Life on the basis of morality golden rule as the idea of students’ moral education

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This paper provides evidence of the importance and necessity of students’ moral education. The authors show that moral education should be based on the idea that is born in inter-transitions of thought (subjective) and conceivable (objective). It is revealed that the idea points to a lack of life, consisting in the fact that the notions of «good», «boon», «humanity» don’t correspond in a true way to the reality in which a person lives and thinks about life. The authors show that all the previous development of ethical and pedagogical thinking contains the proof of the idea of good. The authors reveal that the idea as a system-forming link of the transition from values «for oneself» to the value «for another» is the pinnacle in the hierarchy of norms. The paper contains an idea of students’ moral education - life on the basis of morality golden rule which as value it is a link of the transition from values «for oneself» to the value «for another», as the norm it normalizes mutual relations and human interactions with the world and people. The authors also show the difference between value and norm: value is an internal regulator of activity and behavior, norm is an external regulator. The authors reveal that the realization of morality golden rule, which contains the required, proper and prescriptive, by the teacher contributes to the ordering of the meanings of life that become its reference points and to the normalization of student interaction with the world and with people. The authors show that in the process of interaction in the context of morality golden rule, a teacher, provoking counter activity of the student in mastering his/her values, stimulates their implementation by the schoolchild in such a way that other people as well as himself/herself are guided by morality golden rule.

About the authors

Vladimir Petrovich Bezdukhov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation

Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Bezdukhov V.P., Pozdnyakova O.K.

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