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Vol 19, No 4 (2023)

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Public Law (State and Legal Sciences)

Is there a balance between legal provisions in the field of personal data protection and blockchain technology? (Based on the analysis of the personal Information protection law of the People's Republic of China)

Yakovleva A.V.


With the development of digital technologies and the increase in the volume of personal data, there is a growing need for strong privacy tools to protect against potential harm, such as identity theft, cyberharassment and discrimination. In recent years, blockchain technologies (or DLT distributed ledger technologies) have become widely known due to their huge potential for the single digital market. At the same time, discussions about the combination of blockchain technology and the protection of personal information are gaining momentum. At the international level, the influence of blockchain has gone beyond the financial sphere and began to spread to many other areas. While affirming the prospects of using blockchain in the field of personal information, we cannot ignore some contradictions between the technological rationale of a formal blockchain and the existing legal norms for protecting personal information. This article will present a number of discrepancies between the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (which entered into force on November 1, 2021) and blockchain technology in terms of rethinking the concept of «personal information», identifying various «personal information operators», «personal information processing» in the blockchain and the role of users in the blockchain.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):14-22
pages 14-22 views

Tax duty and liability of online e-commerce platforms

Golovchenko O.N.


The article is devoted to the issues of tax liability, which occurs as a result of improper fulfillment of the tax obligation established in relation to the subject of tax legal relations—an online e-commerce platform, according to the established features of its tax and legal status. In this regard, the author considers various approaches in determining this status in foreign countries in order to determine the most optimal regime for imposing mandatory payments on the results of business activities that sell goods (works, services) on online e-commerce platforms, as well as the results of the online activities themselves. -platforms to detect, prevent and prevent violations in the tax sphere. The considered approaches take into account the principles of tax systems of foreign countries, the presence of which is often dictated by the influence of supranational tax policy on national legislation.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):23-27
pages 23-27 views

Issues of transformation of regulatory and legal regulation in the field of the use of nuclear energy under the conditions of digitalization

Lizikova M.S.


The article notes the objectively determined need for digitalization in the field of the use of atomic energy, its growing role in the development of innovative nuclear energy technologies, and identifies the problems caused by the widespread use of digital technologies in this area. The current state of the national legal regulation of digital transformation in general, and in the energy sector in particular, has been studied. Based on the assessment of the impact of digital transformation on international legal regulation in the field of the use of atomic energy, the author made an attempt to identify features that reflect its structural changes at this stage. It is concluded that international nuclear law responds in a timely manner to the rapid development and spread of digital technologies, which is manifested in its adaptability to changes, increased hybridization of legal regimes and the impact on values, as well as their interconnection and conditionality. The high pace of digital transformation of the legal regulation of the area under consideration requires regular comparative legal research in order to determine its scale and identify relevant changes.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):28-33
pages 28-33 views

On the issue of organizing a mechanism for providing social support and protection for low-income categories of citizens in the Russian Federation

Ivanova E.S.


The article describes organization of the mechanism for providing social support and protection of low-income categories of citizens at various levels. At the beginning, such a category as «low-income citizens», the criteria for classifying individuals as low-income and needy, is explored. Next, the existing system of social protection in the Russian Federation, its components, as well as the functions and significance of social protection for vulnerable categories of the population are examined. As a result of the study, the author comes to the author's definition of social protection and makes proposals for additional protection measures for the category under study.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Legal regulation of state protection of poor citizens in certain foreign countries

Demchenko M.V.


Purpose of the study. The purpose of writing a scientific work is to study the foreign experience of legal regulation of the state protection of poor citizens in certain foreign countries. This topic, although it has received some development in the pages of legal literature, however, has not been comprehensively studied. The paper analyzes the norms in the field of social protection of such countries as Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, China, Japan, South Korea. Conclusions. Exploring the legal basis for the state protection of poor citizens in certain foreign countries, it was stated that at the moment the leaders in the implementation of social policy are certain European countries, as well as South Korea, Japan and some other countries. Each of them has developed its own social security system, regulated by basic regulatory legal acts.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):40-49
pages 40-49 views

On the issue of updating organizational and administrative-legal measures in the field of transport security at the facilities of the Moscow metro

Matyukhina M.G., Uzdenov R.M.


