The Role of a Person in History (On the Example of Kangxi and Peter I)





Purpose. The article examines the historical conditions in which the activities of Peter the Great in Russia and Kangxi in China took place, the characteristics of the social system of that time, the history of the formation of two personalities, analyzes the policies pursued by the rulers, reforms and their achievements. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and differences of the development and governance of the country during the reign of Peter I in Russia and Kangxi in China and their contribution to history. At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, two monarchs, Kangxi and Peter I, were extremely similar and contradictory, and their influence on the future generation was very different. Results: the article presents a comparative analysis of the reign of two great personalities to gain a deeper understanding of the history of the development of the two countries in the late 17th-early 18th centuries. The role of state leaders is especially important in history. In Russian and world history, the study of the personality of Peter I is one of the main points of researchers. Kangxi is as significant for China as his contemporary Peter the Great is for Russia. In the history of China, the Kangxi era became a symbol of prosperity, and the emperor himself was considered an exemplary ruler.


Changde Sun

Liaocheng University

Shandong, China


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