USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture

The monthly publication “USA & Canada: Economics – Politics – Culture” (“USA & Canada” Journal) was founded in 1970 as “USA – Economics, Politics, Ideology” (since 1998 Canada was added). It's main purpose was and still is to inform readers about all aspects of domestic and foreign policies of the USA and Canada as well as current theoretical and practical issues of the international policy, world economic relations, development in different countries of the world. It publishes materials representing results of researches carried out by Russian specialists and foreign analysts on Russian – U.S. and Russian – Canada relations. Now it is the leading journal in Russia and CIS on all these matters. Also the journal publishes articles on such matters as security and defense policies, globalization and integration processes, innovation, scientific and technological progress, international terrorism and counter-terrorism, environmental challenges and cultural issues (literature, music, cinema, arts and architecture) etc.

Mission of the Journal is to provide a platform for authoritative researchers from Russia and the CIS countries to discuss processes and events taking place in the USA and Canada.

Among readers of “USA & Canada” journal are: international researchers and students of above mentioned issues, teachers, post-graduate students and students of higher education institutions, executives and staff of federal and regional state authorities, managers and analysts of banks, corporations, large enterprises.

Among the authors of the journal are: the leading analysts of the Institute of USA & Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, researchers from other Russian academic and non-academic think-tanks of international profile, foreign researchers, industry analysts and banking experts, professors of the universities and higher education institutions, post-graduate students, representatives of the legislative and executive bodies of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

The journal is included in the Russian Higher Attestation Commission List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

The “USA & Canada: Economics – Politics – Culture” journal is distributed by advance subscription only, and is not offered for sale. The subscription may be accomplished in every post-office in Russia using the Federal Postal Service union catalogue, section “ARSMI», the journal index 70925. The subscription may start from every month, for any number of issues.

Since 2009 it has been possible to receive the full-text online version. The subscription for it is done centrally through the Russian Electronic Library system

Editor-in-Chief of the journal - A. Panov.

