geochemical barrier to the igneous fluid enriched with fluorine and Be. Geochronological Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar studies have shown that subalkaline granites, as well as acidic volcanites of the Ilean sequence, are of Middle Devonian age ~ 390 million years, which is consistent with age estimates for the rocks of the Ognite complex. Thus, the same age of magmatism and ore formation at the Ilei ore phenomenon indicates the contribution of Devonian magmatism to the formation of rare metal mineralization within the VSMZ.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):251–262
pages 251–262 views


New evidence for organic nature of carbonaceous substance in Archean banded iron fomation of the Kostomuksha greenstone belt, Karelian Craton, Russia

Vysotskiy S.V., Khanchuk A.I., Velivetskaya T.A., Ignat’ev A.V., Aseeva A.V., Nesterova N.S., Karpenko A.A., Ruslan A.V.


The paper considers the results of a study of particles of carbonaceous substance and sulfur isotopes of associated sulfides in metapelites of the Neoarchean banded iron formation (BIF) of the Kostomuksha greenstone belt of Karelia (Karelian Craton of the Fennoscandian Shield). According to the petrographic observations, the carbonaceous matter occurs within and between silicate minerals’ grains, inside sulfides or at the grain boundaries, separating sulfide crystals from biotite or amphibole. Scanning electron (SEM) and atomic force (AFM) microscopy revealed the several types of the carbonaceous material varying in structure and carbon content. Raman spectra approved both well-structured graphite and weakly structured graphite (kerogen) components of the carbonaceous substance. The isotopic composition of total organic carbon is typical for biogenic processes. The obtained δ13Corg value within the range of –27,9– –30,6‰ is consistent with carbon fixation by photo- or chemoautotrophs. The sulfur isotopy of the associated sulfides is marked by positive Δ33S anomaly (up to +0.94‰) and negative δ34S values (–2.06‰ ─ –4.1‰). Positive Δ33S values indicate sulfur genetic association with photochemical elemental sulfur (S8) from the atmosphere, while negative δ34S values reflect isotope fractionation in bacterial-mediated processes. Based on these observations, we believe that the initial carbonaceous substance has mainly organic origin.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):263–269
pages 263–269 views

Experimental study of solubility of columbite and pyrochlore, tantalum and niobium oxides in alkaline hydrothermal fluids at 300–550°C, 50 and 100 MPa

Kotova N.P., Korzhinskaya V.S., Shapovalov Y.B.


The concentration and temperature dependences of the solubility of natural pyrochlore and columbite, tantalum and niobium oxides in alkaline aqueous solutions of NaOH and (mNaF + mNaOH) at 300–550°C, 100 and 50 MPa and low oxygen fugacity (Co-CoO and Ni-NiO buffers) were experimentally studied. . The initial concentration of NaOH varied from 0.01 to 2 m, and the concentration of NaF from 0.01 to 1 m. It has been established that the content of Nb in alkaline solutions in the entire studied range of concentrations is higher than the content of Ta by approximately one and a half orders of magnitude. At the same time, the solubility of pyrochlore in alkaline sodium solutions is noticeably higher than the solubility of columbite, which suggests that Nb is more capable of forming complexes in alkaline solutions, while Ta complexation is mainly suppressed. The solubility of pyrochlore and columbite decreases with increasing temperature. The presence of the F-ion in the form of NaF low concentrations has a positive effect on the solubility of minerals and oxides of Ta and Nb at high temperatures (500–550°C). It has been established that in NaOH solutions, the deposition of Nb is favored by a situation with a decrease in oxygen fugacity (Co-CoO buffer). The study of pressure effect at 50 and 100 MPa on the solubility of pyrochlore, columbite, and oxides of Ta and Nb in sodium alkaline solutions showed that the solubility of pyrochlore increases with increasing pressure. The solubility of columbite does not change much in this case. Thus, a decrease in pressure favors the deposition of Nb in the form of tantalum niobates upon dissolution of pyrochlore. For columbite, there is no such dependence.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):270–280
pages 270–280 views


Rapakivi granites and associating magmatism during the Aptian development stage of the Siberian craton active continental margin (northeast Asia)

Vernikovskaya A.E., Fridovsky V.Y., Rodionov N.V., Matushkin N.Y., Kadilnikov P.I., Kudrin M.V., Tarasov Y.A.