Purpose of research. The problems of a number of organizational and administrative-legal measures in the field of transport security at the facilities of the Moscow Metro are becoming increasingly important. In this article, the authors set the goal of analyzing the possibilities for improving the efficiency of a number of organizational and legal measures in the field of transport security at the facilities of the Moscow Metro. The methodological basis of the presented work is formed by the dialectical method of cognition. Also, the analysis method, logical-legal and comparative legal methods were used in the study. These scientific methods were involved in a meaningful consideration of theoretical sources and regulatory requirements, as well as in the course of studying the norms of foreign legislation. Results. The study of the problems stated in the title of the article suggests that at the moment there is a need for organizational and formal updating of a number of measures in terms of the prevention and prevention of offenses, as well as the regulation of responsibility for their commission in the field of transport security, including torts at the Moscow Metro facilities:

  1. At the facilities of the Moscow Metro, it is advisable to use devices designed for the operational detection of radiation and explosive elements.
  2. It seems possible to conclude that it is necessary to formally update the listed administrative sanctions, by increasing them, in terms of regulating responsibility for committing offenses in the field of transport security, including torts at the Moscow Metro facilities:
    • double the maximum fines provided for by the sanctions of Article 11.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
    • ten times increase the amount of the fine provided for by the sanction of part 2 of article 11.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
    • double the maximum fines provided for by the sanction of part 1 of article 11.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

The social responsibility ranking of business: concept, structure, perspective

Gazizullin R.I.


The article is devoted to a new phenomenon in the sphere of relations between business, the state and civil society—the rating of social responsibility of business. The evolution of ideas about the rating and rating classifications is traced, the definition of the rating of social responsibility of business is given, its structure and the prospect of using it for the purpose of wider involvement of business in solving environmental, social and governance problems in the sustainable agenda are considered.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Problems of labor legal personality underage employers who have acquired full civil legal capacity

Savin V.T.


The purpose of this article, due to the increasing importance in the conditions of further development of the market economy in Russia of such a new subject in the field of labor as an employer-an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and the lack of elaboration of its topic in the science of labor law, is to study the labor legal personality of minor employers-individuals who have acquired based on art . 21 and 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation civil legal capacity in full, identifying the problems of this employer's legal personality related to its application, developing proposals to improve labor legislation regulating labor relations between these underage employers and employees. For its successful achievement, the work analyzes Part 7 of Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the labor legal personality of emancipated and previously married minors, necessary for them to acquire the legal status of a subject of labor relations, which will allow them to act as employers. At the same time, special attention is paid to the dependence of labor legal personality arising from this norm on a similar category of civil law, which caused the need to study the category of «labor legal personality», to conduct a comparative analysis of it with civil legal personality. This allowed the author to draw conclusions: firstly, the onset of civil legal capacity, unlike labor legal personality, does not depend on the physical ability of a citizen to work, the necessary level of which allows him to become a subject of labor law; secondly, minors who have acquired civil legal capacity in full, can always be subjects of civil rights, but, at the same time, they can not always become subjects of labor relations, and even more so, employers who carry out entrepreneurial activities. These conclusions require the elimination of the shortcomings of Part 7 of Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in connection with which the work suggests measures to improve it.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):61-66
pages 61-66 views

On the issue of observance of legal rights and interests in the context of digitalization of housing and communal sphere in Russia

Abrosimov A.V.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the correlation between the processes of digitalization which takes place in the sphere of housing and communal services with the rights and freedoms of citizens in Russia, their legitimate interests guaranteed by the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation. The article discusses the main trends inherent in the processes of digitalization of the housing and communal sector, analyzes legal regulation, scientific doctrine, law enforcement in the context of the using the state information system of housing and communal services. The study analyzes the scientific literature, draws conclusions about the problems of legal regulation on the basis of various sources, outlines the prospects for the development of digital services in the field of housing and communal services, analyzes and summarizes the approaches of various specialists in this field. Also, in the course of the work, the basic principles, fundamental norms that must be taken into account in the digitalization of public services for ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens are identified.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Contractual beginning in voluntary (volunteer) activities and its impact on the rights of an inclusive volunteer in the Russian Federation

Dovnar A.N.


In the given study, the author raises the actual problems of legal regulation of the contractual beginning in voluntary (volunteer) activities, where the work of volunteers who have a disability or limited health is involved: 1) the lack of imperativeness in the obligation to conclude an agreement with volunteers; 2) the difference in approaches to the form and content of the contract with inclusive volunteers. To solve the identified problems, the researcher proposes the introduction of specific changes to the current regulations, as well as the adoption of a separate federal law «On volunteering».

