
Professor Zapary - Scientist and Teacher (On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday)
Motrevich V.
Authors of School Textbooks of Russian History / History of the USSR: A Collective Portrait Against the Background of Historical Eras (1918–1950s)
Ogonovskaya I.
Worldview, Thinking and History
Gerasimov G.
Introducing the Annual «Le Marteau Pilon» («Steam Hammer»)
Duffaut F.
Evaluation of the Reforms of Peter I: An Idealistic Approach
Gerasimov G.
«You Studied Historical Books Telling about the Great Military Victories of the Hellenes and Romans Diligently…»: To the 130th Anniversary of Mikhail Jakovlevich Sjuzjumov and the 85th Anniversary of Vladimir Vasilievich Kuchma
Mokhov A., Kapsalykova K.
Review of the publication Boris Vasilyevich Lichman (1946-2020). Biobibliographic reference book. // Compiled by V.V. Zapariy, V.D. Kamynin, L.N. Martyushov, V.P. Motrevich, S.A. Nefedov, A.V. Speransky, G.N. Shaposhnikov. -Yekaterinburg. 2022. -56 p
Zaitseva E.
Worldview Reasons for the Evolution of the Image of the Past (XIX-XXI Centuries)
Gerasimov G.
Motrevich Vladimir Pavlovich: A Historiographical Portrait. To the 70th Anniversary of his Birth
Kamynin V.
To the Question of the Transformation of Energy Production Cycles within the Framework of Fundamental Ideas about their Evolution on the Example of the Urals. Part 1. Gold Industry
Litovskiy V.
German Capital in the Korean Economy in the Late XIX — Early XX Centuries on the Example of the Activity of the Trading Company «Eduard Meyer & Co»
Musinova I.
The Lokarno Agreements of 1925 on the Pages of the Soviet Provincial Press
Denisov S.
Chess Sport in the First Years of Soviet Power: From Amateur Hobbies to the Organized Movement of Intellectuals
Demchik E., Gorovoy A.
On the Issue of Improving the Teaching of the Course «History and Philosophy of Science» for Graduate Students of a Modern University
Zapariy V., Erobkin I., Zykin I., Koksharov V., Lakhtionova E.
«Medical Television»: Historical Stage of Scientific and Technical Development of the Telecommunications in Medicine (1930-1960)
Vladzymyrskyy A.
To the problem of new industrialization and evolution of technological modes in the Urals. Part 1. Primary Practices
Litovskiy V.
Sverdlovsk Period of Historian of Technology V. V. Danilevsky
Ilizarov S.
Tyumen Museum of the History of Science and Technology Trans-Ural: People and Collections
Karpov V., Gavrilova N., Golovanova O.
Historical Education in Russia at the Turning Point of Epochs (Based on the Materials of the Gorky Ural State University)
Kamynin V.
Review to the Monograph of Professor S.S. Ilizarova Moscow Accent. G.F. Miller and Moscow of the 18th Century. — M.: Publishing House «Kuchkovo Field», 2021 — 496 p.: ill.
Zapariy V.
Book Review «Ryzhkov N.I. The Great Patriotic War: Lend-lease». Second edition. Augmented. Publishing House «Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta». M. 2020. 479 p
Zapariy V.
To the Problem of New Industrialization and Distribution of Productive Forces on the Basis of Updating the Historical Experience and Practices of Transition to the Next Technological Modes in the Urals and Related Territories. Part 2. Soviet Practices
Litovskiy V.
University Education through the Prism of Decades: The Experience of Studying History Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Zapariy V.
Reforms of the Late 19th -Early 20th Centuries: Controversial Issues and Discussions in Modern Russian Historiography
Speransky P.
The Role of a Person in History (On the Example of Kangxi and Peter I)
Sun C.
Department of History of Science and Technology Ural State University - UPI (1999-2017)
Zapariy V., Zaitseva E., Doroshenko V.
Touches to the Intellectual Biography of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.N. Efimov: The Ural Start
Bersenev V., Sukhikh V.
On the System of Watermarks Used at Various Factories of Goznak for the Manufacture of the First Paper Banknotes in the RSFSR in 1919-1922
Alyamkin A., Baranov A.
The Newest Historiography of Yekaterinburg-Sverdlovsk: To the 300th Anniversary of its Foundation
Kamynin V.
Interview with Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, as an Example of «Living History»
Zapariy V.
History of the Scientific Rationale of the «Telemedicine» Concept: Professor K.T. Bird’s Research Group Contribution
Vladzymyrskyy A.
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