
Adaptive Enterprise Management in the Conditions of Formation of Financial and Economic Security: Theoretical Aspects
Alferov V., Meshkova G., Osadchy E.
Issues of transformation of regulatory and legal regulation in the field of the use of nuclear energy under the conditions of digitalization
Lizikova M.
Concept of the Organizational risk Management Square
Turgaeva A.
About Strategic Directions of Information Security Protection and Further Development of the IT Sector
Kiselev A., Barkov A.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the CIS countries
Ivashina E., Maskalenko E.
Dynamic Aspect of Forecasting Demonstrative-Protest Crime
Ilyin I.
The Basic Basis for Ensuring the Social Security of the Region
Turgaeva A., Kochetkova N., Orlova E.
Causes and Conditions of Corruption in the System of State and Municipal Procurement in the Context of Economic Security
Gaponenko V.
An innovative method of managerial decision-making based on risk tolerance management of organizations in various sectors of the economy
Zubova L., Astashenko A.
Constitutional and Legal Regulation of the Foundations of Modern Security Through the Prism of Respect for Rights and Freedoms
Zhigalova E., Shelegov Y.
The Content of an Individual Medical Profile as a Tool for Improving the Criminal Safety of Medical Care
Bikeev I., Latypova E., Gilmanov R.
Elements of Competition Restriction: Legal Aspects
Tokhsyrova K.
Development of a methodology for checking counterparties to implement the principle of due diligence
Kashirskaya L., Zurnadzhyants Y., Kutsaya S.
Price Formation Mechanism and Reasons for the Increase in the Cost of Motor Fuel in the Context of Economic Security
Alaberdeev R., Gaponenko V.
Environmental Welfare and Protection of the Environment (By the Example of the North Caucasian Federal District)
Baikhanov A.
Taxation of Agricultural Producers as a Factor of State Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia
Anisiforov T., Battalova L., Krasheninnikov S.
Increasing competitiveness as a factor of ensuring corporate security of the enterprise
Kashirskaya L., Rozhkova A., Tanacheva A.
On the Legal Regulation of Restrictions Associated with the Emergence of Epidemics in the Territories of the Russian Federation
Grischenko L., Sinodov I.
Some Areas of Activity of Law Enforcement Agencies and the Main Problems Arising in the Field of Ensuring Economic Security of Russia
Smirnova L., Shamaev A., Bashlueva N.
Problems of the Functioning of the Economic and Legal Mechanism of Money Circulation in the Russian Federation
Anishchenko A., Vybornyy A.
Implementation of sustainable development goals and ESG in corporate governance: issues of personalization of powers and responsibilities
Petrova A.
Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and Legal Aspect
Bondarenko S., Shuisky V.
Legal Protection and Environmental Protection in Mining in the Arctic
Battakhov P.
On the issue of updating organizational and administrative-legal measures in the field of transport security at the facilities of the Moscow metro
Matyukhina M., Uzdenov R.
Prevention of Falsification of Children’s Vaccines and Sanctions Regarding the Production and Sale of Counterfeit Products
Ismailova G.
Theoretical Aspects of Application of Islamic Economic Concept in Modern Conditions of Development of Russian Economy
Bulgakova M.
Participation in Procedural Actions through Video Conferencing: Problems and Solutions, Prospects
Shkhagapsoev Z., Kanunnikova N.
On National Economic Security Metаmorphoses at the Present Stage of Development of Russia and the World Community
Bulgakova M.
Legal Regulation of Public Order in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services
Migunova T., Tolstoluckiy V., Obolenskiy A.
Development of «Science of Self-Improvement» at the Internet Through the Prism of Economic Security of the Individual
Bulgakova M.
Economic Security at the Level of Threats Defined by the Eurasian Economic Union
Gaponenko V.
Corruption in the Field of Procurement and the Security of the Country
Konovalova Z.
Conceptual Scientific Problems of Ensuring the Economic Security of the Russian Federation in a New Reality
Bayramov D.
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