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):73-78
pages 73-78 views

Actual problems of bidding in electronic form in the implementation of rights to land plots in state and municipal ownership

Korolev E.V.


The purpose of the study. In the presented article, it is proposed to pay attention to a rather relevant aspect in the implementation of rights to land plots that are in state and municipal ownership, namely, the main problems are identified when bidding in electronic form. At present, the role of the land has increased significantly, therefore, the formation of certain conditions for the legal regulation of the use of this object is required. Results. The author, by revealing the main changes in the legislation in the area under consideration, reveals the features and shortcomings of the procedure for conducting electronic trading. The lack of practical application of this form of bidding creates certain problems that need to be solved not only by the legislator, but also by the organizers of the bidding. This is necessary in order to avoid organizational problems and reduce the complexity of their implementation for a certain group of participants, for example, elderly people or remote farmers.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):79-82
pages 79-82 views

On the legal nature and liability of passenger cab ordering services

Dzansolova A.A.


Purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of legal status and liability of services of passenger cab ordering. Based on the analysis of legal norms, as well as doctrinal research, an attempt is made to differentiate the concepts used to designate such services, to establish and identify their legal nature. Conclusions: the analysis of legal regulation, doctrinal research and law enforcement practice has shown that there is no unified position on the correlation of the concepts of «cab aggregator», «cab ordering service», «dispatch service», but more often they are used as identical. At the same time, an attempt was made to distinguish them and it was established that these concepts are not identical in scope. It is shown that the legal nature of the subjects that gave rise to the need for legal regulation of relations with their participation and the introduction of the concepts of «owner of the aggregator of goods and services», «service of ordering a passenger cab» has not been fully investigated. The role of such subjects in the process of transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger cab goes beyond the limits of that which is assigned to them in legal regulation and as a consequence the responsibility in comparison with the degree of their participation in legal relations is limited.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Trust management of LLC shares subject to recovery in the framework of enforcement proceedings

Kharin V.I.


The purpose of the study. In this article, the author raises the question of the need for trust management of LLC shares in the context of enforcement proceedings. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship between the rights and obligations of the recoverer, the debtor, the other participants of the company and the company itself. The problems of judicial authorization in relation to foreclosure on the share of LLC are considered. Results. In the article, the author proposes to supplement the legislation with provisions on the trust management of LLC shares at the stage of enforcement proceedings, which can contribute to the effective implementation of the rights of the claimant and the protection of the interests of the company's participants.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):90-93
pages 90-93 views

Criminal Law

Current problems of fraud investigation in the Russian Federation

Shkhagapsoev Z.L., Tutukov A.Y.


Fraud is a crime that is characterized not only by a large number of committed acts, but also by a variety of illegal practices. Criminal legislation establishes in detail the responsibility for various types of fraud, depending on the methods of their commission and the specifics of social relations in which they are distributed. However, there are still many discussions regarding the criminal law framework for combating fraud. Despite the close attention of law enforcement agencies to the stated issues, in practice there are various difficulties in investigating fraudulent activities in modern realities. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the current problems of fraud investigation in the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that in cases of fraud under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a fairly large number of investigative actions are carried out, which are the main way of collecting evidence. Organizational and tactical features of a fraud investigation are directly related to the circumstances of a particular case. Attention is focused on the fact that the investigation of fraudulent activities requires comprehensive training of law enforcement officers, which, among other things, is feasible through consultations with specialists and experts. The relevance of a number of problems for the process of investigating fraud, which must be addressed in order to increase the efficiency of the detection of relevant crimes, is noted.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):94-98
pages 94-98 views

Modern aspects in the situational approach in criminology. Investigative situation: concept, classification, empirical experience

Lozinsky O.I.


The purpose of the research. The article analyzes modern aspects of the situational approach in criminology; discusses the concept and classification of investigative situations, empirical experience in this field of criminology; provides a reasonable assessment of the importance of the situational approach in the investigator's activities to improve the efficiency and efficiency of the preliminary investigation. Conclusions. Situational approach: is the basis for the investigator to make tactical decisions in accordance with the tactical objectives of the investigation; allows the investigator to effectively use scientifically based forensic recommendations related to the use of organizational, technical, tactical and methodological means and methods of investigation; ensures the improvement of the implementation of the investigation of crimes on the basis of its informational and prognostic support; the formation and reform of the situational approach in criminology is a prerequisite for the formation of the foundations of the legal theory of situations (providing the necessary information base for the process of proving legal facts).

