Evolution of China's Role in the Asia-Pacific Region

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In the 30 years since China joined APEC, China has actively participated in various forms of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and has been a firm and active supporter of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. China has closely integrated Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and its own development. China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its role is also changing significantly. By promoting China's economic development - it has promoted economic development and social progress, improved people's living standards and made great contributions to development in the Asia-Pacific region. China is playing an increasingly important role in the world. It has played an active role in building an open world economy, supporting the multilateral trading system and guiding the development of economic globalization. China's rapid consolidation of its comprehensive state power has shattered the original power structure in the Asia-Pacific region and changed the original territorial pattern. Against this background, key economies in the region, such as the US, Japan and ASEAN, are also making strategic adjustments that have a significant impact on the order in the Asia-Pacific region. In recent years, the US has been trying to create a group political environment in the Asia-Pacific region in order to suppress and isolate China. The final shape of the changing order in the Asia-Pacific depends on the great power competition and the degree of China's development. Ultimately, the role China hopes to play may also be achieved.

About the authors

Wanli Dong

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS)

Email: 850371057@qq.com
postgraduate student Moscow, Russian Federation


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