Dignity as a subject of pedagogical reflection (to the solution of a contemporary issue by means of analysis of foreign thinkers’ of the past thoughts on dignity)

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The relevance of the paper is motivated by the importance of understanding the category of «dignity» as a category of pedagogical ethics. The author motivates the social relevance of solving a pedagogical plan of the issue of dignity by the fact that the value of dignity in current geopolitical and sociocultural conditions can become the basis of mutual understanding of peoples aspiring to preserve their cultural identity, to recognize the right to uphold traditional values for each of them. While developing a theoretical plan of the issue, the author proceeds from the idea that the basis for its solution should be an analysis of the ideas of thinkers and philosophers of the past that are of great importance to the present. The paper shows how the content of the «dignity» category, which is relevant for pedagogical ethics, is gradually being formed. Understanding of dignity by Plato is correlated with its understanding by Aristotle: for Plato, dignity is a virtue, which is manifested in the worthy behavior of a person, the quality of the soul (the dignity of the soul lies in wisdom); Aristotle connects dignity of a person with his/her deeds and actions, points to the importance of dignity in friendship based on equality, and not on superiority, on the inherent value of a person, and not on the choice of friends for benefit or pleasure. Summing up the analysis of the ancient thinkers’ ideas on dignity, the author draws special attention to the fact that it is the orientation to recognition of the dignity by each party of communication that is considered the basis of its adequacy. When analyzing ideas of T. Hobbes and I. Kant, the concept of «price» of a person becomes the key one. The author shows that T. Hobbes speaks of dignity as the superiority of some subjects over others (intellectual dignity, implying mental abilities, social value of a person, that is, the «price» given to him/her by the state) and emphasizes the social status of the phenomenon of dignity. I. Kant distinguishes between the concepts of «price» and «dignity», assuming that dignity has neither value nor equivalent, it is higher than price and evaluation, that a person is respected for dignity as an internal moral value, and not for the origin and social status. The author of the paper insists that the value of dignity has the supra-situational importance in teacher-students interaction, it is based on recognition of the equality of all people in moral terms, regardless of their level of morality, social status and social roles performed, determines not only equal attitude of the teacher to all students, but also his/her attitude to him/herself and the attitude of students to him/her.

About the authors

Vladimir P. Bezdukhov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: vlbezdukhov@mail.ru

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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