The problem of the development of prospective teachers’ competence to create a social space of preschool children’s relationships

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Constant socio-economic and political transformations in the Russian Federation are reflected in all spheres of human society. Within the framework of universal competition, the main resource and value is qualified labor, which is based on advanced scientific knowledge, concepts and achievements. Recently, the designated problem has received increased attention from both the state education system and employers, which is why this work is relevant. The question of high-quality training of specialists with the declared competence becomes significant. The paper discusses theoretical approaches to the problem of the development of the competence in question, assesses its current state and determines the role of this phenomenon in the life of a modern person. Today, the socio-communicative direction of the development of children in general, and the construction of the social space of preschool children’s relationships in particular, is a priority area of activity of the preschool educational institution, requiring special knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher. The end result of the activity of any higher educational institution is the professional training of a professionally competent graduate who is able to adapt to constantly changing socio-economic conditions. The problem of the development of the competence under study in the educational environment of the university is relevant in the situation of education reform. The way to solve this problem is seen in the improvement of the educational process, which is based on the professional training of prospective teachers, taking into account the requirements of educational standards.

About the authors

Marina Sergeevna Krakovskaya

Pedagogical College; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.

lecturer of Pedagogy of Additional Education Department; applicant of Institute of Education and Humanities

Russian Federation, Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad Region; Kaliningrad


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - The structure of the competence of building a social space of relations of preschoolers among future teachers

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