
Legal and organizational aspects of improving the work of the prosecution authorities
Komarova L., Kolesov M.
THe problem of delegation of state authority of the subjects of private law: current practice and doctrine
Romanovskaya O.
The Sources of International Law Legitimacy
Petrova E.
Necessary Development Prospects for the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Luneev V.
The State of Legality in the Credit and Banking Industry of the Russian Economy
Bazhanov S.
The Evolution of the Single Tax Payment in Russia: from Voluntary to Mandatory Application
Krasyukov A.
Koordiniruyushchaya rol' OON v podderzhanii mezhdunarodnogo mira i bezopasnosti i rol' rossiyskoy diplomatii v formirovanii spravedlivogo i ustoychivogo miroustroystva
Zhilkin V.
Conceptual Approaches to the Organization of Prosecutorial Activities in the Fight Against Global Corruption
Kakitelashvili M.
System and Spatial Organization of the Existence of Administrative Law
Yusupov V., Bratanovsky S.
Problems of Legal Regulation of Educational Development under Conditions of Regional Integration (on the Example of the EAEU)
Galushko D.
Artificial Bankruptcy of Credit Institutions and Illegal Withdrawal of Bank Assets Abroad
Bazhanov S.
Powers of the prosecutor during pretrial proceedings to protect the rights of victims of crimes
Komarova L., Kolesov M.
Economics as a kingdom without-law
Osipov Y.
1 - 13 的 13 信息


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