The State of Legality in the Credit and Banking Industry of the Russian Economy

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This article is devoted to the state of legality in the credit and banking industry of the Russian economy. Despite the attention paid to its improvement, the situation in it remains unfavorable, the number of crimes committed are significant. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, since 2015, more than 70,000 reports of criminal encroachments related to banking have been received annually by law enforcement agencies. As a result of their consideration, only 36.7 thousand criminal cases were initiated in the expired 2016. The widespread use of the facts of embezzlement of bank money by banks and their customers. Crimes of this category in 2015-2016 were found in most regions of the country. For their commission, organized criminal groups were often created, in the unlawful schemes of which «one-day firms» were involved. In order to facilitate the implementation of criminal intentions, the information constituting bank secrecy was illegally divulged, and financial accounting and reporting documents were falsified. Illegal actions of bank employees often led to a revocation of the credit organization’s license and its subsequent bankruptcy. Negative influence on the state of legality in the sphere in question is rendered by unlawful banking activity and illegal withdrawal of funds abroad. The effectiveness of disclosure of related crimes remains low. According to information provided by the prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in 2016 year, according to the results of the preliminary investigation and inquiry, only 30.2 thousand criminal cases of the analyzed category were sent to the court (12.6%).

About the authors

S V Bazhanov

The Scientific Research Institute of the Academy of the Prosecutor General of the RF



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