Tyumen Museum of the History of Science and Technology Trans-Ural: People and Collections





The article investigates the history of a unique university museum, the largest and the only institution of its kind in Siberia. The authors considered objective and subjective factors in its creation: mutual influence of the processes of formation of Tyumen oil and gas region, new technical university and scientific and technical museum; the role of V.I. Kopylov, A.N. Kosukhin, I.V. Lebedev, their associates and confederates in creation and development of the museum and its collections. Much attention is given to the first director of the museum V.E. Kopylov. The peculiarity of museum expositions is that the main attention at formation of showrooms was paid to little-studied or unknown facts of history of machinery of the ХVII - ХХ centuries. Emphasis was placed on showing the most significant events of national history in scientific, technical and industrial respect, on the role of prominent scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs of Russia and Tyumen region.


Viktor Karpov

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: 7654321.58@mail.ru
Professor, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor Tyumen, Russian Federation

Nadezhda Gavrilova

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: nygavrilova@mail.ru
Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Associate Professor Tyumen, Russian Federation

Olga Golovanova

Tyumen Industrial University

Email: golovanova.o@list.ru
Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor Tyumen, Russian Federation


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