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Legal measures of fighting with crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic: world experience and prospects for Russia

Shatalova A.A.


The article analyzes the experience of various countries in the use of criminal law measures to counter violations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the forgery of vaccination passports and false vaccination. Having analyzed the examples of struggle and punishment in different jurisdictions, the author considers the possibilities of applying these approaches in the Russian Federation in case of possible future outbreaks and aggressive mutations of the virus.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):104-108
pages 104-108 views

Actual problems of investigation of crimes related to «financial pyramids»

Galetsky V.S., Anuchina O.V.


The purpose of the study. The relevance of the study is explained by the high social danger of crimes committed on the principle of a «financial pyramid», the negative impact on the economy of the state, the ability to adapt to modern conditions and opportunities provided by modern digital technologies. At the same time, in order to curb the illegal activities of «financial pyramids», law enforcement agencies need to develop new approaches to the disclosure and investigation of these crimes, taking into account the active introduction of new, primarily remote methods of their commission. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving the activities of the preliminary investigation bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to investigate criminal cases initiated on the facts of the organization and activities of «financial pyramids». Conclusions obtained in the course of the study: as a result of the analysis of the most common problems arising in the investigation of crimes related to «financial pyramids», ways of solving them are proposed, practice-oriented recommendations are given aimed at improving the effectiveness of this type of activity, in particular, organizing information exchange with credit institutions, conducting investigative actions, preventing cases of use of substitution subscriber numbers by persons involved in criminal cases, by identifying and documenting violations of administrative legislation by legal entities providing communication services.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Current problems of fighting corruption in the Russian Federation under the conditions of external sanction pressure

Shkhagapsoev Z.L., Khamgokov M.M.


Currently, a large-scale sanctions policy is being pursued against the Russian Federation. It is aimed at a comprehensive limitation of international economic and political interaction. Despite the fact that sanctions are of an economic nature, their impact is much more multifaceted. Currently, the development of illegal practices of various directions under the conditions of external sanctions pressure is clearly demonstrated, which is also relevant for the formation of circumstances that contribute to the transformation of corruption manifestations in Russian society and the state. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the actual problems of combating corruption in the Russian Federation under external sanctions pressure. The authors come to the conclusion that the features of combating corruption in the context of external sanctions pressure are associated with the transformation of the illegal practice of the above-mentioned direction, which is actively carried out in the process of the influence of circumstances formed as a result of the implementation of the sanctions policy by many foreign countries as a response to geopolitical processes, currently taking place in the post-Soviet space. Ignoring these circumstances can lead to an increase in the number of acts committed and the amount of damage caused as a result of the corresponding illegal behavior. The problems identified in the presented study are of a pronounced practical nature, and therefore their prompt solution will positively affect the effectiveness of ongoing anti-corruption activities and will reduce the impact of the sanctions policy of foreign states on the development of illegal practices of corruption in the territory of the Russian state.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):116-120
pages 116-120 views

Determinants of the commission of property crimes using information and communication technologies

Ryazanova E.N.


The author reveals the determinants contributing to the commission of property crimes using information and communication technologies. Structurally, general determinants, special (special) determinants, and individual determinants are distinguished. Within the framework of general determinants, policies are considered-economic, social, cultural and moral causal complexes with an emphasis on information and communication technologies. Special or special determinants regarding property crimes committed using information and communication technologies have been identified. Within the framework of individual determinants, the causes and conditions identical for the commission of specific property crimes in the field of information and communication technologies are identified.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):121-127
pages 121-127 views

International Legal Sciences

International and foreign economic relations agreements of the subjects of the Russian Federation: problems of legal regulation

Logvinova I.V.


The article analyzes the legal nature of the agreements of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of international relations and foreign economic activity. Using analytical methods, formal-legal and historical-legal approaches, the author has come to a number of conclusions of practical importance for the improvement of federal relations in the field of coordination of international activities of Russian regions. In particular, the problem of ensuring control over such forms of international interaction as agreements and other bilateral acts of international cooperation between the subjects of the Russian Federation and foreign partners is posed.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):128-133
pages 128-133 views

Economic Theory

Institutional approach to the role of the state in the economy: modern features

Kushnir A.M.


