Personally oriented model of education in the context of the concept of spiritual and practical development of the world in morality

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The article outlines the importance of a personality-oriented model of education in the field of a harmonious combination of the interests of the individual, consisting of free self-development and preservation of individuality, and the interests of Russian society, the most important of which is the self-development of each of its members under the sign of morality. The theoretical foundations of a personality-oriented model of education are outlined: the value of the student’s personality; education of a person of culture as the goal of personality-oriented education; subjective experience of the individual as its content. It is proposed to consider a personality-oriented model of education as a theoretical construct formed by cognitive, axiological, activity-creative and personal modules, including knowledge, values, methods of activity and creativity, personal characteristics, respectively. The content of the activity-creative module is supplemented with such a component as a way of mastering the world in morality. The main provisions of the concept of spiritual and practical mastery of the world in morality are revealed: the mastery of the world by a person in morality presupposes knowledge of morality, which appears not in an explicit form, but in a transformed form – through a special method of assessment, through requirements; the individual not only assimilates moral demands proposed from the outside, but is an active subject in their development. The role of moral consciousness in a person’s spiritual and practical mastery of the world in morality is revealed, providing a search for the value-normative meaning of people’s actions and relationships, on the basis of which the relationships between people are assessed. It is substantiated that students’ spiritual and practical mastery of the world in morality is possible within the framework of a personality-oriented model of education.

About the authors

Anzhelika N. Tsepkova

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer of Department of Faculty of Secondary Vocational and Pre-Vocational Education

Russian Federation, Samara


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