Fakeization Processes in the U.S. Information Space: Problems and Solutions



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The modern world is facing an unprecedented growth of fake content, facilitated by several factors. First, social networks and messengers are becoming a key source of information for audiences. Second, the shift away from traditional media consumption leads to the inability to distinguish primary from secondary information. Third, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies make it possible to create extremely convincing fakes. Finally, the substitution of facts with opinions prevents people from obtaining objective assessment of situations. The mentioned reasons confirm the need for a scientific understanding of the current situation. The article considers approaches to the concept and typology of fake content, the influence of fakes on shaping the information landscape of the American world, post-truth as a phenomenon of modern reality, strategies to combat fakes at the audience, media and state levels.

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D. Nerentz

Institute of Mass Media and Advertising of Russian State University for the Humanities

Email: ya.newlevel@yandex.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6370-0157
Cand. Sci. Moscow, Russian Federation


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