Moral experience: pedagogical aspect

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This article explains the importance of educating the younger generation, which is the source of the content stored in the memory of the moral value of the last moral experience; it is shown that a person with moral memory is able to decrypt the text, which contains the previous moral experience, «revive» the cultural content stored in the culture and morality of moral experience; the content of the concept of «moral experience». The author identifies the characteristics of such experiences; shows that the ideas in the mind of the person are born in the process of identifying discrepancies between the concepts of «good», «justice», «tolerance», «freedom», etc. and reality; shows how the image of moral teachers, perceived by students, distributes a moral light that, dispelling the darkness of immorality, highlights the values of goodness, mercy, justice, etc., throws «moral shadow» on the relationship between teacher and student. The author explains that the moral gravity field of teachers and students occurs in the mutual penetration of their «moral shadow»; explains the essence of the fullness of virtue, the essence of golden rule fullness; concludes that modern education should be based on the values that the student draws from the past and present moral experience.

About the authors

Anna Vladimirovna Guschina

Murmansk Arctic State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, vice rector for academic and educational work

Russian Federation, 183720, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov street, 15


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