Modern issues of the organizational and legal basis improving of land reclamation

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The article deals with topical issues of the development of the organizational and legal framework for water use in land reclamation. Land reclamation based on a developed reclamation and water management complex largely determines the increase in the efficiency of agriculture, ensuring the country's food security, meeting the needs of the rural population and the agro-industrial complex in water resources. At present, the provision of water resources is complicated by modern climate changes, which cause an increase in the aridity of the climate in the south of the European part of Russia. The performed zoning of the territory confirmed insignificant renewable water resources and high anthropogenic pressure on water bodies of the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, the Republic of Kalmykia and the Rostov Region, which affects not only the volume of water resources available for irrigation, but also the quality. Significant physical deterioration of the structures of the reclamation and water management complex, reaching 80% or more, low values of the efficiency of reclamation systems determine significant unproductive water losses during irrigation. To normalize agricultural water use, ensure accident-free and uninterrupted supply of water of the required quantity and quality to the population and agricultural producers, develop and improve the efficiency of irrigated agriculture, it is important to improve the organizational and legal framework for water use in land reclamation. The principal directions of legal regulation of the development of land reclamation and water management of the country and regions are determined by the need to legally consolidate the transition to integrated water resources management in agriculture, improve existing legislative acts, standardize the rights and obligations of water users, determine the role of the state in the implementation of measures to modernize the water management complex. For the transition to a new technological level of management of the reclamation and water management complex of the agro-industrial complex, the introduction of water accounting systems and control over the use of water resources, the improvement of organizational principles for managing the operation mode of reservoirs to take into account the requirements of agriculture in the zone of insufficient moisture, audit of reclamation systems to assess their effectiveness and long-term planning of agricultural development based on land reclamation and other activities.

About the authors

V. A Shevchenko

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakov


S. D Isaeva

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakov


E. B Dedova

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakov


T. V Naumova

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakov



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