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Cold War II
Babaev K.
The article defines the current geopolitical situation as the Second Cold War which resembles a lot the configuration of a global counteropposition between the USA and the Soviet Union in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The term “Cold War II” has already been introduced to the Western scientific literature and is made to emphasize that the current conflict between Russian and China, on one hand, and the USA and their allies, on the other, replicates many of the processes which were going on in the world after World War II but still possesses a number of characteristic traits. The paper analyses concrete parallels in the international political and economic relations in Cold War I (1946-1991) and in today’s world. A comparative analysis is made of military, political, ideological, and economic aspects of the two Cold Wars. The distinction between the two periods is made, and a forecast of the development of international relations in the context of this global opposition in the 21st century is made.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):5-15
pages 5-15 views
Evolution of the Balance of Power in Northeast Asia: Implications for Regional Status Quo
The article examines the influence of the balance of power on the status quo existing around the Korean Peninsula in Northeast Asia since the summer of 1953. The status quo that emerged then still exists. On July 27, 1953, an Agreement was signed on a temporary truce in the Korean war, signed on the part of the DPRK by the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, Marshal of the DPRK Kim Il Sung and the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers, General of the People's Liberation Army of China, General Peng De Huai, and on the part of the "UN troops "American General A. Clark. The Republic of Korea, a participant in that war, did not sign the Armistice Agreement either then or subsequently. The signatories of the Armistice Agreement represented their states and agreed to sign it because they understood the impossibility of victory in the Korean War due to the generally equal strength of the warring parties. It reflected the balance of power that had developed in the region by that time. Since then, there have been repeated attempts to somehow change it, on the one hand, and to keep it unchanged, on the other. Both supporters of changing the status quo and opponents of such a measure had their own reasons. This issue is especially acute now due to the significant change in the balance of power in the region to date.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):16-24
pages 16-24 views
The Role of the U.S. in Settlement of the Territorial Disputes of East Asia
Bae B.
The article considers the possibility of escalation of territorial disputes in East Asia due to US intervention. The role of the U.S. is to not contribute to the resolution of these problems, but, on the contrary, to exacerbate them based on its interests. This is manifested, in particular, in their intervention in the maritime disputes in the East and South China Seas and their support for Japan's claims to part of Russia's territory. Usually, the US supports the position of a more significant ally, for example, supporting Japan in territorial disputes with South Korea. The U.S. and China are the main players in territorial disputes in Northeast Asia, with the U.S. seeking to draw other countries into its military-political alliances, while China avoids involving other players in solving these problems. This demonstrates the destructive role of the United States in the issue of territorial problems in East Asia.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):25-38
pages 25-38 views
On the DPRK-US Relations
Zhebin A.
The article analyzes the state and prospects of relations between the DPRK and the United States in the context of statements made in the spring of 2024 by the staff of the administration of J. Biden. They said the United States is ready to start a dialogue with the DPRK "on a wide range of issues", "without any conditions" and consider some "intermediate steps" towards the complete denuclearization of the DPRK. However, the US practical measures indicate that these "advances" are of a propaganda nature. It is unlikely that agreements with the DPRK on the nuclear issue and other issues of bilateral relations will be reached before the US presidential elections.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):39-49
pages 39-49 views
The US-India Dialogue: A Look from China
Uyanaev S.
The overlapping relations of the three major powers - the United States, India and China - continue to serve as a recognized factor in shaping the situation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. This topic, being the subject of rather wide international expert discourse, provides a number of theses and, in particular, the view, that the recently active US-India dialogue is developing along with increased consideration for China's policy. In a given context the point of view expressed on this issue in the PRC turns out to be of specific interest. China's approaches to the US Indo-Pacific strategy are simultaneously touched.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):50-62
pages 50-62 views
Evolution of China's Role in the Asia-Pacific Region
Dong W.
In the 30 years since China joined APEC, China has actively participated in various forms of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and has been a firm and active supporter of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. China has closely integrated Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and its own development. China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its role is also changing significantly. By promoting China's economic development - it has promoted economic development and social progress, improved people's living standards and made great contributions to development in the Asia-Pacific region. China is playing an increasingly important role in the world. It has played an active role in building an open world economy, supporting the multilateral trading system and guiding the development of economic globalization. China's rapid consolidation of its comprehensive state power has shattered the original power structure in the Asia-Pacific region and changed the original territorial pattern. Against this background, key economies in the region, such as the US, Japan and ASEAN, are also making strategic adjustments that have a significant impact on the order in the Asia-Pacific region. In recent years, the US has been trying to create a group political environment in the Asia-Pacific region in order to suppress and isolate China. The final shape of the changing order in the Asia-Pacific depends on the great power competition and the degree of China's development. Ultimately, the role China hopes to play may also be achieved.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):63-73
pages 63-73 views
Features of the Policy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bui T.
Since the early 21st century, the Asia-Pacific region has been emerging as a leading global economic hub and a new geostrategic focal point, characterized by intense power competition among the United States, China, and other major powers. Vietnam, as an active participant in regional integration, continually adjusts its foreign policy to respond effectively to changes in regional architecture. This article analyses the primary objectives of the Communist Party of Vietnam's foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region within the context of international integration. It examines Vietnam's role in the region and the state of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the United States. Additionally, the article provides an assessment of the U.S. IndoPacific strategy from Vietnam's perspective.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):74-82
pages 74-82 views
Cooperation between the Defense Industrial Complexes of the United States and the Republic of Korea
Shkrobtak I.
The article is devoted to the issue of further integration of the United States and the Republic of Korea military-industrial complexes in the military-technical cooperation area. The paper researches the current conditions that make the expansion and deepening of joint work between Washington and Seoul on this issue necessary. The study investigates the mutual interests of the United States and South Korea in the defense industry through the prism of their interests in the field of national security and foreign policy.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):83-93
pages 83-93 views
The Soft War of Biotechnology: The Republic of Korea and the United States
Semina L.
The Republic of Korea is striving to become one of the leading players in the global biotechnology market by announcing the industry as strategic, constantly increasing and attracting investments. However, the economic confrontation between the United States and China puts the country in a dependent position, forcing it to invest in economically unprofitable American projects and abandon a profitable partnership with China. The close cooperation between the United States and the Republic of Korea in the field of biotechnology allows America to control the potential growth of the Republic of Korea, preventing it from becoming a competitor in the future.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):94-102
pages 94-102 views
The Interests of the American Corporate Sector in the Context of Fragmentation of the Global Economy and Conflict with Russia
Kozlov V.
The study of the strategies of American companies on the Russian market since February 24, 2022, occupies a special place in the research of modern Americanists and international experts. This is because no other country has experienced the Western "cancel culture" to the same extent as Russia. The article examines the main strategies adopted by American companies in 2021-2023, their main challenges and opportunities for continuing operations in modern geopolitical circumstances. As the analysis reveals, American business in Russia has taken several different paths: exiting the market, suspending operations, reducing investments, delaying the process of departure from the Russian market, and maintaining operations. The paper discusses various options for American companies to continue operating in Russia, analyzing the causes and effects of their withdrawal in the short and long terms. The final section of the paper is devoted to the prospects for the continuation of American businesses in the Russian market.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):103-109
pages 103-109 views
U.S.-ROK AI Cooperation
Motyavin M.
The article examines the current state of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea approaches to the adjustment and boosting the AI technologies development, as well as the possibilities and limitations of Washington and Seoul cooperation in this area.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):110-125
pages 110-125 views
Jubilee of A.N. Panov
- -.
USA & Canada: economics, politics, culture. 2024;(8):126-126
pages 126-126 views