We present new data on the U–Th–Pb geochronology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes for granitoids and associating subalkaline rocks of the Tarbagannakh pluton of the Allakh-Yun tectonic zone in the Verkhoyan fold-thrust belt. These rocks, including trachyandesibasalt dikes, combined into the Uemlyakh complex, were formed ca. 120 Ma from a continental crust source probably with input from and enriched mantle component. Rapakivi granites are reported for the first time in these intrusions – their origin is an important reference for understanding the geodynamic formation setting for this complex. We propose a tectonic model for the formation of these rocks due to slab break-off during the development of the active continental margin in the Aptian age. We discuss that this magmatism was conducive for the widespread development of metasomatic processes until the end of the Aptian age and was at the same time a source of gold mineralization of the overlapping Okhotsk-Koryak metallogenic belt.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):281–292
pages 281–292 views


Global geodynamic model of the Earth and its application for the Arctic region

Lobkovsky L.I., Baranov A.A., Bobrov A.M., Chuvaev A.V.


A geodynamic model of the modern Earth is constructed based on the SMEAN2 global seismic tomography model with an emphasis on the Arctic region. For a spherical Earth model, a solution to the Stokes equation for a viscous fluid was obtained based on seismic tomography data using the finite element method using the CitcomS code. The resulting distributions of temperature anomalies and velocity fields of mantle flows explain the main features of the modern geodynamics of the Arctic region. The temperature difference in the subcrustal mantle between the relatively “cold” western Arctic shelf (Barents and Kara seas) and the “warmer” eastern Arctic shelf (from the Laptev Sea to the Bering Strait) reaches 100 degrees, which correlates with the observed intense methane emission from the shallow shelf of the Eastern Arctic caused by permafrost degradation and destruction of gas hydrates against the background of elevated environmental temperatures. The greenhouse effect of methane in the atmosphere, in turn, contributes to climate warming in the Arctic. The region of Iceland and eastern part of Greenland, under the influence of the mantle upwelling, is characterized by a hot subcrustal mantle and increased heat flow at the surface, causing instability and melting of the Greenland ice sheet from below.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):293–299
pages 293–299 views


Yochelcionella chinensis (Gastropoda: Helcionelliformes) from the Lower Cambrian of Western Mongolia

Parkhaev P.Y., Zhegallo E.A., Dorjnamjaa D.


The fossils of the genus Yochelcionella Runnegar et Pojeta, 1974 from the Salanygol and Khairkhan formations of the Zavkhan structural-facies zone were re-studied as a part of the general revision of malacofauna from the Vendian–Lower Cambrian deposits of Western Mongolia. It was found out that studied strata, in addition to the earlier reported species Y. parva Zhegallo, 1996 and Y. crassa Zhegallo, 1996, contain two other forms identified as Y. chinensis Pei, 1985 and Yochelcionella sp. Y. chinensis has the widest distribution among species of the genus Yochelcionella and can be successfully used to correlate sediments of remote paleobasins. The diagnosis and composition of the genus Yochelcionella are revised, the species Y. chinensis is described.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):300–307
pages 300–307 views


Constraining the parameters of the Andrade rheological model in Earth’s mantle based on the Love numbers of the М2 lunar semidiurnal tide

Amorim D.O., Gudkova T.V.


For the first time we showed that the often-used approximation of the Andrade rheology with only one parameter is oversimplified and might lead to incorrect conclusions when studying the internal structure of the planets of the Solar System. Instead, we used an Andrade rheology with two empirical parameters: α and ζ. Earth’s viscoelastic Love numbers for the principal lunar semidiurnal tide M2 were computed for two viscosity profiles and for 16100 different combinations of α and ζ values. The comparison of the computed Love numbers with its measured values allowed us to constrain the set of values of both parameters that successfully describe the rheological properties of Earth’s mantle.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):308–314
pages 308–314 views


Seismic wave fields in a spherically symmetric Earth. Analytical solution

Fatyanov А.G., Burmin V.Y.