The purpose of this study is to examine the institutional approach to the role of the state in the modern economy. Based on the analysis of various approaches to the study of this phenomenon, the paper formulates the following conclusions. It has been established that the modern stage of economic development is characterized by a revision of the assessment of the role of the state in regulating the market. It is shown that the state at the same time stabilizes the institutional environment and initiates its changes. It is argued that the state form of management of large communities by establishing and changing the rules of economic activity by minimizing transaction costs is the most common today. It is determined that the key results of state regulation of the economy are the support of innovation activity, promotion of scientific and technological progress, creation of conditions conducive to a favorable investment climate, development of various social programs. It is shown that state participation in socio-economic processes should be balanced and effective, and excessive intervention can lead to corruption and restrict competition.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):134-140
pages 134-140 views

Regional and Sectoral Economics

Institutional conditions for digital integration in Russian industry

Obolenskaya L.V., Bekulova S.R., Abdikeev N.M.


The subject of research in the article is the institutional conditions for digital integration in the Russian industry. By «institutional conditions», the authors mean the legal and regulatory conditions or environment for digital integration. The goal is to develop the classification of digital integration documents in the Russian industry for their presentation in a structural format convenient for analytical work. It is proposed to include among the features of the classification: the functional purpose of the document, the degree of its focus on the industry and the degree of its focus on the digital sphere. On the basis of the proposed classification features, the authors structured an array of legal documents of digital integration in the Russian industry. The resulting structural design includes three blocks of documents, identified on the basis of «functional purpose of the document». The first block covers the key documents that form the institutional and target aspects of digital integration in the Russian industry. The second block consists of key documents that form the institutional conditions for digital integration in the Russian industry in the field of planning, programming and forecasting. The third block included key documents that establish legislative norms, rules and standards related to digital integration in the Russian industry. Within each block, the documents are structured according to their degree of industry and digital focus. It is concluded that the use of the proposed classification features makes it possible to streamline and systematize a vast array of digital integration documents in the Russian industry, presenting it in the form of a visual structural-tabular structure, convenient for analytical work. The study is based on methods of classification and structural analysis, as well as generalization and interpretation of scientific and regulatory information.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):141-148
pages 141-148 views

Directions of digitalization of technological, production and marketing processes of production and trade chains

Bogachev Y.S., Bekulova S.R., Moreva E.L.


The current geopolitical situation contributes to the formation of a regime in relation to the Russian economy aimed at its practical elimination from participation in foreign economic activity. In this regard, the country's leadership has formulated the task of creating a supply economy, according to which Russia should meet the needs of the population in strategic goods practically on its own. An important organizational structure of the functioning of the economy in such conditions are production and trade chains, which are undergoing changes in structure and efficiency in the process of development and dissemination of digital technologies. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the directions of digitalization of the functioning of value chains. The paper proposes a system for improving the organizational structure of supply chains, consisting of the following blocks: production, technological, logistics, service, financial support, managing (coordinating). The structure of each block of the chain is considered. It is shown how digitalization of production and trade chains through the introduction of integration platforms and digital technologies (artificial intelligence, data factory, metaverse) makes it possible to increase the efficiency of interaction between various industry processes. Proposals have been developed to improve the organizational structure, the system of information support for the functioning of value chains based on digital technologies, the system of formation, management and coordination of value chains within the framework of public-private partnership.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):149-154
pages 149-154 views

Features of technological development of industry and business management in the economy of modern Russia

Aliev A.T., Arsentiev Y.N.


The article discusses the features and objectives of the technological development of Russia in response to the sanction’s threats of non-friendly countries on the basis of state support. The concepts of «technological sovereignty» and «import substitution» are being clarified in accordance with the approved Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030, prepared taking into account the proposals of Russian business. A stable exchange rate policy to strengthen the ruble is recommended for technological development. Measures of state support for investment activity based on taxonomy are described.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):155-161
pages 155-161 views

Circular economy in conditions of localized production

Kostygova L.A.


The purpose of writing a research paper is to analyze the current state of the circulating economy of Russia and determine the potential for its development in modern conditions of localization of production. As a result of the research, the problem of implementing the concept of a circular economy in the context of the need to localize the production of critical products is considered. It is determined that a careful attitude focused on a closed cycle of using such resources is currently particularly important for the Russian economy. The potential of production localization processes is characterized. The role of the digital economy and ecosystems based on industrial symbiosis in the implementation of the circular economy in localized production is established.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):162-168
pages 162-168 views

Conceptual approaches to stress testing of the regional economy and assessment of its sustainability: theory and practice

Purtov K.S.


