THe semantic approach to law as an integral foundation of the typology of new legal knowledge

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This article examines the semantic approach to law as a uniting platform in the process of explanation, description and understanding of scientific novelty of legal knowledge. The author believes that the convergence of scientists on questions of the concept of law it is necessary to correlate with these questions, the problem of the nature and specificity of legal knowledge, which is uniform and often varies within appropriate types of scientific rationality: classical, nonclassical and postnonclassical. Therefore, it is proposed author’s vision of the solution to the problem of the «irreducibility» of the various approaches to the law (to ensure its integrity or integrative), as the most profound philosophical and ideological basis of such a combination is the sense of entitlement. The author comes to the conclusion that the semantic approach allows to optimally combine the material-existential and ideal-spiritual components of the phenomenon «law» in society, but also to expand the range of algorithms to obtain new legal knowledge in unity of classic, nonclassic and postnonclassic.

About the authors

Y A Gavrilova

State Volgograd State University



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