Humanistic values as a system-forming principle of the professional activity of a teacher

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Critically important question concerns the problem of humanistic values as a system-forming principle of the professional activity of a teacher. That is motivated by the necessity of solving the task of educating a humanistically-oriented student in the framework of a damaged value paradigm. The article proves the values in the professional activity of the teacher and emphasizes the role of humanistic values as a system-forming principle of the professional activity of a teacher. That is important in the framework of the humanistic ethics. The article shows that the focus of humanistic ethics has always been under consideration. Moreover that is important to show that the key vision of the humanistic ethics is the knowledge of a man which is necessary concerning the values and norms of life as an individual, and society as a whole. It shows that humanistic ethics consider humanistic values to be accepted by all higher forms of culture and common to these forms. The authors of the article analyze humanistic values and find it is important to show that some scientists identify humanistic and universal values. The article shows that humanism values is a system-forming principle of the professional activity of a teacher and it helps the teacher to form, to educate and to develop the human in a child, participate in his up-bringing process. Thus, the teacher aims not to remain outside his field of humanistic vision. The article analyzes the factors affecting the effectiveness of the realization of values. Moreover the article describes the fact that moral values are becoming humanistic values. To do so, it is necessary to consider interpersonal collaboration between a student and a teacher. Humanistic approach has a big role. The authors of the paper believe the importance of «reflection-in-itself-reflection and-in-another» in a teaching process for further warm cooperation between a student and a teacher as well as understanding of the role and mechanisms of humanistic values. The essence of normative professional activity of the teacher is revealed.

About the authors

Vladimir Petrovich Bezdukhov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education


doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2018 Bezdukhov V.P., Pozdnyakova O.K.

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