The fragmentation of the study of foreign experience in the issue of methodology for stress testing the region and assessing resilience to crisis situations will determine the relevance of the article and is associated with a number of factors, including a variety of economic and political conditions, different methodologies, restrictions on access to information and the difference in estimated indicators. The article is devoted to the analysis and discussion of the approaches of the Nobel laureates in economics: Richard Thaler, Robert Schiller, Paul Krugman, Gary Stanley Becker, James Buchanan, to identify the features and distinctive conceptual aspects inherent in each of the researchers in the direct or indirect consideration of the topics covered in the articles. The article discusses and summarizes the key factors on which the stress-resistance of the regional economy depends.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):169-176
pages 169-176 views

Challenges in human capital development in Russia in the age of knowledge-based economy

Prichina O.S., Orekhov V.D., Blinnikova A.V.


The article discovers and analyses principal challenges facing an optimal functioning of human capital in Russia and the societal acceptance for these challenges and their reshaping into key strategic aims. The author applies the empiric logically rational problem structuring technique that consists of 12 prognostic stages. The fertility crisis has raised a formidable social challenge that could resolve into either a favourable or unfavourable scenario depending on a certain society and its human capital. The favourable scenario assumes developing a demography management system. However, most countries including Russia fail to accept this challenge in full. A relatively slow initial depopulation pace in Russia—2 percent over 30 years since 1993—is one of the reasons why this social challenge has not been adopted yet. Another challenge facing human capital development relates to the education system and lies in the fact that Russia has encountered a barrier in the proportion of population who get a tertiary education (higher and secondary vocational). Due to this fact large developed countries have approached Russia as to this parameter that is 57 percent. The reasons behind the educational barrier include uncertainty about educational paradigm (related to science or profession) and ambiguous strategic aims in education (priority to availability at the sake of quality and ambiguous expectations of various key consumers). Access to knowledge affects significantly performance efficiency of human capital and this raises, in Russia, a challenge of access of HC to a sufficient amount of knowledge. This challenge is shaped by cross-country barriers and shortages in the information flow system in Russia itself. National projects of Russia such as «Demography», «Health care» and «Education» are aimed to adopt the challenges facing human capital development and this indicates that society starts understanding the significance of these challenges.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):177-185
pages 177-185 views

Assessment of investment activity in tourism and recreation in the region

Romanov E.N.


The purpose of the research. The aim of the study was to develop a comprehensive model for assessing investment activity in tourism and recreation in the region. Based on the conducted research, the following factors determining investment activity in tourism and recreation were identified: the activity of investment processes; entrepreneurial activity; investment climate of the region; demographic processes; the degree of development of the institutional, administrative and legal system; personal and property security of the population; the level of development of the transport infrastructure of the region; competitiveness of the region; quality of municipal infrastructure. The evaluation model was tested on the basis of an analysis of investment activity in the tourism and recreation sector of the Krasnodar region. Results: Based on a comparative analysis with the regions of comparison (the Republic of Crimea, Stavropol region, Rostov region), the following conclusions were made: The directions of increasing the investment activity of the Krasnodar region in the field of tourism and recreation are: improving personal and property security of the population; development of communal infrastructure; development of transport infrastructure. The Krasnodar region faces the task of activating investment processes with the help of an integrated investment mechanism, including measures to maintain and develop the identified factors.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):186-196
pages 186-196 views

Corporate training of employees in companies of the European Union: can we talk about the formation of a European model of a corporate university?

Ananchenkova P.I.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the main features of European corporate universities and to determine their difference from similar structural units that provide the practice of corporate training in the United States of America. In the presented work, the issues reflecting the attitude of the top management of commercial companies of the European Union to personnel policy in general and the formation of intra-company training systems are considered. Taking into account the relevance of the practice of human resource management, the organization of corporate knowledge systems and training, a review of publications reflecting the practice of human capital development has been conducted. The presented review links HR policy with the phenomenon of corporate universities, since they are institutionalized in the corporate organizational system and are conceived as a means of increasing the ability of companies to respond to organizational and technological changes. Thus, an attempt is made to conclude about the possible emergence of a European model of corporate educational practice, different from the practice of corporate training in the United States of America, which is considered the birthplace of in-house training. Conclusions. Currently, investments in training are not limited to specific skills, as in the traditional view of human capital. There is a close connection between personnel policy and the phenomenon of a corporate university, since it is based on the complementarity of personnel practices, which is also influenced by the institutional framework. Despite the fact that over the past two decades European companies have created their own corporate universities, it is not yet possible to talk about a single European model of a corporate university.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):197-201
pages 197-201 views


Automated information system «Control of residency status»

Dolatova D.Z., Moroz V.V.


