Formation of students’ value attitude towards health in physical education classes

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The article poses the problem of educating students focused on preserving and strengthening health. The specificity of value as a relationship and as a value is revealed and the relationship between the concepts of «value» and «attitude» is revealed. It is substantiated that health, acquiring significance for the student, is thereby endowed with personal meaning, acquiring the status of value. The features of the value attitude towards health as a structural formation, the components of which have specific content, are revealed. The structure of students’ value attitude towards health is determined, including cognitive, motivational-value and behavioral components. The content of the components of students’ value attitude towards health is revealed: knowledge about human health, about a healthy lifestyle (cognitive component); the values of «health», «healthy lifestyle», «responsibility», «independence», which take the form of motives for the student’s activities to preserve and strengthen his own health (motivational-value component); actions and actions aimed at preserving and strengthening health – physical activity, proper nutrition, etc. (behavioral component). The possibilities of physical education classes at a university in forming a value-based attitude towards health among students are revealed. The choice of methods is substantiated to effectively form the cognitive component of students’ value attitude towards health (methods such as story, explanation, clarification), the motivational-value component (ethical dialogue, discussion, example, situation of value choice), and the behavioral component (exercise and training). Examples are given of the use of explanation, ethical dialogue, and situations of value choice in physical education classes at a university in order to form students’ value-based attitude to health.

About the authors

Vyacheslav T. Volov

Samara State Transport University


doctor of technical sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences, doctor of economical sciences, doctor of sociological sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, head of Natural Sciences Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Sergey A. Serper

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of economical sciences, head of Physical Education and Health Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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