An analytical solution is obtained for seismic wave fields in a spherically symmetric Earth. Asymptotics is used for stable calculation of wave fields. It is shown that the classical asymptotics in the case of a ball of large (in wavelengths) dimensions gives an error in the solution. The original asymptotics is used for efficient calculation of a solution without errors with high detail. A program has been created that makes it possible to carry out calculations for high-frequency (1 hertz and higher) teleseismic wave fields in a discrete (layered) sphere of planetary dimensions. Calculations can be carried out on personal computers with OpenMP parallelization. In the works of V. Yu. Burmina (2010, 2019) proposed a spherically symmetric model of the Earth. It is characterized by the fact that in it the outer core has a viscosity and, therefore, an effective shear modulus other than zero. For this model of the Earth, a highly detailed calculation was carried out with a carrier frequency of 1 hertz. As a result of the analytical calculation, it was found that high-frequency oscillations of small amplitude, the so-called “precursors,” appear ahead of the PKP waves. An analytical calculation showed that the theoretical seismograms for this model of the Earth are in many respects similar to the experimental data. This confirms the correctness of the ideas underlying its construction.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):315–321
pages 315–321 views


Geochemical anomalies of hydrocarbon gases in bottom sediments of eostructures of the Laptev-Siberian transition zone of the East Arctic shelf

Gresov A.I., Yatsuk A.V.


The data of gas geochemical studies of bottom sediments of the Laptev-Siberian transition zone are presented. The established isotope-geochemical indicators determine the dominance of epigenetic hydrocarbon gases of various gas sources in the sediments. Methane concentrations up to 8.3047 cm3/ kg and the sum of its homologues up to 0.0260 cm3/kg indicate the formation of hydrocarbon anomalies exceeding the anomaly criteria for Arctic shelf sediments by 166 and 26 times. The main geological factors for the formation and distribution of anomalies in the bottom sediments of the Laptev-Siberian transition zone are the high gas content of the underlying sediments and gas sources, fold and fault tectonics, geostructural position, seismic activity and depth of occurrence of hydrocarbon sources.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):322–327
pages 322–327 views

Optimal harvesting vs. chaos in population dynamics

Matishov G.G., Il’ichev V.G.


The dynamics of fish populations, even for simple classes of reproduction functions, can be quite complex (up to the emergence of chaotic regimes). The problem arises: how will the population behavior change when optimal long-term fishing is imposed on it? Here the properties of the corresponding annual catch are defined and justified. On their basis, for the first time, an unexpected result was strictly substantiated: with optimal fishing, population dynamics are greatly simplified, and, in particular, chaos is transformed into a monotonous tendency of fish numbers to balance.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):328–332
pages 328–332 views


Consequences of weakening of dynamic barrier of the Arctic polar vortex

Zuev V.V., Savel’eva E.S., Maslennikova E.A., Tomashova A.S., Krupchatnikov V.N., Chkhetiani O.G., Kalashnik M.V.


The dynamic barrier is one of the physical characteristics of the polar vortices; it prevents subpolar air masses from penetrating into the vortex and contributes to a temperature decrease inside the vortex in the lower stratosphere. In the presence of a dynamic barrier in winter, chlorine compounds involved in the ozone destruction cycle accumulate on particles of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and heterogeneous reactions occur with the formation of molecular chlorine, and with the appearance of solar radiation over the polar region, photochemical reactions begin, leading to large-scale ozone depletion. When the dynamic barrier is weakened in winter, the temperature inside the vortex rises, PSC melts and, thus, the accumulation of chlorine cycle reagents on PSC is interrupted. We proposed dividing the Arctic polar vortex dynamics into 3 types according to the consequences: (1) the strong vortex, whose activity results in ozone depletion, (2) the weak vortex with breakdown in winter, marked by a sudden stratospheric warming, and (3) the stable vortex with an episode (episodes) weakening of the dynamic barrier in winter without ozone depletion in the period from late winter to spring. We have for the first time proposed a characteristic of the dynamic barrier of the polar vortex at all pressure levels from 100 to 1 hPa and described the consequences of its weakening. Using the vortex delineation method based on the data of the ERA5 and MERRA-2 reanalyses, we showed that in all cases when the polar ozone depletion was not recorded from late winter to spring under the conditions of the stable polar vortex, the dynamic barrier weakening and PSС melting was observed in midwinter.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):333–342
pages 333–342 views