The purpose of the study is to create an electronic service for determining the status of a tax resident for individuals for the correct and complete calculation of personal income tax for citizens who have left the country. The basic concept of a tax resident, the grounds for the introduction of this service, the advantages of implementing this system are considered. The relevance is due to the fact that in recent years a large number of people have left the Russian Federation, some of whom continue to work for domestic organizations and receive income from Russian sources, without being fully taxed or not taxed at all on personal income, which leads to a shortfall in funds to the state budget.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):202-207
pages 202-207 views

World Economy

Transformation of the energy systems of China and the states of Western Asia in the XXI century

Ermakov D.N., Orlov S.V., Razumov A.A.


The article shows that solar battery and storage battery systems are capable of providing up to 70% of the needs of the population of a country located in the «southern» region of the world in electric energy. In conditions of strong sun and favorable wind rose, small solar panels and wind generators located in private homes are ways to solve global government tasks of saturating the country with energy. The leading position in the world in increasing the pace of use of inexhaustible energy sources is occupied by the People's Republic of China. China and the leading states of Western Asia are united by the accelerated pace of development of inexhaustible energy sources. In some states of the Middle East, within the framework of the «road maps», large-scale financing of programs is carried out, including on the terms of public-private partnership, aimed at the development of solar and wind energy. In the countries of modern Western Asia, the number of sunny days per year is many times higher than the climatic conditions of Europe. This circumstance creates favorable opportunities for the deployment of both small and global solar power plants, the installation of wind generators. The richest source of clean energy in the Arab world with its vast deserts is the sun.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):208-215
pages 208-215 views

The impact of trade facilitation on the import and export trade between China and SCO member states

Fan R.


Since the signing of the Joint Statement of Heads of SCO Member States on Trade Facilitation in 2018, comprehensively promoting the level of trade facilitation has become an important goal and task to promote regional economic and trade cooperation. The trade scale of SCO member countries has been expanding and the total trade volume has continued to grow. This paper will summarize the effects and development of trade facilitation policies by analyzing the development and problems existed of import and export trade between China and major SCO member countries under the trade facilitation policies, and discuss the development suggestions and ideas for the next stage.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):216-229
pages 216-229 views


The need for international cooperation in the field of fintech development

Razletovskaia V.V.


The main trend in the field of financial technologies (fintech) is their increasing influence on the global economic order, international relations, as well as changes in organizational and managerial decisions related to their development at the national level. The article proves that these processes are not just a «reassembly» of the financial system on a new technological basis1, but have all the signs and forms of regular international financial integration. The active introduction of financial technologies into the practice of financial integration justifies the need for international cooperation in this area at a qualitatively different level, taking into account the convergence of technologies and the specifics of national models of fintech development. The results of the study of trends in international relations and forms of their coordination in the field of fintech development are presented: from the formation of intersectoral and interregional ecosystems to international agreements, alliances and coalitions. The stages of international financial integration and their corresponding forms and areas of coordination are highlighted.


1 VTB presented a program for the creation of a financial system of the «Global South»—Газета.Ru | News (

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):230-238
pages 230-238 views

Forming sustainable development of enterprises using innovative digital tools to ensure competitiveness

Yatsenya S.E.


The purpose of the research. Abstract Digital technologies and tools are currently an integral part of sustainable development of enterprises. This article explores the role of digital innovative tools in forming the sustainability of enterprises, as well as analyzes their implementation practice on examples from various industries. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of sustainable development of enterprises based on digital innovative tools and identifies key factors that affect the success of their implementation. Finally, the article analyzes the prospects for the development of an innovative ecosystem in enterprises and provides recommendations for improving innovation implementation mechanisms. Conclusions. The study allows us to draw conclusions about the importance of using digital innovative tools to ensure the sustainability and development of enterprises.

Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2023;19(4):239-247
pages 239-247 views

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