Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a factor in US-China relations: dynamics of the situation

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The Chinese peace initiative on Ukraine, even without any political formula and initial compromising proposals, is a significant diplomatic gain for Russia. Xi Jinping’s peace plan and his visit to Moscow dismissed the notion of isolation for Moscow, it confirmed China’s unabated line of support to Russia, plus support in economic, technological and energy ties. The Biden administration hawkish approach to China, notwithstanding Biden’s pro Ukrainian lobbying, sounded very unproductively on the Ukrainian issue. The reasonable Chinese reaction was to tilt closer to the Russian side, under such developments. However, Beijing’s moving closer to Moscow on the Ukrainian crisis will be kept under meticulous control by the Chinese side. Beijing is definitely not accepting the role of a mediator or broker of any kind between Russia, Kiev and the West.

About the authors

Sergey M. Trush

Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation


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