Climatic changes in the Arctic territories of Eastern Siberia over the last millennium according to lithological-geochemical data of bottom sediments of Lake Peyungda (Krasnoyarsk region, Evenkia)

Dar’in A.V., Rogozin D.Y., Novikov V.S., Meydus A.V., Babich V.V., Markovich T.I., Rakshun Y.V., Dar’in F.A., Sorokoletov D.S., Degermendzhi A.G.


Using scanning micro-X-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation, profiles of changes in the depth of the section in the elemental composition of the banded clays of Lake Peyungda (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Evenkia), located 30 km southwest of the epicenter of the Tunguska event (1908), were obtained. The age model is confirmed by the presence of a dated layer of anomalous thickness associated with the fall and explosion of the Tunguska cosmic body (TCB). Changes in element contents in dated core layers are compared with instrumental meteorological observation data over the last century, and a relationship is found between the average annual temperature of the region and the elemental composition of coeval layers of bottom sediments (transfer function). Approximation of the transfer function to the sampling depth of the sedimentary section made it possible to reconstruct the air temperature in the studied region over the past 1000 years. Comparison of the resulting reconstruction of average annual temperatures in the study area with global temperature reconstructions for the Arctic region for the same period shows the presence of general trends and extremes.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):343–349
pages 343–349 views


Submesoscale eddy structures of Lake Ladoga according to radar data of Sentinel-1 for the warm period 2019–2022

Zimin A.V., Atadzhanova O.A., Blagodatskikh E.A., Konik A.A., Filatov N.N., Rodionov A.A.


Summary of the results of the analysis of the spatiotemporal variability of sub-mesoscale eddy structures on the surface for Lake Ladoga from May to October 2019–2022 is conducted. The original data consists of over 1000 high-resolution Sentinel-1A/B images. It has been found that eddy structures are widely distributed during the warm period of the year in the lake’s basin. A total of 496 surface manifestations of eddies were recorded. The average diameter of the observed structures was 2 km. More than 90% of the recorded eddies belong to the sub-mesoscale variability range. Cyclonic rotation was observed in 84% of the structures. The seasonal maximum of eddy activity is observed during the development of stable stratification over most of Lake Ladoga. Eddies are most frequently encountered to the north and northeast of Valaam Island in areas with depths of around 100 meters, but in close proximity to the unevenness of the seabed. Eddy formations are often observed on the cold side of the frontal boundary during the existence of the spring thermocline, indicating their important contribution to water exchange and mixing processes.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):350–355
pages 350–355 views


Registering from space intensive gas seeps on the sea surface due to damage to Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines

Bondur V.G., Zamshin V.V., Chernikova V.N.


Anomalously intensive gas seeps on the sea surface due to damage to Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 underwater gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea have been analyzed using optical (Kanopus-B and Sentinel-2B) and radar (Sentinel-1A) satellite images. Positive contrasts of NRCS (up to 7.5 dB) registered by Sentinel-1A radar and of spectral reflectance (up to 0.73 units) registered by Kanopus-B and Sentinel-2B optical sensors have been detected in the area of such gas seeps. Those seeps’ features were revealed on the sea surface, namely dome-shaped swells, fountains, vortices, foam, wave breaking, surface wave structure disturbance, and wind shadow. Taking into account the volume and density of gas located in the damaged pipelines, it is shown that the total volume of methane release was no more than ~ 0.51 Tg, i. e., less than 0.1% of the annual global methane emissions into the atmosphere.

Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Nauki o Zemle. 2024;514(2):356–366
pages 356–366 views

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